Skills Expanded

What's New in Python 3.7

by Anthony Shaw

Python 3 is the fastest-growing programming language in the world. In this course, you will learn about the latest version, Python 3.7, and how to leverage its new features.

What you'll learn

At the core of Python programming is a thorough knowledge of Python 3 versions. In What's New in Python 3.7, you will learn how to use all of Python 3.7's new features. First, you will learn data classes. Next, you will explore the new breakpoint functionality. Finally, you will discover how to test the performance of your applications and benefit from Python 3.7's speed improvements. When you are finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of Python 3.7 that will help you as you move forward to develop Python 3 applications.

About the author

Anthony Shaw is the Group Director of Innovation and Talent Development at Dimension Data, an NTT company. Anthony is an open-source advocate, member of the Apache Software Foundation and Python Software Foundation and active contributor to over 20 open-source projects including Apache Libcloud and SaltStack. At Dimension Data, Anthony is driving digital transformation for Dimension Data's global clients across 50 countries and 30,000 employees. Key initiatives are software skills, automation, D... more

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