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CaptainMalone's Avatar CaptainMalone
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
"The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect."

NOTE: This resource pack comes complete with an important feature: The Wizarding language. Please remember to activate it in the languages menu, for clarity to be brought to the identity of each block and item. (Please note that the language pack is more complete than the textures, so many items will look the same in spite of being renamed.)

For a good amount of time now, people have been after me to update my Hogwarts texture pack. And seeing as it is stuck way back in Minecraft 1.4.5, is it any surprise? But there were so many problems that presented themselves. I had turned furnaces into cauldrons, but then cauldrons had been added to the game. I made pumpkins look like lamps, which got weird when pumpkins were given seeds. I made most of the resources look like bottles of potions- and then potions were officially added. It had gotten to the point where the pack would need a complete overhaul.

Slowly but surely, I've been working on doing so. I've been hesitant to let anyone know- I have been wary of getting people's hopes up because I don't know how long it will take me to finish. But as I near the 50% mark, it is getting more and more difficult to keep it a secret.

Therefore, wizards and witches, I shall wait no longer, but proudly present to you a small preview of Albus- The Hogwarts Resource Pack for a New Era of Minecraft.

And oh! It is 32x32, which I know will bring joy to many of your hearts.

Additional Notes

CreditAs previous, special thanks must be given to J. K. Rowling. I would also like to thank my dear Chelsea, for introducing me to the wizarding world.
Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

2 Update Logs

December 2nd : by CaptainMalone 12/03/2014 12:29:32 amDec 3rd, 2014

Hey, just in case you're wondering- yep, I'm definitely still working on this! Right now I'm doint a lot of work with the new model system. I've got some pretty nice custom shelves, armillary "spheres", fancier leaves... right now I'm working on adding in some random alternating of textures so that a whole wall of book cases will end up with some variety, etc. 

I'll be updating once the blocks are done, then working on the items. I've already textured a few mobs, but I'll likely be waiting to do any more of them until we see what kind of entity model control we're offered in the next update.

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02/04/2017 3:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Denise97's Avatar
Can't you put Harry Potter's Theme as music? Or in a cd? The music is kinda creepy and not potterish (?) at all
02/03/2017 3:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Denise97's Avatar
I tried this. To be honest, it looks like it's missing a lot of things.. I read the description of the other texture pack, and I couldn't try it but it looked full of things! Even the teachers..
I want to use a good resource pack to create a Harry Potter themed map, but this one is missing so many things! And I've got a lot of ideas, if you want I can suggest you some cool things!
08/29/2016 8:18 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
hoanhunter's Avatar
Are ya still working on this?
06/21/2015 2:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TerSTARboy55's Avatar
Do you know when is will be 100% Complete or for 1.8
12/27/2014 3:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
destrokox's Avatar
Good work ;) But wooden door looks awful, specialy in the villagges ;(
EDIT: You got diamond ;)
12/03/2014 12:52 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pokemon
dompje509's Avatar
but why its called albus
12/03/2014 2:21 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
CaptainMalone's Avatar
I'm glad you like it! This pack is named Albus after Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series, which this pack is based on.
12/04/2014 9:29 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pokemon
dompje509's Avatar
but why not the hogpack named to hogwards if you have seen the films dumbledore is dead
12/04/2014 3:44 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
CaptainMalone's Avatar
I have a texture pack called Hogwarts already, actually. It's for an older version of Minecraft and became too much of a pain to update. I chose Albus somewhat as a tribute to Dumbledore. I see no reason not to name something after him just because he died in the story.
12/03/2014 12:51 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pokemon
dompje509's Avatar
this texture pack is awesome
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