Trustpilot Stories

Meet the pets of Trustpilot

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Cute brown and white dog sitting on couch looking at camera

Whether you’re working from home, trying to support your kids during remote learning, or just finding it tough to manage your mental health, we know this year has been difficult.

At Trustpilot, our employees (also known as Trusties) have been feeling it too. Personally, I’ve found it difficult to maintain relationships with my fellow Trusties without our regularly scheduled lunch dates and after work outings. While working from home has its benefits (said while looking affectionately at my drawer full of sweatpants), it can be extremely isolating.

But recently there’s a place where I’ve unexpectedly found a sense of connectedness and comradery amongst my colleagues, and that is a slack channel we call #club-trustpilot-pets.

I don’t know who had the genius idea to start a channel dedicated to pet pictures accompanied by funny anecdotes or witty captions, but I owe that person a debt of gratitude for the daily joy this channel brings me. I regularly find myself checking the pets channel to see what antics Bobby the black lab has gotten into or what Sausage the cat has found in the garden, or to share pictures of my dogs with the rest of my Trustie pet lovers.

And although there's a friendly but serious debate about dogs vs cats, this channel is a place where pet owners (and aspiring pet owners) can retreat for a quick dose of pet therapy. With that in mind, I asked Trusties to share more details about their furry friends.

Keep scrolling to meet the pets of Trustpilot!

Meet Henry

Henry, a black dog, relaxes on a cushioned chair

From Henry’s Human:

We got him in December last year so we've had the fun of a puppy growing up through lock down. When Henry wants attention, he's not shy about letting us know. So if I'm on a call or focussed on something he might start whinging, pawing at me, nudging me constantly or he'll just stand with his paws on my feet until I move.

My wife spent a weekend planting some flowers and plants in the garden, we were pleasantly surprised that Henry did go near them for weeks! Then the day came, we stepped outside and he had destroyed them all and Henry was very happy with himself.

Meet Figaro and George

Figaro and George, two cats, sitting behind pumpkins looking somewhat bewildered...
Figaro and George, two cats, lying on a couch

From Figaro and George’s Human:

Figaro is 3 years old (he came with us from Brooklyn to London...traumatic), and George, a 1-year old chubby British shorthair. There are no flies in our house because…George catches them and eats them, usually right next to me. 🤢

Figaro caught a big moth one evening, and then hid away in a corner with it in his mouth staring and growling at us because he’s such a scary predator with his prey, but otherwise our cats are boring!

Meet Pepper

pepper, a brown dog, stands on a kitchen floor looking at the camera

From Pepper’s Human:

Pepper once did a "drive-by" on a random family’s picnic in the park and got away with a sausage McMuffin.

Meet Sausage

Sausage, a grey striped cat looks to have its tongue hanging out?

From Sausage’s Human:

We’ve had Sausage almost seven glorious years this December. I got him from the N1 Cats Protection centre in London. He was 2 years old and was living on the streets when he was saved and taken to the shelter. I believe strongly in rescuing animals, especially older animals, as there are far too many cats and dogs euthanized due to over-breeding, etc. in the UK where two cats are abandoned every hour!

When we first moved to my new house last May, Sausage escaped over the fence and into the wild brambles behind the train tracks that run along the back of our garden. With his FIV he isn't meant to go out of the garden. I was in hysterics and had to recruit my friend to come help me search. I met all of my new neighbours, in tears, asking to search their gardens. I even had the emergency rail services agree to shut down the train if we hadn't found him by sunrise. Eventually he did come back. But it was hilarious to think back at all of my brand new neighbours and the men on the tracks all collectively yelling 'Sausage' into the night.

Meet Simba

Simba, the Trustpilot office dog!

From Simba’s Human:

Simba is probably our floor's favourite stress ball. He's the most placid dog I've ever had, or met for that instance. His favourite activity is to lay in one comfy spot and observe people. When the office was open and filled to the brim in our wing, Simba would be the one constant on the couch near the CEO's office. The people petting him would constantly rotate. My absolute favourite situation is when people are obviously in a hurry, late for meetings most probably, and still slouch down to show him some love.

Meet Remus

Remus, a striped cat, lies calmly on a cushion

From Remus's Human:

It was long time in our plans to get a pet but since both myself and my partner were working long hours, it was very difficult to create a good and safe environment for the new member. During the pandemic and WFH, we thought it was a great opportunity to adopt Remus. Breakfast, lunch or meeting breaks are great excuses to go play, pet or just stare at him, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Meet Bobby

Bobby, a black dog, looking at the camera

From Bobby's Human:

This is our Bobby our 3-year old Labrador. We got him 2 weeks before hosting Christmas for 20 people. I wouldn't recommend it...

I have two kids, one with additional needs and walking the dog in the woods every morning was the best possible antidote to lockdown. It started a daily routine, it got us into nature, it gave us time to reflect and plan every day during those tough times.

Bobby's the only dog I know who LOVES going to the vets. This may have something to do with liver paste and being allowed to jump all over the team there without being told off and sent to his bed.


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