Skills Expanded

Using H2 1 in Your Java Applications: Getting Started

by Nicolae Caprarescu

H2 is a fast, open-source Java database, which has been skyrocketing in popularity in recent years. This course will teach you how to use H2 to help develop, test, and run Java applications, as well as exploring its features and benefits.

What you'll learn

At the heart of any successful system is the ability to carry out each SDLC phase in a manner that is, among other things, easy, iterative, repeatable, open to change, and correct. In this course, Using H2 in Your Java Applications: Getting Started, you’ll learn to use H2 in your Java applications. First, you’ll explore how to use H2 to help with developing systems. Next, you’ll discover how H2 and Spring will make integration testing of your code a breeze. Finally, you’ll see how to use H2 to run your Java applications in a real, production environment. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of H2 needed to build, test, ship, and run any Java application.

About the author

Now an independent consultant, Nicolae started his career in 2013 as a software engineer. Over the years, Nicolae worked on systems ranging from high-frequency Java trading engines to various apps for startups. Nicolae's technical roles have always been full-stack, most often focusing on Java back-ends and web-based front-ends: Java, Spring, JDBC, SQL, Maven, Gradle, TeamCity, Jenkins, TDD, JUnit, mocking, automated testing, JavaScript, Selenium and RESTful. Nicolae's technical interests include... more

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