Be Awesome. Squirrly was built to enable you to be Awesome.

Squirrly Awesomeness:

Latest Announcements
Success Stories
Game Prizes
YouTube Channel
Customer App
Prize Drops

We are a Company described by our teammates as:

“Freedom to develop myself, Opportunity to uncover skills I never knew I had, A place to Grow as a professional, Warm environment, awesome and friendly people who help me see my workplace more like a Bootcamp than a boring ‘ol job place.”

20 squirrlyans took that survey and those were the most common answers.

“Uncover skills I never knew I had” – is probably the most common thing that happens when someone starts working with us.

You can find that we have a Games Division to create games for our customers and our users.

We’re known for gamification and creative giveaways.

We’ve also recently launched a Map section on our site, so that you can reach even more resources which may help you on your digital journey.

The Squirrly teams manage to:

One other awesome thing in the Squirrly Universe is related to the many new Launches, Keynotes and Developer Updates.

Replace Yourself With AI

Start unlocking the full potential of AI technology with 249 genius ways to use ChatGPT for Digital Marketing.