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How to verify your Threads account using your Mastodon profile

How to verify your Threads account using your Mastodon profile


It’s actually a very simple process. Here’s the step by step.

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Vector illustration showing different aspects of the Mastodon app.
The Verge

As explained in a recent article, Meta has rolled out the ability to verify a link to your Threads profile on social media platforms like Mastodon, according to a Threads post from Instagram head Adam Mosseri. In other words, the Mastodon account on your profile will show a verified checkmark for a Threads profile — so you’re using your Threads account to signal to people looking at your profile on Mastodon that you own the Threads link you’re pointing to.

What’s the significance of this? A post from Threads engineer Jesse Chen, known on the site as 0xjessel, explains that “for folks outside of the Fediverse this might not mean much, but my hope is that folks take this as a sign that we’re embracing open standards seriously.”

It’s a pretty straightforward process. However, while it worked for us, at least one Verge staffer had problems with it, as did some others who tried it, so there’s a chance it may not work for you.

Here’s how we were able to do it:

Mastodon profile page for jaypeters.
Now, my Threads account is verified on Mastodon.
Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge
  • On Threads, go to your profile (using the bottom-right profile icon).
  • Select the Edit profile button.
  • Where it says Link, add your Mastodon profile URL. (You can do this by copying and pasting your full Mastodon URL — say, — from your browser into the Link box in Threads.)
  • Now, go to your Mastodon profile and select Edit Profile. (This may differ slightly depending on the app you use.)
  • There should be a place (again, depending on the app you use) to add a new link. Add your Threads profile URL and save the changes. (You can do this by copying and pasting your Threads URL — say, — from your browser into Mastodon.)
  • After you make and save that change, your Mastodon profile should show a green verification checkmark next to your Threads profile URL.

Success! (Hopefully.)

Update August 10th, 2023, 10:25AM ET: This article has been updated to add 0xjessel’s comment.