Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

[32] [1.7.9] VillainCraft (WIP) Mk6.5 - Over 25 Thousand Downloads

  • check_circle Armor
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  • 40,055 views, 1 today
  • 5,277 downloads, 0 today
  • 45
  • 27
  • 94
BrokenEye's Avatar BrokenEye
Level 42 : Master Artist
A while back, I was starting work on building a villainous lair in Minecraft and I was looking for a good texture pack to work with. I couldn't find anything that I liked, so I created one instead.

VillainCraft draws inspiration from several villain archetypes, primarily the Supervillain, the Bond Villain, and the Mad scientist, with elements of Gothic Horror, Evil Empire, and Nazis thrown in for good measure.

NOTE: The downloads tally is a total taken from the pack's MediaFire page, across all versions of the pack, with inbound links from both this site and MinecraftForum, not from Planet Minecraft's tally. Thank you.

Legal Disclaimer:
The VillainCraft® resource pack and all textures contained are a registered copyright ® of BrokenEye, protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). BrokenEye has not, does not, and will never give you permission to use any of these textures in your own resource pack. If you see a resource pack containing VillainCraft® textures, credited or otherwise, then they were by very definition used without the permission of BrokenEye and therefore stolen. Please report any such packs to both the moderators and BrokenEye. However: Edited versions of VillainCraft® and VillainCraft® textures are allowed if you submit them to BrokenEye on this post or the VillainCraft thread on Curse Minecraft Foum. Remixed and edited versions of VillainCraft® and its textures that BrokenEye likes will be published by BrokenEye in the VillainCraft® thread on Curse Minecraft forum post with credit to the editor included. Edited versions of VillainCraft® textures that BrokenEye really likes may even be included in future versions of VillainCraft® as alternates, or even replacements for the original textures with full credit where credit is due.

Many mobs were killed, harmed, hurt, injured, infected, neglected, dissected, bisected, disrespected, misdirected, unprotected, crippled, crushed, cut, carved, disemboweled, disassembled, disgraced, disfigured, disturbed, strangled, mangled, maimed, mauled, mutilated, amputated, immolated, lacerated, violated, decapitated, disintegrated, contaminated, traumatized, lobotomized, vandalized, victimized, used, abused, bruised, burned, branded, brained, broken, bashed, beat, blinded, blasted, blistered, bled, mislead, underfed, left for dead, beat up, busted up, blown up, roughed up, torn up, torn down, run down, put down, picked on, spit on, walked on, and experimented upon in the making of this pack.~

Improper or proper use of the VillainCraft® Resource Pack may result in a variety of symptoms, including but not limited to: drowsiness, soreness in  muscles, headaches, dry skin, halitosis, false memories, crying blood,  enlarged cranium, hypertrichosis, heterochromia, defenestration, warp-spasm, unhealthy obsessions, genital mutilation, appearance of tentacles or strange growths, levitation, glowing veins, Beiber fever, corrosive or radioactive sweat, communism, assimilation into a hive-mindor gestalt entity, maddening revelations, [REDACTED], sudden irresistible cravings for human flesh and/or flesh-like substances, brain full of spiders, garlic in one's soul, developing a British accent, awaking from uneasy dreams to find oneself transformed into a gigantic insect, spontaneous combustion, extended blackouts during which one may or may not unknowingly commit a number of vile and unnatural acts too horrible to be described in print, immortality, operating heavy machinery, delusions of immortality, giving birth to the Antichrist, strange microchips found implanted under the skin, inability to appear in mirrors or on film, and a violent and painful death.~
CreditSwatch, Azlla, and Hakizin
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

49 Update Logs

Update #65 : by BrokenEye 05/27/2014 10:04:26 pmMay 27th, 2014

Added item textures for Puffer Fish, Clown Fish, Raw Salmon and Cooked Salmon

Added terrain textures for Blue Orchid Dracula Orchid and Azure Bluet Doll's Eyes

Textured Gray Stained Glass and Gray Stained Glass Pane as Iron Girders

Re-did small chests as wooden crates and large chests as storage containers, including trapped chests

Added full suite of custom sounds for TNT Explosive Charge

Added full
suite of custom sounds for the Creeper, including custom fuse sound
different from that of the Explosive Charge (note that the creeper fuse
sound only works with Minecraft 1.7.9 or later)

Added full suite of custom sounds for Chickens Foodbeetles

Probabally some other stuff I've forgotton about

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01/21/2015 2:46 pm
Level 25 : Expert Nerd
The_Masked_Gamer_09's Avatar
update to 1.8 plz
01/23/2015 1:15 am
Level 42 : Master Artist
BrokenEye's Avatar
I can't do an update until Minecraftforum, the other site I'm hosting this pack on, fixes its buggy-as-all-hell text formatting what broke my OP. I'll be releasing a major update as soon as that happens, I promise.
09/05/2014 12:36 am
Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
For some reason reminds me of Dokucraft, which in turn reminds me of the original Yogscast survival series and Shadow of Israphel. Thanks for sparking good memories.
05/31/2014 4:02 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Solbec's Avatar
Hey, can I use this for an adventure map? I will give all the credit to you.
06/01/2014 2:12 am
Level 42 : Master Artist
BrokenEye's Avatar
Sure. No edits or reuploads, though (see legal disclaimer). Just link back to my post.
03/24/2014 10:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
the__wizard's Avatar
good it was missing the clocks
03/20/2014 12:24 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Lumberjack
mrstarjammer's Avatar
ooooh it's finally back!
12/25/2013 11:20 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
I think you mean over 25 000 views. :)
12/26/2013 1:23 pm
Level 42 : Master Artist
BrokenEye's Avatar
I do not, sir. Allow me to direct your attention to the NOTE located just below the mod list and above the legal disclaimer, helpfully placed there so that individuals such as yourself would cease making mistakes such as this.
12/26/2013 3:18 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
Okay. If I was you, I would move the note closer to the top of this page, so as to prevent other users like me from commenting on the matter.

I feel I talked very sir-like, since you called me "sir." (a feat, considering "sirs" are commonly men and I am female.) Sorry if I sounded odd, or stuck up.
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