Minecraft Servers

TribePVP - Kit/Factions - Economy / MCMMO Staff needed

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Cammun's Avatar Cammun
Level 1 : New Miner
TribePVP - Kit/Factions - Economy / MCMMO Staff needed
Status Offline Pinged: 05/29/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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I created this server to bring into fruition an idea that I've had for a few years. This server is based around pvp, with kits being constantly available to sustain this. You earn money from pvping, which you can then use to build farms and grinders in your faction's land. You get a maximum of 9 claims and the border is at 750. Raiding is essentially disabled. The premise of this server is based around the main fun aspects of factions, which are getting rich (and having it actually mean something) and being able to pvp instead of build walls and grind all day. You can log onto this server and just have fun pvping if you want to. Alternatively, you can go claim some land and build a base / trap. Even as a new player, you can easily get situated building a cactus or sugar cane farm, all without the risk of having everything lost due to not having more than 100 walls, or being freecam creeper egged after you grind on the server. There are tons of elite items to spend money on, (some in hidden shops scattered throughout the spawn area) however nothing gamebreaking. Instead of grinding hours to earn an unimpressive amount of mcmmo points, the output is tuned so that gaining MCMMO feels more worth the time, especially at high levels. This server is not pay to win, and anyone can feasibly make it to the top. If you enjoy the core feel of factions (bar raiding), don't want to grind for hours so you can begin to have fun, and enjoy PVP, this server is a good fit for you.

TL;DR: less grind, more pvp, easy to make money, build traps and interesting bases without getting raided, buy spawners, MCMMO enabled.

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