Minecraft Servers


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wildercraft's Avatar wildercraft
Level 30 : Artisan Botanist
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
                    WilderCraft 1.21
                   DungeonRun is back!
Connect With
We're a friendly nature-themed survival community:
- New world and map reset for 1.17.1! (World was reset August 2021)
- Sell items at a shop and use in-game currency (our own custom shop plugin)
- /tp and /home cost 1 eye of teleportation (because survival has costs)
- Wilderness warp is free to use on cooldown timer
- Friendly and helpful staff (owner is also a software developer & dad)
- Land claims for grief prevention
- Ranks and daily /vote rewards
- Weekly event: The Ruby Dragon (our custom ender dragon fight with extra challenges and rewards)
- Nature-themed Skyblock where you gain island levels as you grow your forest in the sky. (our own customized Skyblock)

1. Be nice. We promptly ban toxic trolls, over 9,000 served.
2. Create nature-themed builds that fit the landscape.
3. Earn your items. Beg/cheat/hack/x-ray is against the survival spirit. Try the shops.
4. Stealing or griefing someone's unclaimed base isn't nice.
5. Keep chat civil. Skip spam & politics; make chat helpful, friendly and fun for everyone.

If you are nice, helpful and after you get to know the server for two weeks of play time, you can submit for /staff.

14 Update Logs

New Server Reset Yesterday — Season 9 Now Open! : by wildercraft 12/19/2020 9:53:01 amDec 19th, 2020

We just opened a brand new reset world across 7 servers! Map was reset last night!

Come join play.wildercraft.net for the new Season 9 of survival.
  • 10 new custom WilderCrate items available for all ranks at /spawn
  • 2 updated WilderTools — can you mine 1,000,000 blocks this season using the WilderPick?
  • New ravine spawn design — wow it's a lovely hole in the forest!
IP: play.wildercraft.net
Website: https://wildercraft.net/play/


Community projects posted by members on this server

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06/20/2020 2:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Captainaa1's Avatar
Love this server, amazing community. The staff is lovely and is willing to help. Wish i knew that they had wilderwarp, when I first got on, I just wandered around the admin claimed area, (which is about 250 blocks around spawn) I found a nice community. They helped me get started and now I try to help new players whenever I can
08/31/2019 12:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ImSynthex's Avatar
I would absolutely love the server, but I got banned for 2 months, I know that probably the only people that are going to see this have the same problem, I admit, I took 2 shulkers in unclaimed land, but i didn't know better I had been playing for an hour or so, a day later I get banned, I'd love to make a ban appeal, but can't because to make a profile on the website you have to go into the server, which I can't do, there is an obvious problem, just know not to destroy ANYTHING in the world unless its about 200 blocks away from ANY buildings.
07/23/2019 2:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Zykepzyke's Avatar
It's a great server with friendly people. but it's not for beginners. I just made a portal to nether (first time ever) and i started mining. I got to something white which i've never seen before, so i started mining. After destoying 2 blocks i saw that there was a path up ahead and that i've made a hole in the path. So i realize i must have destroyed someones path.. 3 minutes later i got banned for 2 months.. Im not sure how i could have rebuild it because i dont even know how to acquire ice (which i think it was). Also i had no signs to say "sorry for breaking your path" on me. I didnt even have enough time to go back and bring one before i was banned..

Good server with friendly people. but alittle bit to harsh when you make mistakes.
08/31/2019 12:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ImSynthex's Avatar
07/06/2019 7:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Swoven's Avatar
I know you wont respond to this but I wanted to appeal for something on the forums... But I can't make an account. Anyways I got banned for 2 months for "griefing a nether portal". I removed a nether portal in the nether which was 15 blocks away from mine to link mine up properly. I didn't think it was "someones" I just figured it was randomly generated. It moved literally 15 blocks... If it's that big of an issue I can build the portal exactly where it was, that's insane though that you get banned 2 months for something like that, at least ask me to put it back before just banishing me like that. Just a miss understanding... I would never intentionally grief someone's stuff. But I figure you wont read this anyways. Went to hop on this morning and have fun, was surprised to see that ban.
06/17/2019 3:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AllieGunderson's Avatar
I got banned for "hacking" even though I swear on god i wasn't!! how do I appeal!!
06/13/2019 5:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LuCiDttvbtw's Avatar
How do I join u
06/06/2019 4:33 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Fr0st3d_'s Avatar
One of the nicest communities i have ever seen

Its most definitely worth trying out
04/15/2019 12:29 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
subfuse's Avatar
best server.
this place is my new home for MC.
03/04/2019 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Network
GoldenFlame_'s Avatar
Is it just a coincidence that everyone who wants to says something bad about this server on here was banned in the past?

It's simple just don't break the rules dum dums, its a lovely server with a great community, don't get your self chucked out... unless your racist, toxic or a troll, we don't want them :P
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