This Texture Pack is an entry in the completed Christmas Texture Jam.

Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Fluffy Bliss : Christmas carpets

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Sweet Satellite's Avatar Sweet Satellite
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
What is Fluffy Bliss ?
Fluffy Bliss a texture pack that changes all the carpets to something jollier ! It doesn't affect the wool blocks, just the carpets. I've figured out how to do that thanks to this pack by Buul0chka, and I've added borders to most carpets thanks to this pack by MatthiasdeBeer ! The carpets connect to each other no matter the color, plus they connect to certain blocks too. Unfortunately you cannot change the orientation of the carpets, but I've tried to make pretty versatile textures that should look good from different angles.

What version of Minecraft is it for ?
This pack works for any version since 1.16, meaning it does work with any of the more recent versions of the game. If Minecraft gives you an incompatibility warning, just dismiss it and the pack will load in.

What are these mini-blocks ? Are they in the pack ?
Those "mini-blocks" are actually custom heads ! They're a Java-only feature you'll need a command block for, but they're 100% vanilla. You can find the heads I've used on Minecraft-Heads, even the ones I've made myself are there !

Where do the colored blocks' textures come from ?
The colored blocks come from one of my other packs called Lovely Colors !

I hope you'll have fun with this pack, and happy holidays everyone !
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.3

2 Update Logs

Download issues fixed : by Sweet Satellite 03/22/2023 5:57:20 amMar 22nd, 2023

When I uploaded the 1.19.3+ update I accidentally used an older version of the pack with missing textures. This should now be fixed.

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06/18/2023 7:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fallenangel_exe's Avatar
please update for 1.20!!!
Sweet Satellite
07/14/2023 2:52 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Sweet Satellite's Avatar
Hello ! As I've said in the description this pack does already work in 1.20. ^^ The incompatibility pop-up can be dismissed as it's simply due to a single number in the pack.mcmeta file of the pack. Since the format of texture packs hasn't changed since 1.16 all packs for this version and up are compatible with newer versions.
05/25/2023 7:02 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
CraftyOtter's Avatar
awwww cute
03/21/2023 9:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fallenangel_exe's Avatar
not all the carpet pngs are in the download
Sweet Satellite
03/22/2023 5:58 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Sweet Satellite's Avatar
Oops, thank you for telling me ! It seems that I used an incomplete version of the pack for the 1.19.3 version ; this should be fixed now. ^^
03/16/2023 2:43 pm
Level 43 : Master Princess
rcsalie's Avatar
hi can i port this to bedrock if I figure out how? I'm pretty sure I can-
Sweet Satellite
03/17/2023 8:56 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Sweet Satellite's Avatar
Maybe ? Would it be possible for me to also add the port to my Ko-Fi in this case ?
I just feel a little weird letting others redistribute my stuff in general... ^^'
03/17/2023 11:37 am
Level 43 : Master Princess
rcsalie's Avatar
yes of course what! I'd never profit from bedrock ports- your kofi can always be added if I were to ever port any more of your packs.

it's not my creation it's yours. let me know if u have anymore questions we can pm <3
03/10/2023 8:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BNG-Gaming's Avatar
may I make a bedrock version of it?
Sweet Satellite
03/10/2023 12:04 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Sweet Satellite's Avatar
Hello !
I don't really know how to feel about others making ports of my packs, but the main issue here is that this pack uses coding that's exclusive to Java for the borders. I have yet to see someone who figured out a Bedrock equivalent, unfortunately...
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