Skills Expanded

SQL Server 2008 Advanced Database Administration: Part 2

by Mel Haynes

Part 2 of 3 in the SQL Server 2008 Advanced Database Administration series. This course will teach database administrators and developers advanced database infrastructure design, optimization, maintenance, troubleshooting and security.

What you'll learn

Part 2 of 3 in the SQL Server 2008 Advanced Database Administration series. This course will teach database administrators and developers advanced database infrastructure design, optimization, maintenance, troubleshooting and security. To get the most out of this course, you should have at least one year of experience working with SQL Server 2008 and have a strong grasp of database administration fundamentals.

Table of contents

About the author

Mel has been delivering technical training since 1994. He has trained students across the USA, in Canada, Germany and the UK. As a Member of Technical Staff (MTS) at Bell Labs in Naperville he worked as a C/UNIX software developer and in Quality Assurance (QA) for 5ESS international switching. Mel first taught computer science while completing his Masters in Computer Science at Bradley University in Peoria, IL. He started working with Visual Basic in 1992 and began teaching VB as an MCT in... more

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