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Jimmy0Jenkins's Avatar Jimmy0Jenkins
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
Minecraft 1.19.4 Ready
Realms 1.10.10 Ready

Every stone unturned. Blocks, Items, Mobs, Armors, Models, Blockstates, Language, Audio. Wait? No audio? We removed the audio because of copyright reasons? Okay. everything else though...
This resource pack is trapped in "95% done" limbo hell. Which means FUTURE STONES UNTURNED.
I've been working on this since alpha and well... I guess it's time to go public here for the 1.11 update. 5 years in developement?... Time well spent.
So what exactly does this pack do? Glad you asked! I spent hours typing this up just for you.
With minecraft version 1.20 right around the corner, I'm here to make the unhappy announcement I will no longer be updating this texture pack. It was good while it lasted, but thank you and goodbye. Spoiler bellow if you want to read the rant.
Minecraft lost it's soul a long time ago, and I'm tired of smelling the corpse. Harsh, but it isn't because I got older. Minecraft came out when I was a junior in highschool. I'm 30 years old now. It's been a long time, a good ride, but 2023's april fools event was too much of a gut punch.

I'll start off by saying, as a whole, minecraft and it's updates have been 90% meaningless filler. I can't get over how un-hyped I am about their updates. Even the features I'm hyped about get split in half and saved for next years update. We basically just get a new tree and an irrelevant mob once a year. What do they even do all day? Has anyone seen all the dust collecting on Jeb's keyboard? What do I have to do to have something cool added to the game for once? Jeb's wife asked him to put pandas in the game, so he did. Do pandas do anything? No! So is that what I have to do? Do I have kink Jeb into opening up a polyamorous relationship with me? I BET his wife doesn't tug on his cute ponytail like I will. Oooooo, Please, Jeb, baby, just add one little thing to minecraft for me? I'll even tuck him into the couch at night just so I can whisper sweetly into his ear, "We haven't had a new minecraft dimension since 2011. Please, Jebby, if you love me, can I has one new dimension. (~UwU~ ) . I'll be a good soy." AND THEN he sticks his new dimension up my April Fools update, just get me to shut up.

BTW let's talk about that 2023 April Fools update. Was that not a sucker punch? Did they seriously add things to the game that people have wanted for years, just to also NOT be adding it to the game? That's uh... nice. I'm glad you spent the development time doing it, but also not doing it officially. Cool. Yeah. That doesn't hurt at all. IDK, guys, it just really bugged me. I couldn't enjoy the April Fools event, because I kept wondering why they didn't just put some of this stuff in the game? Is it just here to mock us? Just to dangle it in our faces because they hate us? People wanted an Aether update, instead we get cheese moon joke update. Wow! Awesome.

So, why does Agnes' face look like she is going to choke to death on every word that she speaks, but by some miracle, she always manages to spit out a sentence to save her life every minecon? She looks like one of those dogs you see at the pound that was recently rescued from an abusive owner. You know what I'm talking about. You reach out your hand, and it really wants to be petted and loved, BUT it always thinks you could just start beating for no reason, so it's also kinda terrified of you... That's what Agnes looks like.

When she first talked about the archeology pots back in 2020, I was secretly hoping the devs all forgot about it. Adding clay pots to the game is just one more example of the many pointless additions that are only being done so some sloth at Mojang can find a corporate excuse to keep collecting his paycheck. YOU'D THINK after 3 years in the oven, the devs would have more to show for themselves other than just a dozen or so pot textures. Really? that's it? In 3 years, I coulda learned how to code java and done so much more with it in that time. What is going on at Mojang? Do they code by committee? Do their developers have to get peer reviewed papers published just so they can add the color blue to candles? Is some pots and some kleidoscope kid ruins the best these bums could do in 3 WHOLE years. Talk about a cushie gig. I bet Mojang is like sitting in a google employee office, sipping their starbucks morning until afternoon, watching hasan piker videos on their tablets so that they can pretend to look like they're working. OH! They added a couple of plants seed that you can dig up, too? Boy howdy! Can you put them in the new clay pots?...
No you cant?!?!?
THEN WHY DO I NEED THE POTS FOR THE PLANTS THAT DO NOTHING.! Why do they keeping bloating up the game with so much MEANINGLESS NOTHING.

Camels?... What do they do? You can put two people on top... C'mon bro. At least the strider could walk on lava. Did no one thing about just letting you put two saddles on a horse? Was that too difficult to come up with?

Wait, hold on, I gotta breed the sea turtles to collect their scutes so I can make that worthless turtle helmet. OH WAIT! In the amount of time that would take me, I coulda just went to the nether and brewed a single water breathing potion that would last x3 WHOLE MINUTES. When the turtle helmet only lasts 10 piddly seconds. What. A. Joke.


NOTCH did nothing wrong! I never bought a single minecoin! Please let Hytale be good. Addios, Enemigos!

If you don't like reading all the spoilers bellow, you can just thumb through the image gallery.
3D Doors
3D Rails
3D Ladder
3D Iron Bars
3D Trapdoors
3 kinds of crops
2 kinds of buttons
3 kinds of fences
5 kinds of stairs (mostly uv mapping)
4 kinds of walls
Barrel has a cork
Cactus flowers
Campfires (oh god those awful vanilla campfires)
Decorative Structure Blocks (For creative building fun)
Flower Pots change based on whats in them
Hillside Grass (lol, does anyone still remember that mod from alpha?)
Hoppers actually make contact with chests
Jukebox has a unique model when it has a record stored in it
Some plants look like seeds when in hand
Saplings looks like seeds when in hand
Saplings have 2 growth stages
Tall Wheat
Torches with stands and wall mounts
Noteblocks look like they play different isntruments
(Mojang be like, fixed bottom texture of quartz block) my texture pack be like, "naw dog. It ain't broken."
//Acacia Blocks (uv mapping)
//Andesite (uv mapping)
//Anvil (uv mapping and model edit)
//Barrel (uv mapping and model edit)
//Beacon (double sided textures and model edit)
//Beetroot (uv mapping)
//Beehive (honey level variant)
//Bee Nest (honey level variant)
//Bell (uv mapping)
//Birch Blocks (uv mapping)
//Brewing Stand (model edit for bilaterally symmetry)
//Campfire (more decorative than functional)
//Cartography Table (uv mapping)
//Cauldron (better uv mapping than vanilla)
//Chain (uv mapping)
//Cobblestone Wall Post (uv mapping and model edit)
//Cobweb (square model block)
//Cocoa (shoot, I don't remember what I did to it.)
//Column Blocks(better uv rotaion mapping than vanilla)
//Comparator (uv mapping)
//Composter (uv mapping)
//Coral (mimic coral fans)
//Crafting Table (uv mapping)
//Dark Oak Blocks (uv mapping)
//Dark Prismarine (uv mapping)
//Detector Rail (3D and depresses like pressure plate blocks)
//Diorite (uv mapping)
//Dispenser (uv mapping)
//Doors (3D and better uv mapping than vanilla)
//Dragon Egg (reduced poly count)
//Dropper (uv mapping)
//End Portal Frame (sunken eye model edit)
//End Stone Bricks (uv mapping)
//Farmland (added side texture)
//Fence Gate In Wall (easter egg here, press f for removed feature)
//Flower Pot (reduced size)
//Frosted Ice (water_still forms inside with age)
//Furnace (uv mapping)
//Glass (removed cullface)
//Glass Pane (uv mapping)
//Granite (uv mapping)
//Grindstone (model edit)
//Hay (uv mapping)
//Hive (honey level variant)
//Hopper (better uv mapping than vanilla and model edit)
//Infested Blocks (alternate textures)
//Iron Bars (3D)
//Iron Bars Cap (removed)
//Iron Bars Cap Alt (removed)
//Iron Doors (3D and uv mapping)
//Item Frame (uses oak texture instead of birch)
//Jukebox (has_record variant and model edit)
//Jungle Blocks (uv mapping)
//Ladder (3D)
//Lantern (uv mapping and model edit)
//Lapis Block (column model)
//Lectern (uv mapping)
//Lever (on/off texture variant)
//Lightning Rod (tesla coil)
//Loom (better uv mapping than... oh wait they fixed it during a snapshot)
//Melon (uv mapping)
//Mycelium (snowy sides)
//Nether Brick (uv mapping)
//Nether Wart (model edit)
//Noteblock (instrument variants and model edit)
//Oak Blocks (uv mapping)
//Observer (on/off texture variant and uv mapping)
//Petrified Oak (unique texture)
//Planks (some types changed to column model)
//Piston Head (uv mapping)
//Piston Head Sticky (uv mapping)
//Podzol (snowy sides)
//Polished Blackstone Brick (uv mapping)
//Potted Cactus (sand instead of dirt)
//Potted Crimson Mushrooms (crimson nylium instead of dirt)
//Potted Dead Bush (sand instead of dirt)
//Potted Fern (podzol instead of dirt)
//Potted Mushrooms (mycelium instead of dirt)
//Potted Spruce Sapling (podzol instead of dirt)
//Potted Warped Mushrooms (warped nylium instead of dirt)
//Potted Wither Rose (soul sand instead of dirt)
//Pressure Plates (uv mapping and model edit)
//Prismarine (uv mapping)
//Pumpkin (bottom side uv mapping better than vanilla)
//Pumpkin Stem (3D)
//Purpur (uv mapping)
//Quartz Blocks (uv mapping reverted to minecraft version 1.13)
//Rail (3D)
//Red Sandstone (uv mapping)
//Redstone Block (shade false)
//Redstone Dust (tintindex removed)
//Redstone Up (better model than vanilla)
//Repeater (uv mapping and model edit)
//Redstone Torch (uv mapping and model edit)
//Sandstone (uv mapping)
//Scaffolding (uv mapping and model edit)
//Sea Pickle (rotated light bulb)
//Smoker (uv mapping)
//Soul Campfire (more decorative than functional)
//Spawner (double sided textures and mount for chains)
//Spruce Blocks (uv mapping)
//Spyglass (in_use variant)
//Stem (tintindex removed)
//Stone Brick (uv mapping)
//Stone Button (smaller than Wooden Button)
//Stripped Logs (uv mapping)
//Structure Block (decorative and model edit)
//Sunflower (better uv mapping than vanilla)
//Torch (uv mapping and model edit)
//Tnt (unstable and stable variant)
//Trapdoors (3D and better uv mapping than vanilla)
//Vine (underside variant)
//Wood (uv mapping)

//Arrow (better 3rd person handheld position than vanilla)
//Bone (better 3rd person handheld position than vanilla)
//End Crystal (block model in inventory instead of vanilla icon)
//End Rod (inventory icon like other torches instead of vanilla model)
//Shears (better 3rd person handheld position than vanilla)
//Shulker Shell (block model in inventory instead of vanilla icon)
//Sunflower (inventory icon like other flowers instead of vanilla Sunflower Front model)

::Randomized Textures::
3x Azure Bluet
3x Basalt
2x Bedrock
3x Birch Planks
5x Bookshelves
2x Brain Coral
4x Brown Mushroom
2x Bubble Coral
3x Cactus
3x Cave Vines
3x Coarse Dirt
5x Cobblestone
3x Cobblestone Mossy
3x Copper Ore
2x Coral
2x Cornflower
2x Crimson Roots
4x Crying Obsidian
2x Dandelion
5x Dark Oak Logs
2x Dark Oak Planks
3x Dead Bush
4x Deepslate
3x Dirt
2x Emerald Ore
2x Fern
2x Fire Coral
3x Gold Ore
4x Grass
2x Horn Coral
3x Houstonia Flowers
4x Iron Ore
3x Jungle Planks
2x Kelp
2x Ladder
3x Lantern (animation offsetting)
3x Lapis Ore
2x Lily of the Valley
3x Lily Pad
2x Mangrove Leaves
3x Mangrove Planks
3x Moss Block
3x Moss Carpet
3x Mud
5x Mud Bricks
3x Netherite Block
3x Nether Wart (animation offsetting)
2x Oak Log
3x Oxeye Daisy
2x Poppy
4x Prismarine
2x Purpur Block
3x Quartz Brick
3x Quartz Ore
2x Red Mushroom
2x Red Sandstone
5x Red Sandstone Chiseled
3x Reeds
2x Sandstone
5x Sandstone Chiseled
3x Sculk
3x Sea Grass
5x Shroomlight
3x Soul Lantern
2x Stonebrick Cracked
3x Stonebrick Mossy
2x Tube Coral
2x Twisting Vines
2x Watermelon
2x Weeping Vines
2x Wheat

Most Ores, Refined Ores, and Ore Blocks shimmer periodically
Magma shifts a bit like Lava
//Sneeze Particle
//Spit Particle
//Warped Spore Particle

//Beacons (flash)
//Bell (shimmer periodically)
//Chorus Fruit (closes when used)
//Command Blocks (runway lights)
//Ender Pearl (dialates when used)
//Furnace On (flicker)
//Ghast Tear (glow)
//Glowstone (flash)
//Glowstone Dusts (sparkle)
//Gold Nugget (shimmer periodically)
//Gold Sword (shimmer periodically)
//Golden Apple (shimmer periodically)
//Golden Carrot (shimmer periodically)
//Golden Melon (shimmer periodically)
//Jukebox Side (shimmer periodically)
//Nether Portal (flash)
//Nether Wart (wiggles when ready)
//Pumpkin Face On (flicker)
//Red Stone Dust (smoke)
//Redstone Lamp On (flash)
//Structure Block (flash)

Alex (my old skin from 1.7)
Banners (Wither Skull changed to rune. Enchanted Golden Apple changed to rune.)
Blaze (smoke only)
Dolphin (removed nose)
Endermite (mandibles)
Ender Dragon (it's "ender amphiptere" now)
Evoker Fangs (ender dragon mouth)
Guadian (removed tail fins)
Illigers (mini iron golemns)
Llama (removed ears)
Magma Cube (no spring)
Mooshrooms (look like mycelium)
Panda (removed nose)
Parrot (head feather diversity)
Phantom (spooky)
Pig Saddle (SUGOI)
Polar Bear (armored)
Saddle (fixed vanilla z fighting)
Snow Fox (removed ears)
Snow Golem (floating)
Squids (scary)
Steve (my old skin from alpha)
Stray (ice golemn)
Strider (elephant ears)
Villigers (mini iron golemns made from they biomes they spawn in)
Wither (one head)
Witch (mini iron golemn)
Zombified Piglin (nether golemns)

Circuitry Theme
Custom Panorama
Armor (decreases in an inward direction homologous with health)
Crafting (replaced knowledge book with BRAINZ!!!)
Realms ready (last time I checked at least. can't check anymore, trial version ran out.)

//Crimson Spore (added spark texture variant)
//Dust (uses spell texture)
//Electric Spark (custom texture)
//Enchant (added more runes)
//Glow Squid Ink (custom texture)
//Mycelium (custom texture)
//Portal (added more runes)
//Sneeze (custom texture)
//Spit (custom texture)
//Spore Blossom Air (custom texture)
//Squid Ink (custom texture)
//Totem (custom texture)
//Warped Spre //Portal (added spark texture variant)

::Item Degradation::
4 stage Carrot On A Stick
2 stage Diamond Tools/Weapon
5 stage Flint and Steel
4 stage Gold Tools/Weapon
2 stage Iron Tools/Weapon
2 stage Shears
3 stage Stone Tools/Weapon
2 stage Wood Tools/Weapon
4 stage Warped Fungus On A Stick

Credits (replace legal names with their more familiar internet aliases. ex. Notch instead of Markus)
Credits (added credit to textures made by fans. ex: xyZenTV for the toastrabbit.png)
Credits (added credit to the creator of this reasource pack. HAH)
End Credits Story (now it makes even less sense)
End Sky (got rid of static)
en_av.lang custom English Language (really confusing)
Font (custom)
Paintings (includes pretend mirror. false Oak Wood Planks wall. hyperlight drifter cameo. etalyx cameo. Vladamir Fock was a great man)
Particles (crit shots are xp orbs)
Rain (decreased visibility test???)
Splash Screens (reduced to 49 lines, oops)
Hey Man, you just read the Description Page. Have these ::Bonus Packs::

-Recommend Better Grass OFF-
-Recommend Natural Textures OFF- (already possible in vanilla)
Biome specific Skies and Fog
Banner and Sheep Colors fit resource pack's color palette
Enchant specific Enchanted Books
Mundane Enchants don't Glitter
Biome and Height specific Randomized Mob Textures
2x Bats
2x Bears
6x Chickens
4x Cows
6x Creepers
8x Iron Golems
2x Parrots
2x Pigs
4x Sheep
6x Skeletons
4x Slimes
9x Snowmen
4x Squids
4x Vindicators
2x Zombies
//Armor Colors (tweaked to match dye colors)
//Banner Colors (tweaked to match dye colors)
//Bat (dusted with glitter when at diamond level)
//Durability Colormap (red to yellow to green)
//End Fog (black)
//End Sky (dark purple)
//Fog0 Colormap (generally light blue)
//Melon Stem Colormap (tweaked to match block color)
//Mycelium Colormap (tweaked to match block color)
//Nether Fog (dark purple)
//Nether Portal (ctm obsidian border)
//Redstone Colormap (irrelevant)
//Sky0 Colormap (generally light green)
//Sheep Colors (tweaked to match dye colors)
//Shulker (unique texture when either a mob or purple box)
//Sign Text Color (dark brown)
//Spawn Egg (tweaked to match entity colors)
//Wolf Collar Colors (tweaked to match dye colors)
//World0 Lightmap (night vision is pink)
//World1 Lightmap (PINK)
//World-1 Lightmap (reds)

Snowed effects on some other blocks. Like dirt/gravel (Mojang said never)
Pumpkin and Watermeloon Stem particle textures are the wrong color (currently incapable)
Custom Redstone wiring textures like in the old days, T- T (currently incapable)
Use the Zombie Pigman Armor Set in Addon Pack 03 (need Mojang to bring "add-ons" to the Java version)
Cuter baby animals (need Mojang to bring "add-ons" to the Java version)
Sunflowers that make use of the predicate override clock variable so they close at night. (Mojang said never)
3D rails have some Z fighting I'm not sure I'm happy with (currently incapable)
Redstone Wires that actually connect with trapped chests (currently incapable)
Remove the glint on potions and spash potions (currently incapable)
RIP Bunk Beds (Jeb killed it, he said he'll bring it back but it's too late. You hurt me.)
RIP Fuzzy-Leaves/Square-Hedges (Sigh....)
Us resource pack makers would all love for opacity to be available on all blocks (technically makes sense why we cant)

::Legacy Versions::
Minecraft Version - 1.0.1 - Nov, 2011 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.1.0 - Jan, 2012 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.2.5 - Apr, 2012 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.3.2 - Aug 2012 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.4.7 - Jan, 2013 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.5.3 - May, 2013 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.6.4 - Sep, 2013 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.7.10 - Jun, 2014 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.8.9 - Dec, 2015 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.9.4 - May, 2016 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.10.2 - Jun, 2016 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.11.2 - Dec, 2016 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.12.2 - Jul, 2018 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.13.2 - Apr, 2019 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.14.4 - Jul, 2019 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.15.2 - Jan, 2020 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.16.5 - Jun, 2020 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.17.1 - Jul, 2021 ::HERE::
Minecraft Version - 1.18.1 - Dec, 2021 ::HERE::

::Addon Packs::
You can download and run these along side the texture pack if you want... I split these off from the full pack cause I'm sure folk would like these changes to be optional.

Minecraft Version - 1.16.3 ::Addon Pack 2::

//Cat (silent but kept purreow.ogg cause it cute)
//Enderman (teleport sounds like alcohol burning down a tube)
//Shulker (silent)
//Wolf (silent)
//Villager (whistles)
//Zombified Pigling (feline and fox vocals)

-Optifine CIT DLC-
Minecraft Version - 1.14.4 ::Addon Pack 3::

Chainmail Armor (enchant specific texture for Protection -ALT- Thorns)
Elytra (rename to anything with "Bat" -ALT- "Bee" -ALT- "Dragon" -ALT- "Vex" in the name)
Gold Armor (rename to anything with "Snow" in the name)
Iron Armor (enchant specific texture for Protection -ALT- Curse of Binding)
//Bamboo (enchant specific texture for Shapness)
//Bow (enchant specific texture for Power -ALT- Infinity)
//Diamond Axe (enchant specific texture for Shapness V)
//Diamond Hoe (enchant specific texture for Shapness V)
//Diamond Pickaxe (enchant specific texture for Shapness V)
//Diamond Shovel (enchant specific texture for Shapness V)
//Diamond Sword (enchant specific texture for Shapness V)
//Fishing Rod (enchant specific textures for Lure -ALT- Luck)
//Gold Helmet (rename to anything with "ceremonial" in the name)
//Gold Sword (enchant specific texture for Fire Aspect -ALT- Smite)
//Iron Axe (enchant specific texture for Sweeping Edge)
//Iron Sword (enchant specific texture for Sweeping Edge)
//Leather Boots (rename to anything with "Fur" in the name)
//Leather Chestplate (rename to anything with "Scarf" in the name)
//Leather Helmet (rename to anything with "Antlers" in the name)
//Leather Leggings (enchant specific texture for Projectile Protection)
//Stick (enchant specific texture for Shapness)
//Stone Sword (enchant specific texture for Sweeping Edge)
//Turtle Helmet (rename to anything with "Diving" in the name)
//Wooden Sword (rename to anything with "Retribution" in the name)

-Glowstone Flash removal DLC-
Minecraft Version - 1.16.3 ::Addon Pack 4::

//Beacon (removed flashing)
//Glowstone (removed flashing)
//Glowstone Dust (removed flashing)
//Nether Portal (removed flashing)
//Redstone Lamp On (removed flashing)
//Respawn Anchor(removed flashing)

-April Fools Versions DLC-
Minecraft Version - 21w14infinite ::Addon Pack 5::

3D Shareware v1.34
Snapshot 15w14a
Minecraft 2.0
Snapshot 20w14infinite
//15w14a (will never be ready cause I can't figure out how to replace the love wand textures)
//Version 2.0 (the files are all there and ready to go, I just can't test it because the game crashes)
//3D Shareware (this is their best april fools so far, and inspired me to make this DLC)

-Minecraft Dungeons Paintings DLC-
Minecraft Version - 1.16.3 ::Addon Pack 6::

There weren't enough 2x2 paintings in vanilla Minecraft to include all the paintings that are visible, but I got the good ones.
//Alban (creeper painting from the player house)
//Bust (crocodile painting from the highblock halls)
//Donkey Kong (scruffy dog painting from the hub world)
//Fighters (giant creeper head painting from the player house)
//Match (top half of the desert painting from the player house)
//Skeleton (desert temple painting from the hub world)
//Skull And Roses (bottom half of the desert painting from the player house)
//Stage (squid coast painting from the player house)
//Sunset (redstone golem painting from the player house)
//Void (arch illager painting from the highblock halls)
//Wither (arch illager painting from the highblock halls)

-Colored Spawn Eggs DLC-
Minecraft Version - 1.17.0 ::Addon Pack 7::

Spawn Eggs should be easier to discern at a glance.

Slick Nic for the resource test map (soz for the late late bump. lol didn't read fine print)
InfiniteCorners for the better Trident tutorial (dunno if this is the same dude from the Minecraft Forums, but I hope so)
AjaxGb for shield model reverse engineering

::Bug Hunters Hall of Fame::
//just a list of bros who've discovered errors in my work. Helps keep the place looking quality.
Orusen (the bug hunting MVP)

Feel free to check out my artwork on DA ::HERE::
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20

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05/05/2023 1:39 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
DraconicBlaze28's Avatar
I really like this texture pack! A couple things I noticed, though. Strays don't seem to have to bottom half of their bodies, although I can't tell if that's intentional or not. Something that I dont think is intentional, though, is that snow golems are also missing the lower part of their bodies, and just kinda floating.
03/24/2023 9:13 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Benkkullama's Avatar
good pack!
02/22/2022 12:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Orusen's Avatar
I only realized today that you can cook food on a campfire but the way the campfire is in this pack makes it so food on it is floating
02/22/2022 9:17 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
Jimmy0Jenkins's Avatar
Known, but not a big deal. No one does it and it 100% isn't worth giving up the pretty model for it.
02/16/2022 1:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Orusen's Avatar
Idk if you would want to do so but i would personally love another painting DLC pack but with your art from your DA page
02/19/2022 1:04 am
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
Jimmy0Jenkins's Avatar
That would be fun. But unfortunately, the snapshot cycle for 1.19 has begun and that means i'll be spending my time making textures for the new sculk blocks and warden mob.
11/30/2021 8:12 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
Jimmy0Jenkins's Avatar
1.18 version is out. Literally adds nothing new so I guess, enjoy the new banner art. lel
11/30/2021 9:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Orusen's Avatar
if i installed part one did it already have textures for 1.18 or do i need to update
12/01/2021 6:38 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
Jimmy0Jenkins's Avatar
the only difference between 1.17 and 1.18 is a texture for the new music disc. you aren't missing much
08/29/2021 12:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Orusen's Avatar
Was wondering if you get better recording programs or microphone if you will make new custom sounds and improve old ones? (like villager whistling and stuff)

I was also wondering if you knew a fix the the stupid black spiders with optifine or if you had any suggested setting in optifine for your pack?
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