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Introducing our new Wordle Solver tool

Give it a try!

A close-up of part of a Wordle grid. The letters spell "what is the answer".
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Here's a thing. RPS now has a Tools section! But what does that mean for you, our readers? Well, it will depend if you're the kind of person who consults our daily Wordle answer guides, as our first tool is, in fact, a Wordle Solver. It's a new experiment we're trying that's been put together by our guides and tech teams, and the aim is to help you arrive at those sometimes tricky Wordle answers without, necessarily, just resorting to looking up the answer. We'll see how it goes! And if you want to find out more about what it is and why we're doing it, read on below.

If you'd like to take a look at our Wordle Solver for yourself, you can do so right now! Just click the link and it will take you straight to it.

Looking for an alternative to Wordle? Here are eight of our favourite Wordle-likes to add to your morning puzzle routine.Watch on YouTube

The tool itself is quite simple. If you've already got some letters but can't for the life of you work out what the actual Wordle word is, our Wordle Solver will conjure up a list of words that fit the pattern. The answer may well be in there, of course, but think of it more as a nudge in the right direction than straight up, well, cheating. We all have a bit of brainfog occasionally, and our Wordle Solver is designed to help fill those gaps when the words just aren't coming.

As for the why of why we're doing it, it's effectively another string to our (secretly quite strong) Wordle bow. This won't be replacing our daily Wordle guides. Rather, it's designed to sit alongside them, offering a less cheaty-feeling route to that daily dopamine puzzle hit. It's something we've been trying to capture in the way we've structured our hints and clues in our daily guides recently, but even this hasn't quite managed to erase the mild feeling of defeat that comes from typing the word 'answer' into our search bar.

The hope is that this is a neater, and more fun solution to those occasional Wordle blockages, and if you have any feedback on how we can improve it, we'd love to hear it.

It also won't affect anything we do elsewhere on the site. If it's successful, we might start offering more kinds of tools like this, but this isn't a sign that we're moving away from writing great words about good video games. The site will still continue to do what it does best, and this is just a nice, added extra. Think of it like our interactive maps - a cool thing that not only makes our guides better and more useful to you as a reader, but something that also helps us present our work in the best and most effective way possible.

Our Wordle Solver has a very similar goal, and we hope it's similarly useful to you in your daily Wordle adventures.

As mentioned above, we'd love to know what you think of it, and how we might be able to improve it to make it even better. What's more, if all this has sparked thoughts of, 'Well, I wish we had this tool instead...', let us know in the comments below. You never know - we might just be able to make it!

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