
Reactive Programming in Java 12 with RxJava 2

by Russell Elledge

In this course you will learn to use the RxJava Version 2 library to accomplish the goals of the Reactive Manifesto, the software industries standard for Reactive Programming.

What you'll learn

Due to heat limitations, modern computer systems have been unable to increase CPU clock speeds in order to increase chip performance. Instead, chip designers have begun to scale performance using an increasing number of on-chip processor cores.

In this course, Reactive Programming in Java 12 with RxJava 2, you will gain the ability to implement Reactive Programming techniques in order to more fully utilize a modern computer's multi-core CPU.

First, you will learn The Reactive Manifesto, the software industries de facto standard for Reactive Programming. Next, you will discover how the RxJava library can be leveraged to tame the difficult task of implementing asynchronous applications. Finally, you will explore how to apply Reactive Programming to modern day problems like network and database access.

When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Reactive Programming and the RxJava library needed to implement applications and services that exhibit the quality standard laid out in the Reactive Manifesto.

Table of contents

Course Overview

About the author

Russell Elledge is a technologist of over 20 years of software development experience, specializing in large scale service oriented architecture. He believes in helping software technologists understand not just what a technology does, but how best to use that technology without getting into trouble. With an emphasis on the fundamentals of Computer Science and a desire to improve the knowledge and work lives of colleagues, Russell works to be both student of and mentor to those around him.

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