Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

RaidenCraft v1.5.2 for 1.9 Snapshots

  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 7,940 views, 2 today
  • 1,628 downloads, 0 today
  • 9
  • 3
  • 1
JakobRaiden's Avatar JakobRaiden
Level 22 : Expert Artist
       Gives Minecraft a simple cartoon style

This pack can be used with any version of Minecraft after, but not including 1.5. I will update the pack depending on how many textures I finish. Feel free to use my pack in YouTube videos but please credit me and link back to this or the minecraft forums post. Let me know what you think about the pack. Any and all feedback is welcome!

Notice 1

The download link will temprarily open a tab to my curseforge files library and will download the latest version, do not panic when a new tab opens as soon a s you click the link. The new tab will close itself after a few seconds.

Notice 2
Using 1.9 releases will not work properly in older versions of minecraft as the model system and inventory layout were changed in 1.9

Notice 3

Images are mostly out of date but will updated once more textures are finalized; I tend to rework things a lot

Supported Mods           

-Aether II: Genesis of the Void (Mostly Full Support)                                                         

-Progressive Automation (Nearly full Support)

-Nether Eye (Full Support)

-Portable Crafting Bench (Full Support)

-Zombie Steak (Full Support)

McPacther Features

Random Mob Support for cows

Random Mob Support for chickens

Tools Used

3D models made using BDCraft Cubik Pro and Mr. Crayfish Model Maker

Textures made using Paint.NET 

RaidenCraft v1.5.2 for 1.9 Snapshots Minecraft Texture Pack

Other RaidenCraft Projects
click on the banners to view these projects on CurseForge


RaidenCraft v1.5.2 for 1.9 Snapshots Minecraft Texture Pack

RaidenCraft Christmas does not have a set release date

may be released in 2015 but it seems unlikely

if you would like to try it out for yourself while its still unfinished,

private message me, and i will send you a copy

Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by JakobRaiden 11/26/2015 4:07:37 pmNov 26th, 2015

RaidenCraft v1.5.2

Texture changes & additions
-tweaked bow
-tweaked all minecart items
-tweaked prismarine shard
-updated prismarine crystal
-updated shears
-updated slimeball
-updated wheat (again)
-updated ham shanks(porkchops)
-tweaked log top textures for oak, dark oak, and spruce
-added a temporary water texture
-tweaked watre bucket
-tweaked clay ball
-updated sugarcane item
-tweaked brewing stand
-updated coal block
-tweaked purpur block
-tweaked gold block
-tweaked red and brown mushroom blocks
-tweaked dark oak door
-tweaked cobblestone
-added flame particles
-tweaked netherrack
-tweaked nether brick
-added note block
-added pumpkin and melon stems
-tweaked torch 
-added cake
-added repeater
-added comparator
-updated iron block
-updated iron trapdoor
-updated iron door
-updated normal, spectral, and tipped arrows
-tweaked all stone tools
-updated lapis block
-updated redstone block
-updated normal and red sand
-updated normal and red sandstone
-updated soulsand
-updated sunflower 
-tweaked peony flower
-added rosebush
-updated shading on podzol side, grass side, and grass path side

3-D models changes & additions
-tweaked hay bale model
-tweaked default model for connected pumpkin and melon stems to accomodate the new texture
-added cake model
-removed redstone block model

Other Additions
-more language changes


Mod Support
Changes & additions
-Aether-models for items such as saplings will be added once the mod is ported to either 1.8 or 1.9
-updated skyroot planks
-updated skyroot bookshelf
-updated holystone furnace
-updated holystone
-updated ores
-updated mossy holystone
-updated blood moss holystone

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01/30/2016 10:49 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Artist
Chawawaa's Avatar
This needs more attention. Like holy crap!
Planet Minecraft


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