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Irina Pogor

Save Your Emails from the Graveyard with AI

It’s a typical morning, and your inbox is overflowing—a graveyard of unopened emails.🧟‍♂️💀 But today, you spot a campaign that stops you in your tracks. It’s engaging, personalized, and so on point that you couldn’t help but click through. Now,

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Florin Muresan

Updates Recap: Squirrly SEO 2024

There have been hundreds of updates and new features made to Squirrly SEO in 2023. Just scroll down this list, to see how many were released and announced last year. But let’s talk about 2024 here. Squirrly SEO is a very complex

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Irina Pogor

These Common Mistakes Could Get Your Site Hacked

Are you unknowingly making password mistakes that could get your site hacked? Many site owners still overlook simple steps that can tighten security and prevent those nightmare scenarios of hacks and unauthorized access. So, let’s break down three common password

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Andreea Muresan-Leau

AISQ is Our Brand for the Future

AI Leadership: AISQ. At Squirrly, we’ve been mixing marketing with technology since 2010, using artificial intelligence to change how businesses like yours interact with the world. Our goal has always been to make marketing tools that are smart and easy to use,

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