Minecraft Texture Packs / Simplistic Packs

Melon Hunger Bar + Soft Hearts

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Sunnybrook1's Avatar Sunnybrook1
Level 54 : Grandmaster Crafter
Now available, by popular demand, another non-meat hunger bar based on everyone's favorite Minecraft fruit - no, not apples!*

It's melons! Melon slices, to be exact - no, not the Glistering kind, everyone knows you don't eat those!

And I've included "soft hearts" in the main version of this, they just look better alongside the juicy fruit. If you'd prefer it with the original, dark-edged hearts, or want me to take a stab at adding a darker edge to the melon slices (note - will have to sacrifice some of it's juiciness for this effect), comment below and I'll see what I can do.

Pack Format 4: versions 1.13 - 1.14.4

Pack Format 5: versions 1.15 - 1.16.1

Pack Format 6: version 1.16.2 - 1.16.3

Inspired by Stressmonster's "Spuddies Hunger bar" made by TRod_Planet.
Requested by Illithid

*It's not bread, either, whatever gave you that idea? But if you want something sweet & bread-like, try these cookies~

Melon Hunger Bar (only - original MC health hearts) [​1.13-1.14] --- [​1.15-1.16.1] --- [1.16.2-1.16.3]
Melon Hunger Bar + Soft Hearts Minecraft Texture Pack

Want to have this on mobile/Win10 minecraft? Lucky you! I put ALL my packs together, follow the instructions to pick which one to use~
Melon Hunger Bar + Soft Hearts Minecraft Texture Pack
...wish I could do that for my Java version...it's tedious making a separate pack for each and every iteration...
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16

4 Update Logs

Update #4 - 1.16.2 Update to Pack Format 6 : by Sunnybrook1 09/29/2020 11:30:38 pmSep 29th, 2020

Renamed all my pack files to reflect which versions of Minecraft they're compatible with, added Dropbox links to each in the description for this & all related packs.

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11/28/2021 8:09 pm
Level 1 : New System
ShogunSergio's Avatar
I like this texture pack but got an idea, you may turn the melon (semi-circle) into (triangle).
12/04/2021 11:32 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Crafter
Sunnybrook1's Avatar
Oh, like classic pointy melon slices? An interesting idea for sure - will add it to the list~
01/08/2021 3:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
wEazle's Avatar
i love the hearts on this texture pack, could you make a seperate one that uses the hearts only?
01/13/2021 6:17 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Crafter
Sunnybrook1's Avatar
Easy enough to do, will add it to my shortlist for when I work on these again (no promises on when it'll be done though).
Joe Pichu
07/11/2020 3:01 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
Joe Pichu's Avatar
wondering if you can make this a 32x version of these custom hunger bars for faithful
08/06/2020 12:36 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Crafter
Sunnybrook1's Avatar
Hmm, I've never made a 32x texture pack before, is it a simple scale-up? Or would it require more details to be added?

PS - if you have a tutorial to recommend, I'd appreciate a link~
02/29/2020 2:49 am
He/They • Level 65 : High Grandmaster Nerd Bear
Kemiu's Avatar
Hi! I was using this for so long and I'm now working on my new project! Kemiu's Ultimate Pack is where I put all of my favorite textures. So I'm here to ask if I can use your textures in my Ultimate Pack! I give links to all of the textures, don't worry about this. What do you think?
02/29/2020 7:23 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Crafter
Sunnybrook1's Avatar
Sure, go for it - comment here with the link to your finished pack too~
03/02/2020 9:28 am
He/They • Level 65 : High Grandmaster Nerd Bear
Kemiu's Avatar
Sorry but I just need to cancel my project. Most of the creators refused for using their packs. Sorry again for taking up your time.
03/11/2020 12:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
jarnejens's Avatar
that sucks, Im also creating a melon pack btw :D
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