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Welcome to

Subscribe on Android

Welcome to Subscribe on Android, a free service that provides simple One Click subscribe links for all Android podcast applications to utilize.

Blubrry.com created the One Click Subscribe on Android protocol to give Android listeners the same One Click subscription experience that iOS and iTunes users have.

As Android podcasting apps adopt the One Click Subscribe on Android protocol, millions of potential listeners using Android Devices will be able to easily subscribe to podcasts.

If the Android listener does not have a One Click supported app we will direct each SubscribeOnAndroid.com visitor to supported Android podcasting apps.

You can help us by encouraging your favorite Android Podcast App to implement the One Click Subscribe on Android protocol.

Android developers, podcast Web site owners and podcast platform developers, please check out the developer page for instructions.

Podcasters wanting to implement One Click Subscribe on Android on their Web sites, please check out the podcasters page for instructions.

Need a podcast app?

Podcast Addict

Podcast Addict

Varies with device

Pocket Casts

Pocket Casts

Varies with device



Version 6.0 and newer

Podcast Guru

Podcast Guru

Version 9.0 and newer



Version 5.0 and newer

Podcast Republic

Podcast Republic

Varies with device



Varies with device



Version 5.0 and newer

Podcast App by Player FM

Podcast App by Player FM

Version 5.0 and newer



Version 5.0 and newer