Ticket #16284
Status: Open
Opened by Crois
Feature Request
1/15/22 3:30 pm 1/15/22 3:30 pm

Group Accounts

Hello there! I would like to inquire about group or shared accounts through already-existing members sharing an account (Yes this came to me through The HYBRID account) anyway I noticed that the Timeline page is notified as a 'group account' and then I got the idea (yes, you can skip this, this is a weird introduction thing that comes with being an author) Anyway I had an Idea about the shared account, Seeing that there are shared accounts, not just The HYBRID, I feel like this could help convenience of people having a shared account and help people who are teams (building, skinning, art, etc.) .

How would they create the account?
To create the account there would be a shared email from one of the members and a shared password (same protocol as a normal single-user would) then below the login/signup boxes (right below the 'I am 13 years old older checkbox) would be a box that read: 'Group or shared account' if a person selects this there would be up to 5 boxes (similar to the login/signup boxes) each reading: "Type member name here" of course then someone would type in their and their team/groupmates names (fake names if they feel they need to do that) which would tell you who shared the account (reasons for this will be explained shortly)

How would they access the account?
Like normal sign-in protocol, you would log in with an email (team members may have to choose whose email they would use) and then would have a password, then they would select a name (their name) and would log in.

What would the profile page look like?
Much like the set-up page of the timeline page (almost but not quite) below the custom widgets after someone clicked on the '+' button that allows you to customize your page would be a little sign that would look like a little white diamond, Next to it reading "TEAM MEMBER ABOUT" (the information below it reading, share something about a team or group member), You can edit it to share links that would be social media, name it and the such (it would be an 'about' widget but you could make up to 5 for each member) then there would be featured submissions, Blogs, Skinning and the such or team submissions that would basically be a slideshow of each member's proudest skins or mobs (this would only be for skinning, writing, and art due to building, texture packs, and data packs are usually either made by a team, hence the need for a team or group account or make solo in which case someone would not need this type of account) Otherwise it would work like most other pages with the same limits.

What do you mean by team submissions? And how would they work?
Team submission as briefly mentioned before would be a slideshow or gallery of each member's proudest submission, The way they would work is someone would copy and paste a link from either a skin (mob or player skin) or Blogs (art or writing). Below the link you be a dropbox where you would select a team member's name, each team member's name can only be used once, Technicalities are explained below.

How can we stop people hogging the team featured submissions?

This would require a LOT of coding (sorry Cyprezz and Paril) but underneath the 'give credit' box and 'tag' box when you are about to publish a submission would be 'WHICH TEAM MEMBER SUBMITTED THIS ?" then you type in your name (again, real or fake), It will have to be a team name, otherwise It wouldn't be accepted and you would have to type in the right name, If someone uses someone else's name that's something the team would have to sort out, 'cause the website can't detect who's making the submission (WAIT CAN IT?!). This can also hope because the link would know who posted it and you can't use the wrong nameeeeeee. >:D, This step may be skipped cuz I can see how it would be necessary.

Can you kick or remove someone from the team if you kick them out or they quit?
You can access the team members, and kick someone off the team, however, only the team leader can do this and not team members. (read below)

Team leaders and members
Whoever creates the account is the team leader unless they pass it onto someone else which can be accessed by the dashboard in a button called 'MEMBERS' this can be organized however the coders choose to.

Can you transform an existing account into a group account?

Honestly, it's up to the coders, but in my idea, uh yeah, in the dashboard you can click something called ' MAKE ACCOUNT TEAM ACCOUNT' if you click the box 5 boxes will appear under the checkbox, you can type in already existing members in or new members in and the account will be transformed (to add existing members you must @ the members)

all other questions will be answered in the comments, make sure to upvote the ticket and follow it - I've spent way too much time on this as it is

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01/15/2022 9:29 pm
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Cib's Avatar
Wow, you definitely spent a lot of time on this!. Good news is that we're actually working on a group feature that will allow multiple collaborators and act like a member profile. That's not to say your ideas are wasted though, community feedback is always what guides development.
Hopefully the community can see what the devs have been working on soon and discuss what could be improved to make it work better.
01/15/2022 5:41 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Pyro Magical Boy
FishyBusiness's Avatar
This would be cool ^-^
Planet Minecraft


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