Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

{Inactive} Hearthreach Resource Pack

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  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
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  • 6,753 views, 0 today
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PyroManiac243's Avatar PyroManiac243
Level 21 : Expert Pixel Painter

Intro: Well, where to start. This resource pack was originally just the result of me and a couple of good friends getting together out of boredom, and screwing around with minecraft. At first, it was just stupid fun, but over the course of a year and many textures later, we have decided to dedicate our time to it completely. So far, we are happy with the results, and look forward to leading this thingy to glory!

Theme: The general theme would probably be "Extemely Edited Photo-Realism", because I'm not exactly an artist, but I'm pretty good at making textues appear seemless on some blocks. Over the course of a year, I noticed my skill with GIMP (I'm cheap, what can I say) increase alot, and had to reinvent the texturepack at least thrice, so this is probably not the final product, and alot of the textures are just place holders until I decide to work on them. The cake is a good example. Either way, It seems to look good as medieval, but modern buildings still look pretty modern.

Try It Out: Check out the screenshots, and maybe see if you are interested in downloading. There are animations, and we are working on the mcpatcher textures, so you get random mobs, and better textures with optifine. We also are working on sounds, shout out to AgentleOldman for making the music.

Please give us as much feedback as possible, and this is no where near done, we are only getting started. How fast we work will depend on the reception we get here. Thanks to my DefiantOneGaming team, best staff team ever, thanks for the support!

Don't forget to gimme a diamond ;D Enjoy!

Q & A: Here's a simple Q & A, which is prone to change. lel, I got a little carried away...

-Q: Hey dood, why is the file sooo big, ARE YOU TRYING TO KEEL MEH!!!!!11111(ONEONEONE)
-A: Yes, I am. With beautiful music composed by a wonder person, that just so happens to take up alot of space. Sorries I guess, but we can only compress soooo much.

-Q: Hey dood, every time it rains MY GAME LAGS AND I LOSE PART OF MY SOUL!
-A: Yea, its part of our soul sucking program, to ensure "the machine" keeps running. Thunder and Rain sounds are a little unoptimized at the moment, because of Mojangs wonderfull coding. (seriously, some of the sound coding decisions make me and agentle facepalm sometimes)

-Q: Um.. Why does pressure plates sound sooo... ringy?
-A: Mojang Sound Coding, apparently menu clicks are reused for pressure plates. Will fix in 1.8 when they add extra sound support.

-Q: Furnaces. Why? Do you hate me or something?
-A: No, I don't hate you... yet...  and I lost inspiration half way through, i'm sorry, truely! As I said above, some textures are only placeholders... like a canvas... yea..

-Q: I don't like -x, so can you do -y?
-A: Maybe, depends if you start a riot telling me to do so.

-Q: Why did you call this Resours-a-ma-jig "Hearthreach"
-A: Beeeecause I would consider this a "warm" resource pack, and I had a slight obsession with Halo Reach. Sure thats it...

-Q: Why do endermen sound like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHDSIOAJHAHASDHHHAHFDDAHHDAH, and make me wanna hide under my bed? Seriously dood, no joke.
-A: Because we made a decision early on to make mobs scary as hell. Oops.

-A: Hey, part of mobs being scary as hell, also means that gotta be sneaky. Very sneaky hobitses they are...

-Q: Um. I'm a girl, and I don't like your fall noises. I'm not a burley girl.
-A: Well, sorry to hear that, but until 1.8 (and I don't even know if we can do it then) we won't have multiple gender noises for fall damage. I'd suggest looking on the ALL POWERFULL AND HOLY GOOOOOOOOOOOOGLE, and fix it.

-Q: I like your flowers.
-A: That's not a question, but thankyou. I spent alot of my time making flowers really awesome and beautiful. I was aiming to blow everyone else's flowers out of the park.

-Q: I think I saw some of your textures in another resource pack YOU THEIF!!!!
-A: Not a single one of my textures were produced from someone else's. Not a single one of them, and I'm proud of it. Now if they stole from me, that's different story. In a different book. In a different bookshelf. In a different library. I'm keeping the rights of the textures for my team, and those who have my permission, that's it.
Progress40% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by PyroManiac243 06/26/2014 1:39:49 pmJun 26th, 2014

From Alpha v.1.0 to Alpha v.1.1
  • Large amount of blocks finished
  • Large amount of blocks refinished
  • Gui overhauled
  • Skybox for menu finished (freakin awesome)
  • Couple of sounds added
  • Reduced the size of the Zip (not much though ):  )

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07/30/2015 6:05 am
Level 21 : Expert Pixel Painter
PyroManiac243's Avatar
Sorry guys, but this pack has been switched over to Inactive status. I don't believe I'll work on it anymore, as at this point I feel like I'd be re-editing more than I'd be creating new textures. Although there is a more "updated" version -so to speak- on my computer, I'm not going to put it up for download.

If anyone is interested in possibly taking it over, PM me on my acount on here and I can make arrangements. I will obviously need to see if your able to continue it, so I will need to see some examples of artwork. However, the Music will not be able to be transfered, as that isn't my work. Thanks for the downloads everyone!
06/26/2014 6:26 am
Level 21 : Expert Pixel Painter
PyroManiac243's Avatar

This update is extremely large, as a lot of textures have been finished, and many others have been improved. Now you will notice that the textures will run smoother along with each other, with less conflicting colors or textures. It took quite a while too :P

First, sorry about the inactivity, I started to work on the "crops" of minecraft, and I started to get very annoyed at alot of my own textures (i'm looking at you cobblestone) and how alot of them were flat, unrealistic, and not really seemless. And even more we incompatible with each other, such as spruce to spruce plank, cobble to oak plank, ect.

This resulted in me going nuts, fixing a buch of textures, getting bored, taking a break, then getting back to it. Unfortunately that led me to keeping you all in the dark a little bit about this resource pack. It probably just looked like this was going to be a resource pack would never be updated, for that, I am sorry.

Enjoy, and gimme feedback and diamonds, it's how I feed my staff team.
05/22/2014 6:05 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
AgentleOLDman's Avatar
Here is a Soundcloud link to some of my music that is featured in Hearthreach! It is all on my album, "Biomes"!


Thank you all for the 700 downloads! Remember! The version with sound may be much larger, but it also will change the game drastically for many of you.

Keep on keeping on guys! Remember to take a minute to give us a favorite, and a diamond, but ONLY if you like it!
Thanks guys,

-AgentleOldman (Bear Noize)
05/07/2014 11:51 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Taterripi's Avatar
This is great. I think my only problem with it though, is that the stone looks like cobblestone.
05/07/2014 9:33 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pixel Painter
PyroManiac243's Avatar
yea, we decided to do that to break away from the idea that natural stone is smooth. It feels a little more layered and rough. If alot of people don't like it, we might go with a more conventional method. Thanks for the feedback.
05/05/2014 8:46 pm
It/It • Level 30 : Artisan Carrot Cake
Mishkia's Avatar
Can't wait till its finished. like i say with every pack ;-;
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