Minecraft Servers

Tipsy Cat - Semi-vanilla SMP

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  • 40 server score
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trorojoro's Avatar trorojoro
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Tipsy Cat - Semi-vanilla SMP
Status Pinging...
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
Connect With
Tipsy Cat is a young minecraft community. Among what what we can offer is:
- Semi vanilla survival
- Quests
- mcMMO
- Boat racing
- Pig golf
- Special holiday events
- Not pay-to-win
Our staff are all very helpful and is never far away. Come check us out!

We use Discord as our main source of information for players: discord.gg/tFmEfU2z27

Welcome to Tipsy Cat!

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05/31/2021 5:21 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
BananaManV2's Avatar
This server is a great server no staff has abused there power in any way and if they were they wouldve deleted any over powered weapons that may have come in contact with the server uwu
05/31/2021 1:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
_Jueglar_'s Avatar
Admins abuse there power tping to ur base invisible to harrass you
06/02/2021 4:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nook1988's Avatar
no they dont. i'm good friend with admin, so you are wrong. post your bull somewhere else
05/31/2021 12:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DisasterAreaX's Avatar
please stop, you've already spammed us on here. you weren't abused by admins.
05/31/2021 1:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
BananaManV2's Avatar
Banana Approved
05/31/2021 5:19 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
BananaManV2's Avatar
Yea that wasnt even an admin no staff were on during that time and also what happened to your "evidence" that showed KingsBreak saying he did it are you now to ashamed to admit that you were wrong so you didnt put your evidence this time cause now your angry That KBSKater05 proved you wrong and now you just want this server to go down because you are to salty to admit defeat.
05/31/2021 2:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KBSkater05's Avatar
Well Well Well we meet again once again that was not an admin shooting fire arrows at you nor did one ever tp to you that was a player enjoying there time on the server sorry not soorry that you didnt like how it went but thats just how minecraft is Go join 2b2t and see how fun that is playing survival.
05/27/2021 9:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nook1988's Avatar
Loved Server since i was introduced. nice staff, and always fixing things! love playing her tro!
05/24/2021 8:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
secretbirbman28's Avatar
as a the others are saying this is a great server. I have made friends here (jbgoog, king/lichbreak, berry, the villagers) and it's honestly a good time playing on here
would recomend
05/24/2021 2:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KBSkater05's Avatar
I would also like to say that this server has great idea's and always fixes the bugs that need to be patched even if it takes a long time its also really cool that they have boat races that they set up and players can race around in races or try to get the best times on tracks and they get rewards to do so so its like a win win for the player cause there haveing fun and making advancements towards there playing and i like how this server has quests to do that you can get items from if your having a rough start or need good items but not to op.
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