Minecraft Skins

🦋Echo Chicory || oc🦋

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Kirigiri's Avatar Kirigiri
Level 78 : Legendary Princess
Four hundred years ago the first sorcerers war destroyed most of the Stormshade empire, horrified by the destruction of his lands, Emperor Chloris declared that anyone caught with magic running in their veins was to be put to death,

In the wake of the devastation caused by the first sorcerer's war, Emperor Chloris Issued a decree that sent shockwaves through the land, proclaiming that anyone found with the now forbidden magic running in their veins would have their lives swiftly and mercilessly snuffed out. Four hundred bloody years dragged by and gradually all traces of magic were erased from Stormshades history, the Emperion Guard would come in the cover of night and snatch people out of their houses covertly putting an end to any threat they might pose. Nobody Slipped through the cracks, how could they under such brutally efficient elimination Processes. Nobody until now…

Echo lay in bed a chair propped up against the knob of her door and her curtains tightly drawn

her heart pounded relentlessly against her ribcage, threatening to betray her secret to the world with its fervent rhythm. Lifting the sleeve of her teal nightdress she cast a scornful gaze upon her wrist where the forbidden magic glowed in her veins a clear identifier of the magically gifted or depending how you looked at it, the magically cursed.

Being the youngest daughter of the prestigious Chicory Family Echo was able to learn alot from her older sisters and their debuts into society, but none of that could help her now, how was she to disguise her magical affliction in front of the emperor and empress, one slip up would spell certain death.

The grand ballroom of the royal palace shimmered with opulence. Echo stood at the threshold, her heart fluttering like a caged bird. The debutante process had been a blur of curtsies, rehearsed smiles, and whispered compliments. She had been presented to the Empress, her pulse echoing in her ears as she knelt before the throne. The Empress’s gaze had swept over her, assessing every detail—the delicate lace of her gown, the tiara nestled in her teal hair, the way she held her breath.

“Ah Echo Chicory,” the empress murmured her voice just as practised as all the curtsies and smiles “What a shining example of a refined and proper young woman.” Echo simply nodded at the compliment, her throat too dry to let out a single whisper, if the empress knew about her secret she’d be calling for her head in seconds. Images of the guillotine and blood stained cobblestones flashed through her mind.

The rest of Echos debut was all a blur, the weight of her secret felt as if it was dragging her down into the depths of the ocean, she watched as young men wrote their names on the dance cards of the eligible young women, as she clung to the wall like a misplaced shadow desperate not to be noticed, yet She could feel eyes on her, scrutinising her every move, making her acutely aware of the magic coursing through her veins. Any moment she felt her secret could be exposed, all it would take would be one momentary lapse in concentration …

Just as she thought she might manage to escape the night unscathed, a young man approached her with an arrogant swagger. He was tall and broad-shouldered, his expression a mix of entitlement and condescension. His name was Lord Narcissi, the son of a powerful noble family known for their strict adherence to the Emperor's anti-magic edicts.

"Care for a dance, Miss Chicory?" he asked, his tone making it clear that refusal was not an option.

Echo shook her head, trying to maintain her composure. "No, thank you. I'm not feeling well."

The young man's smile faded, replaced by a look of irritation. "Come now, don't be rude. Just one dance."

He reached out to grab her arm, and in that instant, Echo's control snapped. The fear, the pressure, the sheer terror of being discovered—all of it surged through her, breaking the fragile dam of her willpower.

A blinding light burst forth around Echo, flooding the ballroom with dazzling brilliance. Mesmerised by the manifestation of her magic, she watched in awe as butterflies made of pure light emerged, their wings shimmering with an ethereal glow. In a trance, she reached out to touch one, but quickly recoiled as it seared her skin, leaving a painful burn.

Piercing screams of terror filled the ballroom as flames created by the butterflies spread rapidly, devouring the ornate decorations and elegant draperies. People scrambled to escape, their faces twisted in fear as they shoved past each other. Echo's heart pounded in her chest, the reality of the devastation crashing down on her. She stood frozen, horrified by the destruction she had unleashed, unable to comprehend the nightmare unfolding around her.

The Emperion Guard, always vigilant, sprang into action. They pushed through the panicking crowd, their eyes locked on Echo. She barely had time to react before they grabbed her, their grips ironclad.

"No! Please, I didn't mean to—" she cried, but her pleas were lost in the turmoil.

The guards dragged her through the halls of the palace, her feet barely touching the ground. The screams and the smell of smoke faded into the distance as they descended into the cold, dark depths of the dungeon.

The cell door slammed shut behind her, the sound echoing through the stone corridors. Echo fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. She had always known this day might come, but the reality was far worse than any nightmare.

Echo was dragged from her gloomy cell at dawn, her hands bound behind her neck, the emperor's grip unyielding as they led her through the dungeons corridors and into the courtyard where a rowdy crowd had gathered all baying for her blood, all of them so conditioned to hate her. A raised platform stood in the centre of the court yard, the executioner's axe dripping with blood from one of the morning's many earlier victims. Echo's heart pounded as she dropped to her knees and closed her eyes, ready to embrace the inevitable. As macabre as it sounds echo had practised this day over and over in her mind on the chance that if she ever should meet this fate she would meet it with dignity and composure.

The executioner raised his axe, his black hood hiding any emotion he might have, time seemed to slow as she braced herself for the inevitable, Then, just as the blade began its descent, everything froze. The murmurs of the crowd, the fluttering of banners in the breeze, even the executioner’s grimace—all suspended in eerie stillness.

Echo reluctantly opened her eyes, her breath catching in her throat as she realised she could move. Sliding out from under the axe she looked around stunned and confused by the frozen scene before her. “How?” she whispered her voice barely audible.

“No time to explain.” answered a voice from behind her, echo spun round to see who had spoken, a young man not much older than herself stood there wearing a dark tophat and deep blue riding attire his hand extended towards her in a silent promise of escape

“Come with me if you want to live…”

Sorry this is coming out a little later than i'd intended i got a bit carried away with echos backstory as you can see hahaha, but tldr this is Echo, she took me far too long to make as it is so hard to come up with ideas for skins lmaooo! i promise the next chunk of her lore will be shorter (hopefully)

🦋Echo Chicory || oc🦋 Minecraft Skin


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06/22/2024 4:37 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Sirframes's Avatar
This is real pretty! What do you think about making a custom butterfly elytra? Seeing it's such a fleshed out character and all... Just an idea :)
06/22/2024 4:50 pm
She/Her • Level 78 : Legendary Princess
Kirigiri's Avatar
oooh i've never thought about that but i'll give it a go!
06/22/2024 8:35 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Sirframes's Avatar
Glad to hear that! There are only 6 or so designs for "butterfly elytra" at planetmc. Quite the starving market there, waiting for your talent :D
Ash Silvershade
06/22/2024 2:44 am
She/Her • Level 34 : Artisan Imposter Cake
Ash Silvershade's Avatar
she is so pretty!! the bow at the back of her dress is so cute!!
06/22/2024 11:22 am
She/Her • Level 78 : Legendary Princess
Kirigiri's Avatar
Awe thank you 🙏 🙏 ☺️
06/21/2024 9:50 pm
They/Them • Level 66 : High Grandmaster Strawberry Cupcake
lacuna's Avatar
ooooh! shes so pretty, i love the green pallet u used on her! =(^.w.^)=
06/22/2024 11:22 am
She/Her • Level 78 : Legendary Princess
Kirigiri's Avatar
Awe thank you so much, honestly I went through so many green pallets before settling on that one 😊😊😊
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