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Android FirebaseUI Authentication with Kotlin

by Markus Neuhoff

Almost every mobile app needs to have authentication. Building a secure, scalable, and reliable authentication system and interface from scratch is a pain. Fortunately, the FirebaseUI Authentication library makes it easy to tackle this problem.

What you'll learn

In this day and age, mobile apps need to have authentication for increased security. In this course, Android FirebaseUI Authentication with Kotlin, you will gain the ability to confidently add a variety of authentication options to your Android app. First, you will learn how to implement multiple different providers such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Next, you will discover how to create an anonymous experience in your app that allows users to explore key features before they decide to create an account. Finally, you will explore how to enable your users to manage their own accounts. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of the FirebaseUI Authentication Library needed to create a seamless sign-in and account management experience in your Android apps.

Table of contents

Course Overview

About the author

Markus is enthusiastic about using technology to solve problems and sharing that knowledge with others. After nearly a decade of .NET development, Markus made the transition to leadership, providing mentorship and technical guidance to a large team. Additionally, he continues to bridge the gap between technologists and business stakeholders. Leveraging a broad background in a variety of industries including Healthcare, Public Safety, and Higher Education, he is able to assess technology’s true i... more

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