
Firebase on Android: Cloud Firestore

by Mitch Tabian

Firebase has announced Cloud Firestore as its new flagship database. In this course you’ll learn how to use Firestore to manage your application data with its unique “document-oriented” design.

What you'll learn

At the core of modern mobile application databases is a thorough understanding of Firebase. The Firebase Database is an incredible product, but there’s still a big opportunity for improvement. The Firebase team listened to the feedback from the developer community, and Firestore is their answer. In this course, Firebase on Android: Cloud Firestore, you will learn how to master the new flagship database for Firebase. First, you will learn how to structure data following Firestore's document-oriented design. Then, you will see how to create, retrieve, update, and delete data and images. Finally, you will explore querying individual documents or entire collections with only a few lines of code. When you’re finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of the Firebase Cloud Firestore that will help you as you move forward to develop mobile applications.

About the author

Mitch loves to teach, but his close second is learning new technologies. The tech industry is evolving and changing at an incredible rate. It's almost as though a new coding language is built every day. He feels very lucky to be living through the technology revolution of the 21st century.

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