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Terrowin_deGrey's Avatar Terrowin_deGrey
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
The 32x32 version of my previous 64x64 texture pack.
The 64x pack went through many art style changes/improvement which lead to a mishmash of textures.
This 32x pack tries to fix the problem with multiple art styles and make sure every texture fits.

The pack's style aims to be clean and bright - inspired by Zelda Minish Cap and similar pixel art games.
I want to avoid realism and textures with too much detail and noise.
I try as much as possible to keep the colors similar to the default texture pack so that switching between them doesn't ruin the look of your builds.

Criticism or suggestions are very welcomed.
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16

33 Update Logs

Update version 0.34 : by Terrowin_deGrey 02/09/2024 2:01:38 pmFeb 9th


Added block:
end portal frame eye

Added items:

crimson fungus, fern, large fern, warped fungus

Changed blocks:
cake, item frame

Changed entity:

Changed items:
acacia boat, acacia door, acacia sign, apple, armor stand, arrow, baked potato, bamboo, barrier, beef, beetroot, beetroot seeds, beetroot soup, bell, birch boat, birch door, birch sign, black dye, blaze powder, blaze rod, blue dye, bone, bone meal, book, bow, bowl, bread, brewing stand, brick, broken elytra, brown dye, brown mushroom, bucket, cake, campfire, carrot, carrot on a stick, chain, charcoal, chicken, chorus fruit, clay ball, coal, cocoa beans, cod bucket, comparator, compass, cooked beef, cooked chicken, cooked mutton, cooked porkchop, cooked rabbit, cookie, creeper banner pattern, crimson sign, crossbow arrow, crossbow firework, crossbow standby, cyan dye, dark oak boat, dark oak door, dark oak sign, diamond, diamond axe, diamond boots, diamond chestplate, diamond helmet, diamond hoe, diamond horse armor, diamond leggings, diamond pickaxe, diamond shovel, diamond sword, dried kelp, egg, elytra, emerald, enchanted book, ender eye, ender pearl, end crystal, feather, fermented spider eye, filled map, firework rocket, firework star, fire charge, fishing rod, flint, flint and steel, flower banner pattern, flower pot, ghast tear, glass bottle, glistering melon slice, globe banner pattern, glowstone dust, golden apple, golden axe, golden boots, golden carrot, golden chestplate, golden helmet, golden hoe, golden horse armor, golden leggings, golden pickaxe, golden shovel, golden sword, gold ingot, gold nugget, gray dye, green dye, gunpowder, heart of the sea, honeycomb, honey bottle, ink sac, iron axe, iron boots, iron chestplate, iron door, iron helmet, iron hoe, iron horse armor, iron ingot, iron leggings, iron nugget, iron pickaxe, iron shovel, iron sword, item frame, jungle boat, jungle door, jungle sign, kelp, knowledge book, lantern, lapis lazuli, lava bucket, lead, leather, leather horse armor, light blue dye, light gray dye, lime dye, lingering potion, magenta dye, map, melon seeds, melon slice, milk bucket, mojang banner pattern, mushroom stew, music disc 11, music disc 13, music disc blocks, music disc cat, music disc chirp, music disc far, music disc mall, music disc mellohi, music disc pigstep, music disc stal, music disc strad, music disc wait, music disc ward, mutton, name tag, nautilus shell, netherite axe, netherite boots, netherite chestplate, netherite helmet, netherite hoe, netherite ingot, netherite leggings, netherite pickaxe, netherite shovel, netherite sword, nether brick, nether star, nether wart, oak boat, oak door, oak sign, orange dye, painting, paper, piglin banner pattern, pink dye, poisonous potato, popped chorus fruit, porkchop, potato, potion, prismarine crystals, prismarine shard, pufferfish bucket, pumpkin pie, pumpkin seeds, purple dye, quartz, rabbit, rabbit foot, rabbit hide, rabbit stew, redstone, red dye, red mushroom, repeater, rotten flesh, saddle, salmon bucket, scute, shears, shulker shell, skull banner pattern, slime ball, snowball, soul campfire, soul lantern, spawn egg, spectral arrow, spider eye, splash potion, spruce boat, spruce door, spruce sign, stick, stone axe, stone hoe, stone pickaxe, stone shovel, stone sword, string, structure void, sugar, sugar cane, suspicious stew, sweet berries, tipped arrow, totem of undying, trident, tropical fish bucket, turtle egg, warped fungus on a stick, warped sign, water bucket, wheat, wheat seeds, white dye, wooden axe, wooden hoe, wooden pickaxe, wooden shovel, wooden sword, writable book, written book, yellow dye


Finally the item overhaul update is here! I've updated almost every item so that everything fits together. Seagrass is the only item texture still missing, which I'll get back to when the block texture is completed. As of now, I won't be working anymore on items and will be shifting my focus over to the missing blocks and HUD elements.

Bjorncraft x32 update v0.34 changes

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12/19/2023 12:55 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Procrastinator
aldwinishere's Avatar
is there a bedrock edition?
01/08/2024 6:18 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Terrowin_deGrey's Avatar
Not as of yet. But I do plan to make one.
07/22/2023 11:20 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Toast
BrightMorning's Avatar
Not gonna lie, I love the 0.31 chorus tree more, it look neat
10/09/2022 3:26 am
Level 29 : Expert Explorer
ZenixTheHungry's Avatar
I really like the details on the ice! It's easier to tell now what'll break my pick ax or get my items stuck in when I'm using Rare Ice and forget that I need to configure it NOT to steal my items when I left click.
04/21/2022 6:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4101655G's Avatar
man each update just keeps getting better and better. Just wondering are you eventually going to bring it up to the most recent updates? No pressure or anything I'll keep using this pack regardless
04/22/2022 10:39 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Terrowin_deGrey's Avatar
Ha ha, thanks :)
The plan is to eventually bring it up to the newer versions. Depending on the time it takes to finish 1.16, I might take a break to also work on some other projects.
04/26/2022 12:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4101655G's Avatar
That is absolutely fair. This seems like a beast of a project I cant wait to see where you go with it.
04/04/2022 2:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lepid's Avatar
Beautiful pack! The Minish Cap was my favorite game growing up, so I'm definitely feeling the nostalgic vibes here
04/03/2022 12:57 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Procrastinator
aldwinishere's Avatar
This is one of my favorite texture packs!
01/01/2022 1:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3970410G's Avatar
legit my favorite texture pack i still use it in 1.18
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