Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

EscapeCraft - Bringing the Ape Escape franchise to the world of Minecraft

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Turret 3471's Avatar Turret 3471
Level 25 : Expert Musician
As I thought of things to do for my 200 sub special, one thing that came to mind is making a resource pack of my favorite video game franchise! Ape Escape! Pure childhood since 2003!! (because when you're 3 and it's your first game ever, you know it's gonna be a life long memory... or something... =T)

Anyways, I'm not done with this pack yet, but I will be adding tons of more cool stuff, like more weapons, er... gadgets, block textures, enemies, and other... animals and stuff... This pack also contains my first works using mrcrayfish's model creator! I'll be using that to make mostly all the gadgets from the Ape Escape series, along with editing some other random items or blocks.

I'll also be adding music, but that's where YOU come in! If you're a fan of the Ape Escape franchise, what song was your favorite out of the 3 original games? (ape escape (ps1) ape escape 2, ape escape 3 (ps2)) Some songs I've already chosen to try and put in the pack, like Breezy Villiage, and the main song from Ape Escape move (because it's so awesome!!!), but I still need more ideas of what songs to put in. With your guys' help, I can put your favorite tracks into the resource pack!

Tools used:
mrcrayfish's model creator

Download full skin pack

Tools used for skins:
CreditSONY, UbiSoft
Progress20% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

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02/12/2016 9:11 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
I love it! So many fond memories of playing Ape Escape, and this pack really captures that.
02/10/2016 1:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
deadpool271's Avatar
Cool concept, you should make villagers monkeys too! Dont give up on this! This has GREAT POTENTIAL!
Turret 3471
02/12/2016 11:02 am
Level 25 : Expert Musician
Turret 3471's Avatar
Thanks! And good idea! However I'm gonna have to find a way to get my current monkey skin to fit on the villager's model.
01/30/2016 7:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrTwist10's Avatar
Will you be changing everything in this pack?
Turret 3471
01/30/2016 7:46 pm
Level 25 : Expert Musician
Turret 3471's Avatar
Idk. So far I only have a few blocks and items. I've tried music, but somehow my music isn't replacing the default tracks. Maybe the wrong path?...
01/29/2016 1:09 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Pokemon
Iaeyan_Elyuex's Avatar
Good times. I like the music from Specter's space castle from the original.
Turret 3471
01/29/2016 5:21 pm
Level 25 : Expert Musician
Turret 3471's Avatar
01/27/2016 8:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MrJoshi's Avatar
:O Thank you so much for making this, I want to give you more diamonds! thank you! :D
Turret 3471
01/28/2016 7:53 pm
Level 25 : Expert Musician
Turret 3471's Avatar
You're very welcome!! =D
Dude, a multi-diamond thing would be cool. I never thought of that before.
Turret 3471
01/26/2016 7:52 pm
Level 25 : Expert Musician
Turret 3471's Avatar
384 views and 70 downloads in a day!!! That's......... wow!... Wow guys!!!!! XD
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