Ticket #11177
Status: Closed
Opened by Kaos_Kitten
- Finished
Feature Request
8/23/20 7:32 am 8/23/20 7:32 am
9/1/20 12:22 am 9/1/20 12:22 am

Suggestions to make PMCSkin3D easier to see

So to start this off, I made a similar ticket before but this is a clearer ticket with more suggestions (I'm going to close the old ticket just after this goes up, don't worry)

THESE ARE ALL FOR PMCSKIN3D! I am a skin designer, even when I don't talk on here, I use this site for the editor.

I like to use PMC skin 3D, its my preferred skin editor. I also don't like to wear my glasses with headphones, which can create a little frustration with the editor.

Suggestion 1: Better anchorage on palette zooming.
  When you increase the size of a palette, at the moment it expands down and to the right. This means that every   time, the button to increase the size moves. When you make a lot of skins, and use a lot of palettes, this gets    annoying very quickly. If it increased up to the left, it would make zooming palettes a lot less irritating and nicer
  to use.

Suggestion 2: Better zooming for HD skins.
  The standard zooming (locked on the centre of visible parts) works great for standard resolution skins. With high   resolution skins, not so much. It's quite difficult to shade a skin when you can't see the corners properly without
  it being zoomed out. Making a skin higher than 128x resolution is pretty much impossible for me to do in
  PMCSkin3D. More control for zooming, even just for the advanced edition, would make the editor worlds more
  usable for some users working on other resolutions.

Suggestion 3: Deleting colours from palettes
  Its lovely that when you remove a colour it checks you pressed the right thing, until you use the editor for like 2 
  years. An option to turn off the reminder would make the process of using the editor and its palette feature a lot   less of a chore. A lot of the time, I often prefer to not use the palette feature and instead make my palette on the   skin, so updating the delete and the zooming would make it a lot more functional for me, and presumably others.

Suggestion 4: Removing the default palette.
  I normally have numerous palettes saved on my editor for future use, or for skins I am not finished making yet.   When flicking through my palettes, having a default palette that I know I personally never use can be rather
  irritating. Instead of having it stuck there, having an option to remove it, and adding an option in the dropdown to   restore the default palette, would be an incredible change.

Suggestion 5 : Base colour editing.
  I don't know if this feature actually works, if it does it certainly isn't clear how to use. I always use PMCSkin3D on
  "fillscreen" mode because at this point you know I have troubles with my eyesight. Because of using fillscreen,   when trying to alter the base colour, as the wheel is under the grey overlaying portion and the only intractable is
  the menu, it does nothing when I try and change the base colour. If there was a way to make that feature work,
  no matter if you use the app in fillscreen, fullscreen or not, would be wonderful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I know its long but it would make PMCSkin3D better than it is currently, and a much easier application to use.

Either way, keep up the good work dev lads

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09/01/2020 12:22 am
Level 88 : Elite
Paril's Avatar
set status to Closed, set resolution to Finished.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 addressed. Will be live soon (version 14).
08/30/2020 3:44 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
Btw Kaos_Kitten with regards to #3: hold down Shift to ignore the box that comes up asking you if you're sure :)
08/30/2020 5:09 pm
She/Her • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Nerd
Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
I only found out about this when I posted the ticket xD might be nice to add some text explaining that for other users though!
08/30/2020 9:35 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
So far, I've gotten the zoom buttons to stay under cursor and added text explaining the shift thing. It won't work for mobile ofc but I might figure out a better system for that later on (maybe drag/dropping a color into a garbage can??)

I've also attempted a fix for #5. It was specific to fillscreen/fullscreen.

#4 is being worked on. #2 I need to think more about. I need to know what exactly you're missing here.
08/31/2020 3:46 am
She/Her • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Nerd
Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
The zooming always zooms on the centre, which makes it a pain if you soon in as you often times either can't zoom close enough to see properly or you just miss out on the corners.

I could never even consider making a skin higher than 128x as I wouldn't see half of it.

Making the the zoom moveable, but having a button to reset to the centre of the body part would be lovely for that, even if just for the complex editor.

Most of these issues are just because I'm a little blind xD thanks for looking into these dudes <3
08/31/2020 5:58 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
You can get to the corners if you rotate the camera; you may need to hide other parts so that the center is on the right spot. I worry that adding translation would make things a bit more complicated rather than easing it.

(EDIT: I see now you mean the front corners of a skin. That would be hard with the current setup. I'll think about that one.)

I can increase the max zoom based on the level of resolution, but it wouldn't really work in 3D mode; the value in 3D mode is set so that it stops before it clips any of the model. You'd end up just seeing through it which is less helpful. 2D view can technically have infinite zoom though.
09/01/2020 3:45 am
She/Her • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Nerd
Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
It's fine if you don't think you'll be able to do it, o just thought it would be best to include it in the list of features that I really feel could improve the editor.

Increased zoom on 2d would definitely be awesome!
08/27/2020 7:56 am
Level 88 : Elite
Paril's Avatar
set status to Accepted, assigned Paril.
08/27/2020 7:56 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
I think all of these can be addressed in the next update.
08/27/2020 9:08 am
She/Her • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Nerd
Kaos_Kitten's Avatar
Thanks so much for taking the time to read through and help make PMCSkin3D even more awesome!!

Honestly, best skin editor I've used, I love it, so I appreciate the fact that you guys are so dedicated to improving it!
08/23/2020 10:07 am
Level 36 : Artisan Skinner
Andronitis's Avatar
at this point there will be advanced, lite and god mode
too many dude
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