Minecraft Skins

. momiji . hue of scarlet maples . persona . 1/2

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Mxple_Starz's Avatar Mxple_Starz
Level 49 : Master Artist Procrastinator
the word for maple leaves tinted red in autumn, a symbol for Japanese autumn

I have updated my persona!! after people called my hair too simple
you may notice I am significantly more tree (the branch vine thingies)

strength (physAtk): 10
constitution (physDef): 11
intelligence (mgAtk): 13
fortitude (mgDef): 9
charisma (psyAtk): 8
wisdom (psyDef): 13
dexterity (atkSpd): 10
agility (mvmSpd): 9
mana (mgMax): 21

human average per stat: 10

One day a girl awoke. In a world bleak and empty. Who was she? Where was she? She knew not. She wandered the ruins she woke up in, buildings dull and crumbled, though once ornate and gleaming. Ivory walls covered in wilted morning glories and vibrant, iridescent vines. She surveyed the buildings in hopes of piecing together her past. The girl came across a shattered mirror, dusty and browned and yet what she saw was as clear as crystal water. Two spined, dark brown horns, covered in blood red stars. Eyes of voided violet and piercing gold. Curse-like markings in her skin. Two dark brown, eldritch tentacles covered in those same crimson stars, and draped in a dirtied veil that made them look like wings. Her clothing was beat and worn, tearing at the hems, though well made.

She was a demon. She had to be, for what else had horns, wings, pointed little ears, and black, draping clothing.
Was she the cause of this cities fall? Murals depicted a woman of similar stature, with auburn hair and golden eyes, carrying a scythe, with the red stars on her horns and the same black attire, against a colorful array of what seemed to be heroes, guarding a well adorned tree.

She left behind the city with a few important items, heart aching for what her past incarnation may have done but ready to turn over a new leaf. Would the people accept her, would they believe she is but a remnant of a calamity and has lost all memory? That she won't destroy them too?
She came across a group far along. A group of people that only relied on eachother to survive. She learned this world has been struck with greatest calamity and that the world tree burned (and her heart could only clench with guilt). The world was but a desolate waste, having been taken over by demon plants from the portals that the monsters entered from. The people were left to defend themselves.

She was surprisingly welcomed into the group, given a new set of clothes that she thought were too cute for her demonic form, but regardless, selfishly indulged in. She learned she had a fondness for plants, later learning that those crimson stars were in fact leaves, and feeling ashamed that her new hobby had to be related to her demonic nature. (It was clear she wasn't a demon, she had even witnessed real demons, why must she keep to this conclusion?) She became the group's healer, coming along with them to dungeon running and ensuring none of her new family is lost. It was nothing close to a comfortable life, yet she was happy with this small guild, happy as Hoshihana Momiji.

. momiji . hue of scarlet maples . persona . 1/2 Minecraft Skin

If anyone has a post-apocalyptic (still apocalyptic) setting, I'd be down to entertwine lore with someone!! I made the guild group thingy vague on purpose.
Creditmoltenoni nation for calling my hair boring and thus inspiring me to update my sona

1 Update Logs

Update!! : by Mxple_Starz 02/05/2024 8:22:58 pmFeb 5th

I added a description (and a huge lore dump)

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