For "Logo-Senpai" XD Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

For "Logo-Senpai" XD

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WulfinaLorelei's Avatar WulfinaLorelei
Level 22 : Expert Miner
To logan-
You liked one of my skins so I took the liberty of gender-bending it, and I really hope you like it <3

Also yes I did have to make you shirtless, a girl can dream, huh?

To the rest of you all-
This is a genderbend of an existing skin, mine to be precise. If you want me to post it, i will, its simply a female verson of this, but a neko rather then a werewolf, but, again Ill post it if you guys want. I had an existing account called "WulfinasLorelei" and my email for that got deleted. Ill leave the link for that skin on my page :D
CreditLogan for being the best possible, Kayla and Jenny for being the most supportive sisters I could ever ask for!

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