
JavaScript Promises and Async Programming

by Nate Taylor

Asynchronous programming is often intimidating, it's not how we normally consider writing code. This course shows how promises and async/await can help simplify async programming.

What you'll learn

Asynchronous programming is often new and confusing when first learning JavaScript. In this course, JavaScript Promises and Async Programming, you’ll gain the ability to handle async programming in JavaScript. First, you’ll explore consuming promises. Next, you’ll discover creating your own promises. Finally, you’ll learn how to use async/await to handle asynchronous programming. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of JavaScript promises needed to handle asynchronous code.

About the author

Nate's first program was written in QBasic on an 8086 clone his dad built. Since then he's written applications in C++, .NET, and Node.js. He spent the first 12 years of his career writing Windows applications before transitioning to write applications for the web. Regardless of the language or type of application he's written, he strives for writing clean, testable, and maintainable code. In addition to his day job as a developer, Nate also enjoys speaking at various conferences. He will typica... more

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