
Android Threads: Getting Started

by Mitch Tabian

Every Android developer needs to have a solid understanding of threads. Learn how to complete tasks on background threads by leveraging the various threading options available with the Android SDK.

What you'll learn

Every Android application performs tasks, and if a task requires a lot of system resources, you run the risk of freezing the application. In this course, Android Threads: Getting Started, you will learn how to leverage threads and the various threading options available with the Android SDK. First, you will learn about the threading basics, which helps you gain a fundamental understanding of threads. Then, you will see how to communicate between different threads. Finally, you will explore how to implement several different threading options and determine which work best in the various situations you’re likely to encounter. When you are finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of threading on Android that will help you as you move forward to develop mobile applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Mitch loves to teach, but his close second is learning new technologies. The tech industry is evolving and changing at an incredible rate. It's almost as though a new coding language is built every day. He feels very lucky to be living through the technology revolution of the 21st century.

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