Minecraft Servers

Akenland: RPG-Inspired, Lore-Driven Survival Server

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Kyle_Necrowolf's Avatar Kyle_Necrowolf
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
Akenland: RPG-Inspired, Lore-Driven Survival Server
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Game VersionMinecraft Java
- + - Akenland - + - RPG-Inspired Survival
Survival world now open! - Akenland.com
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Akenland: RPG-Inspired, Lore-Driven Survival Server Minecraft Server
“Twälo ec cweso, tog ëm segural fa pëoɽä dendal ëoɽä!”
“Greetings and Welcome, join us on our server.”

IP: Akenland.com - Server Online 24/7 - Everybody is welcome!

Live Map: Map.Akenland.com - Website: Akenland.com - Discord: https://discord.gg/8ZW9bpp
Alternate IP (if the one above does not work): Alt.Akenland.com

Akenland is an RPG-inspired, lore-driven Minecraft server.

On your first night, this is a normal survival server. Go mining, build a house, work with (or against) other players, and explore.

But as you start to explore the land, you will discover its stories and secrets: from the werewolf descendants of Waramon, to the alchemists of Eborin, to the dragons and other creatures of Runnach and Sholkingham.

Akenland: RPG-Inspired, Lore-Driven Survival Server Minecraft Server

The World

The main continent is known as Akenland, and is divided into two regions: Waramon and Eborin. Each has its own government, culture, towns, and characters.

Beyond Akenland, is the lawless wilderness regions: Sholkingham (north) and Rùnnach (south). Very little of these lands have been explored, as few dare to step outside of civilized Akenland. PvP and raiding is allowed anywhere within these oceans.

Learn more about the world —>

Lore and Questing

Quests reveal the stories of artifacts and characters across all four regions. We’ve spent countless hours writing extensive lore, telling of the Alchemists that discovered these lands and created civilization as we know it.

Talk to NPCs. Every character has a story – but they might not tell you much at first. As you make your name in Akenland, characters will begin to recognize you for your accomplishments. Not only can you learn about the legends of Akenland, you can become one.

Akenland: RPG-Inspired, Lore-Driven Survival Server Minecraft Server

Gameplay and Plugins

Our plugins were designed specifically for this server. Join a nation, or realm, and receive a custom rank that identifies you. Realm leaders can recruit others, issue orders to NPCs, appoint leaders to sub-realms, and even place bounties on hostile players. Everyone on the server plays by the same rules – there are no traditional ranks here, just roleplaying.

Discover four branches of magic as you create your own unique and powerful spells. Instantly warp around the world with Warpstones and Warp Shards. And for Timelords, we have TARDIS, available to everyone without restrictions.

Learn more about gameplay and plugins —>


5 Update Logs

RealmsCore Updates : by Kyle_Necrowolf 11/16/2017 9:55:37 pmNov 16th, 2017

City of Aberdeen, Eborin

Our custom roleplaying plugin, RealmsCore, has received a variety of new features! For those who are not aware, a realm represents a nation or faction in the world of Wolfia.

You can now send messages to other members of your realm with /msg realm <message…>

Realm leaders, you’re now in control! Invite and kick people from your realm, change the colour, tagline, and name of your realm, and assign titles to players.
If you have sub-realms under your rule, you can do all of this stuff to that realm too.

/realm <realm name> <invite/kick/addofficer/removeofficer> <players…>
/realm <realm name> set <color/fullname/tagline> <new data…>
/realm <realm name> title <player> <new title…>

I’m still working on a system for creating new realms. Until then, you can let me know in-game if you’d like to start your own realm.

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11/26/2017 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
YLuckyBlockGirl's Avatar
The ip won't work for me
Plz help
12/01/2017 6:29 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
Kyle_Necrowolf's Avatar
EDIT: New IP is akenland.com (we are rebranding!). If that one does not work, try alt.akenland.com

Enter realmsof.wolfiamc.com into the server address box.
If that doesn't work, what error does it show?

Can you get on our live map website? http://map.wolfiamc.com/
07/25/2016 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
skullmasher23's Avatar
wat texture pack is that also good server
07/25/2016 5:48 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
Kyle_Necrowolf's Avatar
The texture pack is SMP's Revival. It hasn't been updated for newer Minecraft versions, but we're in the process of updating it ourselves. You can download the older version off our website (distributed with the original creator's permission): http://wolfiamc.com/help/resourcepacks/
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