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Vanilla PVP TNT Kingdom

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Cypher777's Avatar Cypher777
Level 45 : Master Grump
Vanilla PVP TNT Kingdom
Status Online! Pinged: 07/13/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Mass TNT with keepInventory
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You will not find another PVP server with unrestricted fighting and building.

NO free items, NO block protection, NO chest protection, NO whitelist, NO item restrictions, NO teleporting, NO donators.

Griefing is allowed, however, do not confuse griefing with cheating. Anyone using cheating programs will be banned permanently with no warnings.

You can destroy anywhere, you can steal from anyone, you can build anywhere, you can betray people, you can use TNT, you can light the entire world on fire. Some common sense rules do apply. Immediate bans will be handed out to people advertising other servers or talking trash about this server. Those are just really stupid things for people to do on any server.

NO CHEATERS! We use Anti-Cheat plugins and no cheaters go unpunished. Every single person who has cheated using X-rays here has been caught, banned, and their changes rolled back. Providing a fair and balanced game is our second highest priority.

Our HIGHEST priority, of course, is keeping the game going! Our server has been on 24/7 since December 2012, is extremely stable, and has 99.1% uptime over many years. If this server becomes your home server, you will be guaranteed to always have a place to PVP and build.

1) Difficulty is set to HARD, Mob spawning is Higher than normal, and PVP is ENABLED
2) Your chests and homes will not be protected. Hide your stuff well. DO NOT build your house out of wood, it will get burned down.
3) There is no teleporting. You will want your base to be far enough from spawn that you won't be found, but not so far you spend an hour running to get to it.

Server IP: play.rpkingdom.com
Website Link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/vanilla-pvp-grief
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/BQmM5VPZqS



These are the Factions currently available, others may be added at any time. There are no actual changes to the mechanics of the game, a Faction is simply a color for your name which represents your reputation within the game.

Below details what role each Faction plays in-game.
Vanilla PVP TNT Kingdom Minecraft Server
One doesn't simply join a Faction. Factions are bestowed upon players by a Game Master based entirely upon their reputation in-game, so long as they also fit the additional requirements. Begging doesn't get you anywhere.

Hero (Blue) (Lawful - Good)
Heroes are the ultimate Good of the realm, they are courteous, selfless, and brave. They will always put the lives of others above their own and will risk their lives to save new players from Evil. A Hero is bound by a sense of chivalry, committed to vanquishing Evil for the greater good. Very few players are truly Heroes.
Hero Additional Requirements:
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Mending Netherite Helmet
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending Netherite Chestplate
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending Netherite Leggings
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III/Frost Walker II, Mending Netherite Boots
- Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, Mending Netherite Sword
- Power V, Unbreaking III, Flame, Infinity/Mending Bow
- A large stockpile of other PvP implements such as Potions, Golden Apples, and Enderpearls
- Advanced PVP skill (This is determined by a Game Master, and can not be earned by asking nicely)
- Patrolling spawn to save new players, and destroy Evil players
- Giving items to new players to help them survive
- Escorting players away from harm (Best place to escort them is a Nation)
- Repairing the spawn point
- No Griefing or Stealing

Villain (Red) (Lawful - Evil)
Villains are the ultimate Evil of the realm, they are deadly, selfish, and cunning. They will stop at nothing to violently kill anyone in their way and will absolutely annihilate any bases or structures they find. A Villain is subject only to their own code of conduct, taking whatever they want, when they want, regardless of who or what it harms. Very few players are feared enough to be called Villains.
Villain Additional Requirements:
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Mending Netherite Helmet
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending Netherite Chestplate
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending Netherite Leggings
- Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III/Frost Walker II, Mending Netherite Boots
- Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, Mending Netherite Sword
- Power V, Unbreaking III, Flame, Infinity/Mending Bow
- Large stockpile of other PvP implements such as Potions, Golden Apples, and Enderpearls
- Advanced PVP skill (This is determined by a Game Master, and cannot be earned by asking nicely)
- Hunting down players
- 100 Valid Kills
- Raiding Bases
- Selective Griefing

Knight (Aqua) (Lawful - Good)
Knights are players who aspire to be a Hero, they are generous, giving, and strong-willed. They are focused on keeping spawn safe for new players by repairing spawn damage done by Evil, replanting gardens, and keeping the area well lit. A Knight is bound by a sense of chivalry, committed to vanquishing Evil for the greater good.
Knight Additional Requirements:
- Enchanted Iron Helmet
- Enchanted Iron Chestplate
- Enchanted Iron Leggings
- Enchanted Iron Boots
- Diamond Sword
- Bow
- Adequate PVP skill (This is determined by a Game Master, and cannot be earned by asking nicely)
- Approximately 1 week of playtime
- Patrolling spawn to save new players, fend off Evil players, and keep it safe through repair
- Escorting players away from harm (Best place to escort them is a Nation)
- Repairing the spawn point
- No Griefing or Stealing

Undead (Gray) (Neutral - Evil)
Undead are players who wish to taste blood, they are reckless, persistent, and head-strong. They swarm around spawn and camp new players. Their goal is to make spawn as unsafe as possible, destroying lighting, creating traps, and killing new players. An Undead is bound by nothing, relentlessly seeking what is in their own interest, regardless of the harm it may cause.
Undead Additional Requirements:
- Iron Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots
- Iron Sword
- 10 Valid Kills
- Camping Spawn to kill players
- Adequate PVP skill (This is determined by a Game Master, and cannot be earned by asking nicely)

Noble (Gold) (Neutral - Good)
Nobles are players who are incredibly skilled at building and enjoy the beauty of the game, they are creative, resourceful, and peaceful. A Noble is not interested in PVP, as they are invested in creative public works projects. A Noble upholds a sense of goodwill, encouraging peace through their kindness to others.
Noble Additional Requirements:
- Advanced Building skill (This is determined by a Game Master, and cannot be earned by asking nicely)
- Constructing, Highways, Villages or Nations
- No Griefing or Stealing

Goblin (Green) (Chaotic - Evil)
Goblins are players focused only on griefing, they are annoying, disrespectful, and destructive. A Goblin is bound by nothing, invested in the freedom they have through anarchy.
Goblin Additional Requirements:
- Grief Everything

Fairy (Pink) (Neutral - Good)
Fairies are players who are pleasant to be around, they are cheerful, nice, and talkative. Fairies will talk to you about anything and everything! A Fairy upholds a sense of goodwill, encouraging peace through their kindness to others.
Fairy Additional Requirements:
- No Griefing

Dark Fairy (Purple) (Chaotic - Neutral)
Dark Fairies are players who like to pester others, they are and conniving, elusive, and mischievous. A Dark Fairy is bound by nothing, only concerned with the freedom they have.
Dark Fairy Additional Requirements:
- Selective Griefing

Nomad (Yellow) (Neutral)
Nomads are players who keep to themselves, they are resourceful, reserved, and unpredictable. Nomads will fight for what they believe in and will stand by their choices. A Nomad is subject to their own moral compass, giving little regard to the concepts of Good and Evil.
Nomad Additional Requirements:
- Iron Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots
- Iron Sword

A player will only be put into a Faction after they have proven through their actions that they hold a similar reputation and have fulfilled all of the additional requirements on their own. Items gained from other players are not eligible as requirements for joining a Faction. Attempting to use these items will result in disqualification.

If a player meets the reputation and additional requirements for a certain Faction, but fails to uphold those requirements, they will be moved to a more appropriate Faction.


Additional Information for Factions

Nation Minimum Requirements: (Creativity is encouraged, and a builder can take it far beyond these minimums)
- Owned by 1 or more Leader
- 3 or more Villages per Nation
- Walls surrounding each Village (Continuity is optional)
- Fully lit (To avoid monsters spawning)
(Exceptions may be applied in cases of exceptional craftsmanship)

Village Minimum Requirements: (Creativity is encouraged, and a builder can take it far beyond these minimums)
- Owned by 1 or more Leader
- 3 or more Beautiful 8x8 houses that are mostly non-flammable
- Houses connected by decorative Roads
- A level 12 mine (Stairway/ Ladder Entrance)
- 1 or more Public Enderchests
- 4 or more 80 block plots of farmland (These can be connected)
- A Villager Trading Shop (Safe from Zombies)
- Fully lit (To avoid monsters spawning)
(Exceptions may be applied in cases of exceptional craftsmanship)

Highway Minimum Requirements:
- Originate from the spawn point at 0, 0
- Perfectly straight and centred along the X or Z axis
- 1k - 2k blocks long
- Exactly 4 blocks wide
- Fully lit without torches placed on the road (To avoid monsters spawning)
- Constructed out of quality building materials (No wood or cobblestone on the footpath)
- Slabs or steps for elevation changes
- Tunnels through, or stairs over, mountains (Both have potential for a bunker or watchtower respectively)



Nomad (Yellow)
Nomad – Meet the minimum requirements for Nomad
Pacifist – Don't harm players or structures
Vigilante – 8 Valid Kills against Evil players and enchanted gear
Brigand – 8 Valid Kills against Good players and enchanted gear
Brawler – 10 Valid Kills
Fencer – 30 Valid Kills
Viking – Pick a base clean
Recluse, Hermit – Have an established base 6000 blocks away from spawn
Mercenary, Sellsword – Join an Army or a Guild

Hero (Blue)
Hero/Heroine – Meet the minimum requirements for Hero
Valiant – Kill 3 Villains
Marshall – 20 Valid Kills
Crusader – 50 Valid Kills
Paladin – 100 Valid Kills
Escort – Escort 3 players to a Nation
Saviour – Escort 20 players to a Nation
Guardian – Join a Nation as a Guard
Mentor – 1 Recruited Knight
Sergeant – 3 Recruited Knights
Templar – 10 Recruited Knights

Villain (Red)
Villain – Meet the minimum requirements for Villain
Assassin – Kill 3 Heroes
Centurion – 150 Valid kills
Juggernaut – 300 Valid Kills
Inquisitor – 1 Recruited Undead
Baron/Baroness – 3 Recruited Undead
Necromancer – 8 Recruited Undead
Warlord, Tyrant – 15 Recruited Undead

Knight (Aqua)
Knight, Gentleman/Chevaleresse, Guard, Defender – Meet the minimum requirements for Knight
Phalanx – 20 Valid Kills
Horseman, Errant – Make use of horses in combat
Courser – Construct massive roads connecting various landmarks
Escort – Escort 3 players to a Nation
Warden – Escort 7 players to a Nation
Sentinel – Join a Nation as a Guard
Sir/Madam – Uphold perfect Knightly conduct

Undead (Gray)
Undead, Corpse, Zombie, Husk, Skeleton – Meet the minimum requirements for Undead
Incubus/Succubus, Imp, Mummy, Ghost, Wraith – 20 Valid Kills
Demon, Reaper, Lich, Vampire – 50 Valid Kills
Gravemind, Souleater – Current highest Valid Kills among Undead

Noble (Gold)
Noble, Governor, Mayor – Meet the minimum requirements for Noble
Arterer – Construct massive roads connecting various landmarks
Lord/Lady – Build a small Nation with 3 Villages and a name
King/Queen – Build a large Nation with 6 Villages and a name
Emperor/Empress – Build a massive Nation with 9 Villages, a beautiful centerpiece build like a castle or monastery, and a name

Goblin (Green)
Goblin, Maniac, Arsonist, Bandit, Outlander, Vandal, Gremlin – Meet the minimum requirements for Goblin
Prowler – Raid 1 Nation
Marauder – Raid 2 Nations
Raider – Raid 3 Nations
Brute – 15 Valid Kills
Chieftain – Current Highest Valid Kills among Goblins

Fairy (Pink)
Fairy, Pixie, Sprite, Wisp, Sylph – Meet the minimum requirements for Fairy

Dark Fairy (Purple)
DarkFairy, Fae, Fairy, Pixie, Wisp, Sylph – Meet the minimum requirements for Dark Fairy
Trickster – Create traps at Spawn

Earnable Titles (Use request format below)
Citizen – Show cooperative, trustworthy, or positive behaviour
Farmer – Keep the farms at spawn fully planted
Cleric, Witch, Wizard, Mage – Kill someone with magic
Duelist – 25 Valid Kills
Warrior – 50 Valid Kills
Soldier, Rogue – 150 Valid Kills
Battlemaster – 200 Valid Kills
Combatant – 20 Killstreak
Berserker – 50 Killstreak
Immortal – Current highest Killstreak
Voidwalker – Collect a Dragon Head
Champion, Slayer – Collect the Dragon Egg
Starcaller, Darklord, Demonhunter – Collect a Netherstar and build a Beacon
Engineer – Build an impressive redstone machine
Inventor – Build many impressive redstone machines
Stonemason, Carpenter – Noted builder title
Merchant, Trader – Design a shop for villager shopkeepers or conduct many trades with players
Explorer, Cartographer – Provide map information based on a staff member's request
Enchanter/Enchantress – Fully enchant a golden set of tools and armour.
Legend – Complete all of Minecraft's Advancements.

Unique Titles
Veteran – Play here for 6 months
Prince – Unique title for NotAnEgg, the first player to ever play here, over 7 YEARS AGO!
Eyelord – Unique title for alminingatwork, the first Villain
Rainbow – Unique title for Flairicus, who has recruited the most players for our community
Magnate – Unique title for Vraska58144, who contributes greatly to the beautification and growth of the community
Vanquisher – Unique title for Dyzi, who has slain the most Dragons
Witherking/Witherqueen – Unique titles for Necroseus and Sra, who have slain the most Withers
Other special titles may be awarded to players who contribute exceptionally to the community.

Free Titles (Use request format below) (Make sure it's cohesive with your rank. i.e: No Villager Villains, No Bionic Undead)
Fighter, Ranger, Blacksmith, Goldsmith, Fletcher, Angler, Butcher, Hunter, Lumberjack, Archer, Villager, Miner, Human, Dwarf, Elf, Drow, Gnome, Bionic, Golem, Duergar, Hylian, Gnoll, Elemental, Slime, Dragon, Ent

Request Format
To change your title, you must post on our discord server the following:
"TITLE REQUEST: I would like to change my title to X. IGN: Y."
X: Title
Y: Player Name
If your title requires certain criteria to have been done, add the following to your message:
"I have Z"
Z: Requirement (i.e: "collected a dragon head", or "10 Valid Kills")

Rewards may take up to a week to be applied.

You may only request a title that is available to you. NO requesting to join Factions, NO requesting unique titles, NO lying about requirements. Your request will be denied and deleted if the title is not applicable to you. Reposting your request after it has been denied can and will result in a ban.


Additional Titles Information:

Hero (Blue)
- A Hero, to be credited for hiring a Knight/Forming a Guild, must post on our discord server the following:
"Knight Recruited: X has been recruited to the Y company by Z."
X: Knight’s name
Y: Guild/Group name
Z: Hero’s Name
(Reward: Titles, Official Guild Status)

- A Hero/Knight, to be credited for escorting a player to a Nation, must post on our discord server the following:
"Player Escort: The player X has been escorted to the Y Nation/Village by Z."
X: New player’s name
Y: Nation name/Village's name
Z: Hero's/Knight's name
(Reward: Titles)

- A Hero/Knight, to be credited for joining/guarding a Nation, must post on our discord server the following:
"Nation joined: The player X has joined the Y Nation, as a guard."
X: Hero's name
Y: Nations's name
(Reward: Titles)
(Additional Info: If the Hero has a Guild, they are also to help guard that Nation)

Villain (Red)
- A Villain, to be credited for hiring an Undead/Forming an Army, must post on our discord server the following:
"Undead Recruited: X has been recruited to the Y army by Z."
X: Undead’s name
Y: Army/Group name
Z: Villain’s Name
(Reward: Titles, Official Army Status)

Knight (Aqua)
- A Hero/Knight, to be credited for escorting a player to a Nation, must post on our discord server the following:
"Player Escort: The player X has been escorted to the Y Nation/Village by Z."
X: New player’s name
Y: Nation name/Village's name
Z: Hero's/Knight's name
(Reward: Titles)

- A Hero/Knight, to be credited for joining/guarding a Nation, must post on our discord server the following:
"Nation Joined: The player X has joined the Y Nation, as a guard."
X: Hero's name
Y: Nations's name
(Reward: Titles)

Noble (Gold)
- An aspiring Noble, to be credited for creating a Nation must post on our discord server the following:
"Nation Created: The X Nation has been created by Y. Heroes up for hire." ("Heroes up for hire." is optional)
X: Nation’s name
Y: Noble’s name
(Reward: Titles, Official Nation Status)

- An aspiring Noble, to be credited for creating a Village, must post on our discord server the following:
"Village Created: The X Village has been created by Y. Heroes up for hire." ("Heroes up for hire." is optional)
X: Village’s name
Y: Noble’s name
(Reward: Titles)

Goblins (Green)
- A Goblin, to be credited for raiding a Nation/Village, must post on our discord server the following:
"Nation/Village Raid: A group of Goblins has raided the X Nation with a group of Y Goblins. Goblins: Z"
X: Nation name
Y: Number of Goblins
Z: Names of all Goblins raiding
(Reward: Titles, Any Nation Goodies Looted)

Rewards may take up to a week to be applied

NO lying, NO spamming. Doing so can and will result in a ban.


Groups Information

Nation/Village Requirements:
-Refer to "Additional Information for Ranks" above

Guild Requirements:
-1 or more Hero per Guild
-Guilds may have any number of Heroes, but must have only 1-3 as declared leaders
-Guilds must have a name
-Guilds must have a non-leader member so long as they share a similar alignment (i.e: Lawful - Good, Neutral - Good)

Army Requirements:
-1 or more Villain per Army
-Armies may have any number of Villains, but must have 1-3 as declared leaders
-Armies must have a name
-Armies must have a non-leader member so long as they share a similar alignment (i.e: Lawful - Evil, Chaotic - Evil)


Official Groups

Official Nations
None as of yet

Official Guilds
House Stormheart - Terryn_Greystone

Official Armies
The Crimson Cross - Necroseus, sra0616


Custom Crafting recipes

Vanilla PVP TNT Kingdom Minecraft Server

11 Update Logs

Update #11 : by Cypher777 03/15/2023 9:22:38 pmMar 15th, 2023

Updated backend version.
Updated block logging plugin
Installed a plugin to disable chat reporting

Community projects posted by members on this server

Create an account or sign in to comment.

03/15/2023 9:21 pm
Level 45 : Master Grump
Cypher777's Avatar
Today marks the 10th anniversary of RPKingdom!
I want to thank all our players over the years for the amazing experiences we've shared together.
I want to thank Necroseus for his unwavering commitment to keeping the server active and the community engaged.

For this occasion I've rolled out a few changes.
First, the server build is up to date.
Second, the chat reporting feature should be disabled. Your First Amendment rights are recognized and protected here.
Finally, I've updated the block logging software so we can hunt down cheaters with increased efficiency.

That's it! Happy anniversary, miners! See you in the spawn killing zone!
05/01/2022 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RoyalRooster's Avatar
yooo this section is open again
09/25/2021 10:27 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Death-Wolf's Avatar
Apparently Minecraft tracks Raids won as a statistic, and I think it'd be cool to have earnable titles based off of that.
06/15/2021 10:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I_hate_matthew's Avatar
Question does this server have a discord server?
06/16/2021 2:18 am
Level 45 : Master Grump
Cypher777's Avatar
06/02/2021 10:24 pm
Level 45 : Master Grump
Cypher777's Avatar
Lots of updates on Teams/Roles/Ranks/Titles were made today. These reflect new additions to the game such as Netherite armor tier.

I want to give a very special thank you to Necroseus for his contributions to the Titles system as well as infographics, automessages, and his presence as a moderator on the server. Necroseus has been contributing for about 4 years now and has almost single handedly kept the server alive while I took a 2 year break from Minecraft.

Big thanks to Necro, I'm really lucky to have such a loyal and dedicated player on my server!
06/02/2021 3:43 pm
Level 45 : Master Grump
Cypher777's Avatar
Title requests will now be done using the Discord server linked below.
06/02/2021 3:06 pm
Level 45 : Master Grump
Cypher777's Avatar
After many requests a public official Discord server is open.

04/17/2019 2:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fallen_Minion's Avatar

IGN: Chem_Notebook

Just minding my own buisness
03/15/2019 6:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jepeneee's Avatar
TITLE REQUEST: Demon (Undead)

IGN: Jepen

67 kills achieved.
Planet Minecraft


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