Minecraft Texture Packs / Experimental Packs

K.O.R.E. Mech Robot/Vehicle | Version 1.9

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  • 1,413 downloads, 0 today
zachrywilsn's Avatar zachrywilsn
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
Project KORE.png
This is a Resource Pack with a Models of Mech's.
"The Model was tested to need no modifications to work with TeeMobile found on Spigot."

Predator Scout Mech.png

This is for use with TeeMobile but can be used with
other vehicle plugins and red-stone creations.
If you would like to modify this Resource Extension Pack its very simple.
Just unzip the Resource Extension Pack, this ill create a folder.
Inside the folder you will need to navigate into the "minecraft" folder, to
the "models" folder, and then into the "items" folder. Inside the "items" folder
you should see 3 files. "These are the .json code that makes the model."
In order to change the block you will need rename the file to the block/item
you would like to use. The .json files you should see are as follows.

Gorilla Assault Mech.png


Aerial Assault Mech.png

After renaming any of the files to the new and correct block/item name. Then go
to the front of the folder highlight all the files and folders and re-zip the pack!
"NOTE: using stone, grass, and more as the mech can cause heavy lag!"
"NOTE: for the best performance use non-default generating blocks/items."
Drag the newly zipped pack into your Resource Pack Folder.

This Resource Pack can be Used with TeeMobile and other
plugins to create a Fully Functional Mech Vehicle.
Kore Installation.png
Terms of Use.png
Do Not Redistribute This Resource or Claim the Work as your Own.
You can link here if you would like to share this Resource Extension.
Its is 100% ok to Not Claim this resource.
Just do not tell others that you created it when you did not.
This is should be common sense, but for those who need the fine print.

I Hope you Enjoy My Resource Pack as Much as I have Making it!
"If you like this Resource Extension please Rate it!"
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To Do List:
Pre-Convert for 1.9!
CreditZachryWilsn, NullBlox
Progress25% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9.2

1 Update Logs

K.O.R.E. Version 0.7 : by zachrywilsn 02/18/2016 10:19:09 pmFeb 18th, 2016

Well I have hit the Download Mark yet again!
I can not thank you all enough for the Hype and support on the K.O.R.E.
project! Expect a 1.9 update soon and with that some more
custom skins! The R.4.T. is default to a Animated Model. Yes animated as
in the model has motion not just a pulse. There are also a few version
of non-animated R.4.T.'s in the Sub folders. I will make a Video explaining
the pack conversion process "adding KORE to your servers packs." when I have time. It is pretty simple but even simple can be confusing.
You will also see Lore has been started for the Mechs.​
I plan to add more SPECS to
them text files later on but is not a mandatory, just helps to use
these models in a RPG kinda way.

Say Hello to the R4-331T aka the RABBIT!​

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05/03/2016 1:40 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Modder
Behem07h's Avatar
these textures are awesomeee
05/03/2016 3:50 am
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
zachrywilsn's Avatar
Thanks, Im working on a Spider type Mech for this also. Here is a sneak peak. http://imgur.com/a/ALeWv
emember its not all the way done so no hating on it yet. :)
05/03/2016 1:39 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Modder
Behem07h's Avatar
1 word. WOW
04/21/2016 2:29 pm
Level 48 : Master uwu
Wonkeeland's Avatar
The Gorilla Assault looks awesome :D
04/28/2016 3:55 am
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
zachrywilsn's Avatar
Thanks, That was My 1st KORE mech I made. I plan to release a few more this year but been more than busy.
04/06/2016 7:45 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
zachrywilsn's Avatar
1.9/1.8 update is no up for download. Enjoy!
03/25/2016 1:24 am
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
zachrywilsn's Avatar
A Update will be coming soon, Sorry for the delay I have a ton going on.
02/10/2016 10:41 am
Level 45 : Master Pony
C_S's Avatar
This is unbelievable! This seems like a mod rather than a texture pack, awesome job!!
02/10/2016 4:00 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
ConnorJMiner's Avatar
it should be a mod instead of a texture pack, it's that good!
02/18/2016 7:18 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
zachrywilsn's Avatar
Anyone who would want to help make this into a Mod I will help them make a more expansive pack. :)
I don't know to much about Java, but have made a few hello world plugins.
Planet Minecraft


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