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Liquid_Eagle's Avatar Liquid_Eagle
Level 23 : Expert Archer
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United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
» TitanMC.co Classical Prison [1.11.2 - 1.20]
# (S7) 1.11 Update! (discord.titanmc.co)
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Welcome, to TitanMC.co

We are a TitanMC remake, owned and moderated by TitanMC originals and huge fans.
Our goal for the server is to remake TitanMC to the block, whilst also adding new features.
One of our new features is new quests to mix things up and add additional money to your pocket! Other then that, the server is almost exact, with some discrepancies which we are exited to work on in the future.

If you are unfamiliar with TitanMC, SSundee did a popular series on it, worth a watch to learn the server.

Here is a list of features that you might be interested in:
* Custom Commissary
* Custom Enchanting
* Custom Quests
* Ranks
* Prestiges
* Custom Pickaxes
* Black Market
* Cells
* Crates
* Many custom plugins + more

We hope to see you, inmates.

Server IP: TitanMC.co

Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqy_9BKazWE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_plCgnW0N-o
Banner: https://imgur.com/KYHdX8T

If you have any questions contact me on discord: Liquid_Eagle#0838

Discord Server: Welcome, to TitanMC.co

We are a TitanMC remake, owned and moderated by TitanMC originals and huge fans.
Our goal for the server is to remake TitanMC to the block, whilst also adding new features.
One of our new features is new quests to mix things up and add additional money to your pocket! Other then that, the server is almost exact, with some discrepancies which we are exited to work on in the future.

If you are unfamiliar with TitanMC, SSundee did a popular series on it, worth a watch to learn the server. We are a classical prison server and others may call it "hardcore" as you have to work for everything you own.

Here is a list of features that you might be interested in:
* Custom Commissary
* Custom Enchanting
* Custom Quests
* Fully functional Auction house
* Prestiging rewards
* In-game store to avoid P2W
* Ranks
* Prestiges
* Custom Pickaxes
* Black Market
* Cells
* Crates
* Many custom plugins + more

We hope to see you, inmates.

Server IP: TitanMC.co

Videos: https://youtu.be/hqy_9BKazWE
Banner: https://imgur.com/KYHdX8T

If you have any questions contact me on discord: Liquid_Eagle#6167

For more information and any questions, join the discord server:

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Liquid_Eagle 01/28/2024 5:25:20 pmJan 28th

Season 7 Changes:

General Changes

Server is updated to 1.11.2 (from 1.8.9)
D-Mine now has more 'better' filler blocks (Less Stone.)
There is now a Crafting Table next to Conductor (You're welcome.)
Shanky Boy Quest now includes a new NPC.
Many Crate Rewards have been changed and/or updated
Public EXP Grinders should now spawn more Zombies
Chicken Jockeys can now be killed in Public EXP Grinders
P200 can now use colours on signs (Yes, it works this time.)
P200's Perk is now as follows: Ability to use /autopickup and /autoblocks toggle
P100's Mine is now much deeper
All Minerals can be purchased from All Server Shops again (Not just E.)
'Repair' Sign at E now costs $500,000, from $10,000
More Ender Chests have been placed around the prison
Apples in C-Shop now cost $500, from $200 (B and A remain unchanged, at $100.)
Cells can now be rented for 4 days (From 3.)
Donators can now only own 1 Cell (Temporarily, this will be reverted to 2 eventually.)
MasterMind-Solitarist can no longer use /horse (May come back, may not.)

Commissary Changes

Commissary Shop now works as follows:
-1000 Tickets for 1 Commissary Ticket
-10 Seconds of Time inside of the Commissary Shop
-Sell in stacks of 1 & 64
-Sell Multiplier is 2.5x

Old Commissary For Reference:
-1000 Tickets for 1 Commissary Ticket
-120 Seconds of Time inside of the Commissary Shop
-Sell in stacks of 1 & 2
-Sell Multiplier is 2.5x

Kat Note: Hopefully with the increased stack size and much shorter timer, people will not be in Commissary for too long to sell at a higher selling point. Note that this is subject to change at any time.

New Things Added

Shulker Boxes - Obtained by a New Quest
Mending Enchantment (Diamond Tools Only) - Purchasable for $2,500,000 at /warp XP
Prismarine Blocks - Obtained by... you find out. :)
Purpur Blocks - Obtained by... well, read the previous one.
Totems of Undying - Obtained through Events.
P150 Perk - Permanent Saturation.

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09/03/2023 7:54 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
opopnj's Avatar
can u make it compatible with eaglercraft
Planet Minecraft


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