Award-Winning Mobile App
Development Services for
iOS and Android

Leverage our decades of experience in mobile
app development, and hire us to build robust, scalable,
and user-friendly mobile apps on both Android
and iOS platforms for your business.

Our cutting edge solutions for
mobile app development

Our mobile app development solutions are tailor-made and customized
for your specific business needs and requirements.

Tools & technologies used for
mobile app development services

We are always one step ahead of our competitors when it comes to using and
deploying tools and technologies for our mobile app development services.


  • Java


  • Kotlin


  • Swift


  • Objective-c



  • Reactive-Cocoa

    Reactive Cocoa

  • Socket-io

  • Alamofire


  • Moya



  • Firestore


  • Sqlite


  • Realm


  • Coredata



  • Jest


  • Enzyme


  • Test IO

    Test IO

  • Appium


Design & launch world’s
most popular mobile apps

With TechAhead, you are choosing a solid partner for conceptualizing, designing,
and launching mobile apps for millions of users, across the globe.

Passionate Team

Our 250+ strong team of passionate designers, developers, solution architects, and business analysts are ready to serve you.

Decades of Experience

With 14+ years of experience, we are disrupting the status quo, and unleashing never seen before innovation.

Successful Deliveries

We successfully delivered more than 2000 mobile apps, digital platforms, and IoT solutions, empowering millions of users.

Business Consultancy

Our sharp business acumen and expertise translate to consistent success for your mobile and digital business.

Global Brands

We boast of a global clientele that includes American Express, Audi, Disney, AXA, ICC, and more brands.

Best of Both Worlds

Our creative UX/UI experts are based in Los Angeles, US, while talented programmers are based in New Delhi, India.

Incredible success stories of our mobile
app development services

Find out how we enabled our clients to attract millions of new users, climb
the popularity charts, and bring in millions of dollars of revenues by enchanting
and delighting their users. Here are our fascinating success stories.

Engarde - MATCHMAKING PLATFORM FOR GAMERS - Mobile App Development


A unique eSports app where gamers can
participate, collaborate and earn money by
playing games
Rental Host


We enabled a vibrant community
of rental hosts to do more business with
powerful mobility & digital solutions.
Rental Host VACATION APP REDEFINED - Mobile App Development Company

Our featured clients

  • AXA
  • Audi
  • Allianz
  • ICC
  • Lafarge
  • Great American Insurance Group
  • ESPN-F1
  • Disney
  • American Express
  • Cengage

We partnered with AXA, world’s 2nd biggest insurance firm & provided 80% faster roadside assistance.

We sculpted a powerful digital platform for world’s second biggest financial services firm: 205 year old AXA, with a market value of €780.9 billion.

Case Study
Partnered with AXA - Mobile App Development Company

TechAhead has delivered the full stack. They had been very
communicative and flexible with their management. The internal
team had direct access to their development team, who led
a responsive workflow, as well. Overall, the team carried
out great quality of work.

Al Romero Product Manager, Real Estate Company

Our methodology for
developing mobile apps

We understand that ensuring a seamless user
experience is the key to success for any mobile
app. This is the reason our mobile app development
company has deployed a human-centric approach
combined with a sharp technological push
for developing mobile apps.

Validation of Idea

We carry an in-depth validation of the mobile app idea, based on behavioral patterns and target audience.

App Wireframing

We visualize the app idea via app wireframing and present the exact user journey of target users, based on the business needs.

App Prototype

Based on wireframe and the feedback, we will develop a prototype of the mobile app by using advanced tools and software.

Mobile App Development

Once prototype is approved, we develop the app based on human-centric design, and best practices of Android and iOS platforms.

Testing & QA

Based on the responsiveness, stability, and scalability, we rigorously test the mobile app to ensure a seamless user experience.

Go-Live & Maintenance

Once the mobile app is live on the app stores, we will assist you in maintaining the app, and optimizing its performance.

Wish to build your dream app
but confused about the platforms?

Mobile app development company
for different industries

We are among the top mobile app development companies, having deep
expertise in delivering powerful and scalable mobile apps for different industries
and sectors. We specialize in both B2B and B2C mobile app development.












Wellness & Fitness








Social Media


Food & Restaurant



Real Estate

Real Estate

Mobile app development:
Everything you need to know

Benefits of mobile app development

There are more than 3 billion smartphone users in the world and around 300 million in the USA alone. If your business doesn’t have a presence in the mobile ecosystem, then, frankly speaking, your business is buried deep in the cave where no one can reach it. Having a mobile app is no more a luxury, it has become a necessity for every business because your customer is on the mobile.

How to choose a reliable partner for mobile app development services?

The only way to find a credible and trusted mobile app development company is checking out their past projects, and finding out how happy their clients are with their services. Listings on top ranking sites such as Clutch are an added benefit to find how reliable your mobile app development company is.

Why TechAhead for mobile app development?

With 14+ years of solid experience in the mobile app development niche, TechAhead is ranked among the top mobile app development companies in the world. In the last decade, we have delivered 2000+ mobile apps and digital transformation platforms to some of the biggest brands, globally.

What are the top mobile apps developed by TechAhead?

TechAhead has developed and delivered 2000+ mobile apps for 700+ global brands that include the likes of American Express, Audi, Disney, AXA, ICC, and more. We have served Fortune 500 companies and enterprises, as well as startups and SMEs who wish to dominate the mobile app ecosystem.

What about data security and integrity of mobile apps?

Our mobile app development methodology is heavily inclined towards ensuring complete safety and security of your data, users’ data, and critical business intellectual property. We ensure that crucial processes such as authorizations & authentication are encrypted, and behind firewalls for 100% safety of your data.

How to get mobile app maintenance services after launch?

TechAhead will not only assist you in conceptualizing and launching your mobile app, but will also offer round-the-clock app monitoring and maintenance services so that your app performs seamlessly, and without any bugs and anomalies. We will also help our clients in optimizing the app’s performance and ensuring consistent results.

Insights on mobile
app development strategies

Read our exclusive and deeply insightful blogs on agile consulting ideology, strategies,
and market trends, and achieve fruitful business results for your enterprise.

iOS vs. Android App Development: Choosing the Right Platform

iOS vs. Android App Development: Choosing the Right Platform

Mastering iOS App Development: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

Mastering iOS App Development: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

Building Exceptional User Experiences with iOS App Development

Building Exceptional User Experiences with iOS App Development

FAQs- more on mobile app development company

Absolutely. We take intellectual property issues seriously and professionally. For every project, we sign NDA and the clauses specifically mention the complete privacy and confidentiality of your business idea.

As a leading mobile app development company, we will publish your mobile apps on Apple and Google’s platform and this process is part of the agreement that we sign in before initiating the project.

We only deploy tried and tested technologies that ensure 100% results for your clients. Some of the technologies and tools we deploy for mobile app development are (but are not limited to): Android Jetpack, Android Studio, Swift, Kotlin, Java, Flutter, Flinto, and more.

Yes, besides providing a wide range of mobile app development services, we have flexible engagement models. In order to meet your exact business needs, we provide you a choice of three hiring models, which defines the collaboration between you and our team.

These models are- Time and material, Staff Augmentation, and Fixed Cost. You can choose whichever model fits best for your business.

Time & Material
This model is best suited for Agile projects and can use an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly rate for the amount of work, tasks, resources, materials, or other expenses that were applied in the development process.

Staff Augmentation
We staff a project based on skill-gap analysis by offering a dedicated team of experts who works as an extended in-house team, with the assurance that our knowledge and expertise help to enhance your capabilities as an organization.

Fixed Cost
Best suited for small-scale projects with well-defined requirements. This follows a milestone-based roadmap; proven to lower the risk for all your operations and optimizing deliverables making them a prompt affair.

As a top android app development company, we ensure that all of these models, no matter how different, offer the same output- transparency and quality deliverables.

It depends upon the business requirements. For businesses that require long-term development and a smooth user experience along with great performance and responsiveness- we recommend them Native apps. Cross-platform is also good when you want mobile apps for both iOS and Android that can give you a huge target audience. As a top mobile app development company in USA, we would recommend what is best for your business and make sure you achieve the success you were hoping for.

Here are some of the must-have features we have integrated into the apps:

  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Map Integration
  • Real-Time Tracking
  • Live Chat Support
  • In-app Messaging
  • Machine Learning Integration
  • Multi-lingual Support
  • Cross-Platform Ability
  • Push Notification
  • Social Media Integration
  • Search Bar With Filters

We integrate features into mobile applications that fit best for your company. Each feature is accustomed according to your requirements.

Yes. As soon as we close our deal, we sign a contract in which we promise to provide complete documentation for the mobile app software or solution that we develop for your business. Being a top iOS app development company in Los Angeles, we sign a non-disclosure agreement with all the clients. At the end of the project, you own the code of your app or mobile solution.

Schedule a free expert session
with our mobile app engineer

Deepak Sinha

Chief Technology Officer

Deepak is CTO at TechAhead, where our team
develops the next-gen mobile apps for global
businesses. He will consult you on the mobile
app development project..

deepak sinha

They trusted us


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      Phone : +91 120 6039900

      Email : [email protected]


      Phone : +91 120 6039900

      Email : [email protected]