Ticket #4402
Status: Accepted
Opened by Eli the Zeratoed
Bug Report
8/3/17 6:52 am 8/3/17 6:52 am
9/19/20 12:33 pm 9/19/20 12:33 pm

My Blog Is Unable To Be Saved, and It Takes Ages if I Become Patient With It!

Well, hey guys. I cannot believe I'm making yet another ticket, but it's for a suspected "bug" in the system. I actually posted this issue on a specific forum with another guy who had the same problem as me, and I'm such an idiot for not posting a ticket about this... *sigh* With that aside, some of what I'm about to point out is from the forum itself before it got locked (I was going to comment "Wow, thanks Ellie! I'm such a moron for not doing that! I'm so glad you pointed that out, because I just made a fool of myself right there!" before it was closed for good), so expect some repeated points from that. So without further ado, let's get to it!

Now, the blog that is giving me this issue is one called "Eli's Reimagined and Parodied SU Adaptation of Beauty and the Beast!", and it's going to be a hilarious twist on those Beauty and the Beast stories. Trust me, you will love it when it comes out. I guarantee it (or your diamonds back). Shameless blog promotion aside, this beast took me around 4 months to script and finalize, so you can obviously tell that it's a huge blog (It's about as big, if not bigger, than my old (and wincey) TSUI blogs, and it'll be set up like the first two episodes of those specific blogs, just in a more interactive and updated style). But all of a sudden, after I saved it, the save "circle" just keeps spinning forever and ever. Sure, I've made some long blogs in the past, but those didn't take ages to save, even with crappy internet signals!

So, if you want to know, I have Windows 8.1, and I've tried the following methods:

~ Copy/pasted it multiple times, even to the point of downloading a clipboard checker to save it permanently.
~ Refreshing it a bunch of times while dittoing the previous method mentioned above.
~ Saving it on Firefox, Opera, and IE (I don't use Google Chrome because it's overrated)
~ Shortening the blog to eventually add the missing pieces through editing it.
~ Attempting to split it into multiple blogs
~ Pasting the source code into the blog (VIA, using that button next to the full-screen one)
~ Using a better internet connection

And many more solutions I probably didn't mention. The only thing I didn't try is restarting my computer (Or any of my browsers except for Opera), but I have a bunch of programs I'd like to keep on there, so that's self-explanatory. At one point, I was close to saving it, but I got a JavaScript error on IE (saying to use Firefox or Safari), and it said to email Cyprezz. I mailed him professionally, but he never got me back after I sent it.

So is this really a "bug" (which is why I slapped this ticket into the bug section), or it's just a thing that's happened to everyone with terribly huge blogs? I need to get this blog done, because I want to do a bunch of blogs afterwards for this tradition I'd like to call "Peridot Month" (Basically a bunch of blogs ideas in one month), and I need to finish this in order for me to set this tradition of mine in motion and go do that Minedeas entry without this on my chest.

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Eli the Zeratoed
09/24/2020 4:00 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Hey, it's alright. It happens. I've figured out that, just like the BBCode issue that I've had with my old contests and "About Me" widget years ago, it might need more characters so that it can save faster. I can try to see if I can still reproduce it now for any future blogs with longer script-like stories (I'm thinking of rebooting the Lapis blog into something entirely different), but for now, I don't have much planned except for new content for my yearly Halloween tradition, Spooky Scary Blog Month (SSBM).
09/19/2020 12:33 pm
Level 71 : Legendary
Cyprezz's Avatar
set status to Accepted, assigned Cyprezz.
Thanks for the report. This ticket is ancient. Apologies that no one responded until now. There have been many updates to multiple systems that may have fixed this issue. If you somehow are still able to reproduce this issue, let me know and we can revisit and squish once and for all.
Eli the Zeratoed
08/03/2017 6:56 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
modified ticket description.
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