Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

1.20 - Notch-Jeb Revival - The 'Took Ya Long Enough!' Update

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Asteroider's Avatar Asteroider
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper
Click this link to be invited to my Discord server for feedback, suggestions, criticism, help, and a steady stream(this word is literal on Wednesdays) of my progress with the pack.

Original Description From 1.14:

The 1.14 Notch-Jeb Revival pack's purpose is to make all of the new textures made by Jasper from Mojang in the original style of Notch and Jeb. The main reason for making this pack is that Jasper's textures were supposed to unify the texture styles between everything in Minecraft, but instead of doing this properly, he made some of them too simple, and some of them too detailed. There were only a few that were almost just right with Notch or Jeb's styles. So I decided to fix this problem since the old styles were more unified than his. I fixed the new blocks, items, potion effect icons, and some of the entities he added since he was hired at Mojang at the start of 1.13's development. I also made a few tweaks that changed how the textures worked a bit to make them better as well. It seems that Jasper was trying to "ease off of the accelerator" when creating most of 1.13's textures since I only had to change their contrasts and saturation for most of them to fix them, but in 1.14 he went full throttle with his rubbish style.     

  With the entities like foxes and the new villagers, I mostly left their textures alone because of the fact that entity textures have never been unified in how simple or detailed they were for each mob. The most I changed in the entities was the fish to make the cod and salmon like the old cod and salmon items, as well as adding those back in. I also made the villagers, pillagers and zombie villagers have their old skin textures, but I didn't mess with their new clothing. I may fix their clothing later, but I wanted to release this now so that the people that are constantly suffering from the awfulness of Jasper's style can finally breathe again.

Also, I added the old panorama on the menu back because it is nostalgic and does not have any of Jasper's textures in it.

I plan to update this pack every update to make sure that Jasper's filth doesn't poison Minecraftia's waters for the ones who are sane enough to understand why his style is so poorly made and not Minecraft-like at all.

Please leave feedback. I will take criticism and I will try to make this pack as good as it can be.

Updates (top is always most recent):
The 'Took Ya Long Enough!' Update - 6/6/23:
I have finally regained motivation to actually work on this pack again because, even though Microsoft's control of Mojang is becoming noticeably more terrible (to say the least), I've decided that I'll continue on it anyway since I know I'll always come back to this game with my friends. I have completed the majority of the blocks from 1.17 through 1.20 as well as most items. As usual, I leave the mobs until the end, so they will come later. I have also fixed a bug related to the model of the mud bricks block which has been in a bug report for over a year, so your mud brick builds won't look so off on 2 corners with this pack.

Update 11/20/20:
I'm calling this one the "Clothing Update" because that's all that it changes. I finally got the motivation to complete all villager/zombie villager clothing as well as the clothing for the drowned and piglins. You'll no longer have to look at the unnecessary shading detail, as well as noisy contrast, of Jasper's clothing textures.

Update 9/16/20:
Added a Bedrock Edition port because several people asked for it. Please remember to put it above the Programmer Art pack (or if Bedrock Edition calls it something like "Classic Look", use that) because my pack does not fit without the old texture style on everything.

Update 9/9/20:
I have finally finished 1.16's mob textures! Or at least the bases. The Jasper-style clothing on piglins and villagers will all be updated in the future to have the older look like everything else, but I wanted to get this out now so you didn't have to wait another 2 months to stop seeing Jasper-style piglin skin. Improvements have been made to both gilded blackstone and shroomlights (and a slight highlight improvement for blue ice so it looks more like it fits with other ice types). I have finally fixed the zombie villager base to be more like the 1.9 ones, since the 1.14 version of it was kinda poorly mixed with Jasper's. Also, several mobs I never changed much back in 1.14 like foxes, pandas, and dolphins have been improved much more.

Mini Update 7/21/20:
I made the polished blackstone variants more grainy like with other polished stones in the game. I also fixed the top of crying obsidian because I forgot to copy over the changed model json for it. Please check out the Notch-Jeb Revival Discord Server in order to be able to notify me about these problems earlier, as well as make suggestions while I'm making the pack and sharing my progress.

Update 7/19/20:
I have decided to let everyone try a version of the pack where it has everything I've done so far for 1.16.1. I have done every item, block, etc except for all the new mobs. The next release will include the mobs textured, probably along with the Piglin Brute from 1.16.2 by the time I get there. Also, I've decided to make every new release just be an excluded version so there is just less storage needed for everyone. Remember to put the pack over the programmer art pack when using it. Please remember you can join my Discord server for progress updates and your suggestions at Notch-Jeb Revival!

Update 7/2/20:
I made a Discord server for your feedback and so that you can see progress updates without me just cluttering up the description here! Here is the invite link: Notch-Jeb Revival

Another Mini Note:
I finally noticed that banners are blacked out in this pack because I didn't realize that the new rendering engine would affect banner patterns. I have fixed this for the future 1.16 version of my pack. This is why I need your feedback so I know of these problems sooner! Please tell me any problems you have with the pack in the comments.

Mini Update to this page that doesn't need to go in the logs:
Edited in the new cartography table texture into the first comparison image so I didn't need to recreate it and it's nearly seemless besides the brightness so I wanted to point that out.

Update 6/27/20:
I decided to finally update the cartography table's texture so it doesn't just look like a dark oak wood plank with a map on top, so it doesn't look like the more mediocre programmer art packs on the site, and so now it uses the same kind of dark in-lines as Jasper's with similar rolled-up maps in the side that I forgot to add before.

Update 6/26/20:
Since multiple people have asked, I have quickly made a download that excludes all the default programmer art textures so that people can overlay it. Please tell me in the comments if I happened to miss something when transferring the textures to the new download.

Update 6/23/20:
Finally got back to updating the pack since I was really busy for the last year. I have finally fixed bee-nests, beehives, honeycomb, and honey bottles. I realized there is something I could do to fix Jasper's mob textures; I mostly removed the artificial shading on the foxes, pandas, and bees since shading on the mob textures themselves, I realized, is not how Notch and Jeb used to do it. I also fixed the crappy iron golem crack textures since they literally looked like Jasper smeared crap on them, so I fixed them with the same style as when you mine blocks, though I may change it in the next update so that it doesn't just look like you should be swinging a pickaxe at the golems. Realms buttons have been changed so that the highlight when hovering over them is the original blue color rather than the new white border, and I added in a couple menu splash texts that should never have been removed. And yes, I have updated this on the exact day of the 1.16 release for 1.15. I'm sorry since I was busy, and will get on the 1.16 update as soon as it seems the textures for that update are all staying how they are. As usual, please give me feedback in the comments, especially if you have any better ideas for the iron golem cracks.

Update 6/13/19: Made the download a .zip file. I made the ravager look more like he should with the simpler style of the
old evoker fangs since the ravager's default texture is based off of the new evoker fangs thanks to lugiagameryt. I made the red fox texture look more detailed so the snow fox texture would actually fit in with it since the snow fox had more detail than the red fox. And I made all the pandas and turtles have slightly more detailed textures. Those will most likely be updated better in the future.
CreditCredit to Markus Persson and Jens Bergensten for creating most of Minecraft with such a simplistic yet detailed-feeling style of graphics that has always been awesome! (Technically credit to LugiaGamerYT, bainill0, Daeslender, Natalie Animations, someguy)
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16

10 Update Logs

Update #10 - 6/6/23 - The 'Took Ya Long Enough!' Update : by Asteroider 06/06/2023 11:58:23 pmJun 6th, 2023

I have finally regained motivation to actually work on this pack again because, even though Microsoft's control of Mojang is becoming noticeably more terrible (to say the least), I've decided that I'll continue on it anyway since I know I'll always come back to this game with my friends. I have completed the majority of the blocks from 1.17 through 1.20 as well as most items. As usual, I leave the mobs until the end, so they will come later.

I have also fixed a bug related to the model of the mud bricks block which has been in a bug report for over a year, so your mud brick builds won't look so off on 2 corners with this pack.

Please remember I want feedback! Join my Discord server.

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09/17/2023 4:10 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
BlockManSkins2's Avatar
Minecraft education edition is unplayable for me because it doesn't have this beautiful textures
07/04/2021 4:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RegDuy's Avatar
Can you update the pack to 1.17 also the bedrock version of programer art is called classic textures.
07/04/2021 7:11 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper
Asteroider's Avatar
I apologize. 1.17 has a few bugs that, added onto the fact I've been having to use a chromebook recently for this, make me unable to play the game much in order to actually test my textures. There are also delays in my schedule which add to that. The 1.17 update will be somewhat late.
03/23/2021 9:14 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
TimeWarpDrive's Avatar
"I plan to update this pack every update to make sure that Jasper's filth doesn't poison Minecraftia's waters "

03/24/2021 4:08 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper
Asteroider's Avatar
Yup, and I apologize if it takes a while for 1.17 like it did for 1.16 because I tend to like to wait until it's officially out before making the textures since they tend to change them during the snapshot process.
11/23/2020 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RegDuy's Avatar
Don't like how the new 1.16 mobs use puples. Prefer the eyes found in default. Plz make a pack that changes the eyes to the ones styled after the ones from default. Other then that, the pack is a 10/10 for me/
12/22/2020 1:57 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
JuceDoesThings's Avatar
Why would someone make an entire new pack for a slight modification you want? Juts do it yourself
11/23/2020 3:51 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper
Asteroider's Avatar
Luckily for you, those eyes are literally just black and white so you can easily edit it in your own file of the pack for yourself.
11/22/2020 5:05 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
xgromit's Avatar
why is the pack stuck at 95% ?
11/22/2020 5:19 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper
Asteroider's Avatar
Because I keep updating it for every new update, and I thought that if I put it at 100% it would signify me being done with it, which I am not.
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