Ticket #21075
Status: Accepted
Opened by Sul4ur
Bug Report
9/29/23 2:32 pm 9/29/23 2:32 pm
10/3/23 9:25 am 10/3/23 9:25 am

Planet Minecraft sometimes freezes my computer

Hello! I've been using planet minecraft for a few months now, probably because this site is very fun to level up on. however, I have noticed an issue. A VERY BIG ONE. After a few minutes or couple of hours of using planet minecraft, I've noticed that my computer crashes more oftenly. everything freezes and i can barely open apps or even move my cursor. Ok, many just because I have a bad computer, but If I use minecraft latest versions with like 30 mods, nothing really happens to my pc. It just creates a small lag. My computer also has crashed like 8 times, and during those 8 times, i was using planet minecraft.

So in summary For every moment i spend on planet minecraft it has a random and slight chance of entering a stage, where my entire computer would freeze. That stage lasts for about 8 minutes. I can barely do anything during that stage. Blue screen of Death also never happens for some reason. what i would have expected is that planet minecraft doesn't just randomly and suddenly use all of my ram, or at least a blue screen of death would have happened.

Since it happens randomly, unfortunately there is no clear way to reproduce it. But do note that I am guessing it uses my entire ram.

I am using Windows 8.1 on an old sony vaio computer with 4gb ram with intel hd graphics 4000 and intel core i3 and chrome.

- Sul4ur

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10/03/2023 9:25 am
Level 71 : Legendary
Cyprezz's Avatar
set status to Accepted, assigned Cyprezz.

Hmm. Do you use an Adblocker? Even though ads help pay for the platform's services, if you're not using an Ad blocker, I suggest trying one such as "Ad Block Plus" and see if that helps this problem.

Let me know either way, I'm curious whether it's the cause. If it's not, then we'll go from there.
10/04/2023 12:59 pm
He/Him • Level 33 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Sul4ur's Avatar
I am using ad blocker. it is called origin ublock

Edit: I am also using IDM. Hmm... Maybe it's Idm? Idk, I've never caught it on task manager
10/04/2023 3:54 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
Hmm. Alright, do you have the full header or compact one? You can check by opening the most upper right member menu on any page and view the bottom toggle for "Compact Header".

If you have the full header, try turning of the dynamic world background by clicking cloud_queue icon on the navigation bar.
10/05/2023 9:54 am
He/Him • Level 33 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Sul4ur's Avatar
Compact header was turned on and I turned off dynamic world background. I will let you know if that worked or not.

Edit: Toggling compact header didn't result in any changes to chrome's memory, disk and even CPU usage when I checked via Task manager. It might work, It might not. Again, I will let you know if that worked or not.
10/05/2023 4:19 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
Alright. Good luck! While I hope it works, at the same time... the dynamic header should not be freezing your computer! Either way, it will be good to know.
12/28/2023 5:14 am
He/Him • Level 33 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Sul4ur's Avatar
It's been 3 months and planet minecraft no longer freezed my computer...
So it must be because of the dynamic wolrd thing...
09/29/2023 2:33 pm
Level 33 : Artisan
Sul4ur's Avatar
modified ticket description.
Planet Minecraft


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