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WolfieAmbroes's Avatar WolfieAmbroes
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
===========[The Oasis]===========
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The OasisMC
The OasisMC is Finale Released! The server is currently still in beta and up 100% 24/7 (Hosting by zepillinhosting) The server Currently has Factions, Creative Plots, and parkour! We Have 5 Servers linked and have amazing donater ranks! To purchase Ranks visit theoasismc.buycraft.net! Be Sure to join! play.theoasismc.net

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04/23/2014 8:58 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
UnknownRoar's Avatar
Hello my name is Unknownroar also known as UnknownKnives. I really love helping out people on their servers like building the spawns and helping out with the plugins and other things. I am decent at pvp and I do not abuse my powers as a staff member. I think this server would like my help and you would to if you just think about it for a while. I do not greif or destroy people while in creative and I do not ban people without permission. So thank you for listening or reading my Reasons why I can apply for staff. Bye mate!
IGN: Davidbrodeur50

Contact: Youtube.com/SharkySlays
Epic Ash86
03/22/2014 3:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Epic Ash86's Avatar
Hello friend, My name is Ninjablader123MC Ign wise. But the reason I am here today is to apply for staff today. I am a very reasonable building skills. I am very friendly to other people and I can help any people on servers. So I hope you can put this into consideration and accept me for staff. Oh and btw I am also decent a pvp. Since this server is based around pvp wise. And I enjoy these types of servers. So Thank you and goodbye.

IGN : Ninjablader123MC

Contact : youtube.com/ninjablader123
03/13/2014 11:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Stack_Of_Steak's Avatar
Hi, My name is Jared or 23jared23!
I would like to apply for staff!
Age: 14
Playing Minecraft: 3 1/2 years
Why you should choose me: I have been staff on other servers before and i have always gotten great feedback. i am willing to help all who need it and i love to play minecraft!
Thanks: 23jared23
Planet Minecraft


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