
Credential Access with THC Hydra

by Lee Allen

THC Hydra is a fast and powerful parallelized network login cracker with support for a wide variety of network protocols. Skill up your brute forcing techniques by leveraging THC Hydra to identify weak passwords.

What you'll learn

There's no way around it - people are going to use weak passwords. THC Hydra will help you identify these passwords so that you can then use the information towards Red or Blue Teaming efforts. In this course, Credential Access with THC Hydra, you will learn how to brute force network logins. First, you will see where THC Hydra fits into the kill chain and the Mitre ATT&CK framework. Next, you will discover how the flexibility of THC Hydra can assist you in cracking passwords for various network protocols. Finally, you will explore how to leverage the password cracking capabilities of THC Hydra towards your own penetration testing or password strength assessment activities. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to efficiently use THC Hydra towards your password cracking efforts.

About the author

With over two decades of experience in the security industry, Lee is a seasoned professional with a proven track record of delivering top-notch security services to a diverse range of organizations. From Internet Service Providers and computer manufacturers to global pharmaceutical companies, public universities, and a major bank, Lee has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. With experience as a leader of the penetration testing team at a large bank, Lee has developed deep expe... more

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