
Strings and Regular Expressions in JavaScript

by Andrejs Doronins

Working with text is a fundamentally crucial task in every programming language. This course will help you deepen your knowledge of the String and Regex API of the JavaScript language.

What you'll learn

There are dozens of ways to manipulate a string to achieve a plethora of tasks. In this course, Strings and Regular Expressions in JavaScript, you'll learn how to write clean and efficient string-manipulating code.

First, you’ll discover the multiple ways that exist to define strings, including template literals and the power of string interpolatation. Next, you’ll explore the String API and how to perform a variety of useful tasks and build a small utility library along the way. Finally, you’ll learn how to apply Regular Expressions judiciously in your code.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of working with strings and regex needed to process text.

About the author

With over 10 years of industry experience, Andrejs is a seasoned tester and test automation professional. His capabilities span from hands-on test automation of UI and Web API layers to handling message-driven architectures. Additionally, he has proven experience in guiding and coordinating teams of testers to formulate comprehensive test plans and cases.

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