Ticket #2969
Status: Accepted
Opened by DestructionE
Feature Request
12/27/16 6:55 pm 12/27/16 6:55 pm
11/13/18 8:44 am 11/13/18 8:44 am

The ability to search for a skin if you have the actual skin file.

Say someone downloaded a skin, and then forgot what it was called or who made it. With this feature, they could upload the skin, and the site would search for any skin files that match it. It would likely make finding skins much faster, and could be implemented to help to stop direct stealing. For example, when someone tries to upload a skin, the skin database is checked for that exact skin, pixel for pixel. If it finds an exact match, it will know something is up.

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11/13/2018 8:44 am
Level 71 : Legendary
Cyprezz's Avatar
set status to Accepted, assigned Cyprezz.
Great fun and useful idea. This would be very easy to do for perfect matches as I already store the md5 of every skin uploaded since the site launched.

I really like the comments / suggestions to have search for near matches (% like) but it would first require processing the 1 million plus existing skins. Not a huge deal except that all skins are stored at amazon meaning every single one would need to be downloaded to be scanned. It would be very interesting though and would also result in passive public benefits like suggesting other skins like the one you're currently looking at.
07/18/2018 7:10 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
So been a while since anything was done on this ticket, but here is an easy suggestion. How about each skin file uploaded has an md5 hash made of it (perhaps of the actual pixel values) and the skin uploaded for the search also has an md5 value made of it and that is how it is searched for? Would make the process faster at least.
05/01/2017 6:49 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
I agree with everything except the last part - if someone were only to change one or two pixels, pmc wouldn't detect it as the same skin. Perhaps it would search for very similar skins - say, with most of the same pixels, or similar colours in similar places.
05/01/2017 9:11 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
The potential problem with that is complexity. This would be meant first to prevent absolute re-posts, re-posts with no differences at all. Although, to go from your idea, perhaps it could somehow break the skin into multiple pieces, each piece being one side of a body part, and look for similarities to the body parts of others, and raise a flag for the moderators if it finds something that is exactly the same. The main problem that I can see with looking for similar (and not exactly the same) parts is teaching it what would count as being similar.
05/01/2017 10:07 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
That's true. I don't think it should put up a flag for the mods, tho - the user searching for similar skins should be able to browse through, and if they see a stolen skin they can flag it for the mods.
05/01/2017 11:39 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
Sorry, I should have specified that it would do that when the user was posting the skin, and the skin would be temporarily held until a moderator reviewed it or something like that.
12/27/2016 8:50 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
WorldCreations's Avatar
I feel that would be too complicated, but possible I mean Google can search by images, why not PMC!
12/28/2016 11:46 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
exactly you can just find the skin using google. That is how I find if someone has posted a stolen skin.
12/29/2016 12:51 am
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
I've often tried to do this and have failed. Google does not seem to have access to all of the skin files on pmc. In fact, I found a random skin, and actually tried it. I did not get any results for it, and only results for different images. Plus, this would actually limit the search to only pmc.
12/29/2016 1:21 am
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
I think you can actually limit to only pmc if you add "planet minecraft" in your search
Planet Minecraft


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