YaBoiRaiser Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins


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YaBoiRaiser's Avatar YaBoiRaiser
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
Greetings, I'm YaBoiRaiser, Raiser for short. I'm a Doctor Who/Dragon Ball/Star Wars and cat freak, and that's about it for me. I wrote out a 4 paragraph essay for this post before, but then I posted it with an outdated skin... Fixed it now, but there goes all that work...

Right, so this is my first post here, eh? Best make it worthwhile then. This is my main skin, Raiser. Basically my OC, and seeing as I like Dragon Ball... He's a Saiyan/Earthling hybrid, with greater potential than most. He also likes the colour red. A lot.

'Kay then, I'm tired and I need to feed the cat, so I'll wrap this up quick. Go check out Sealia, she's a good skin creator and friend of mine, though she can be a bit... Strange... I'm off y'all, later!

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