Minecraft Servers

Survival-Pi SMP 🔥 Semi-Vanilla 🔥 Whitelisted

  • 8,091 views, 10 today
  • 61 server score
  • 9 Votes this month
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BuildingBrute's Avatar BuildingBrute
Level 54 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Survival-Pi SMP 🔥 Semi-Vanilla 🔥 Whitelisted
Status Pinging...
Game VersionMinecraft Java
?????[SMP]    Survival-Pi    [1.20.1]?????
???????????  ?  ????????????
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🏆 Survival-Pi Semi-Vanilla SMP 🏆

  • We are a friendly and active community. Most of us are young adults or teenager that enjoy playing Minecraft after a tiring day at work or school. We like to keep things as Vanilla-like as possible but have some extra Vanilla-friendly features to complement the experience.
  • You are creative? You enjoy building or Redstone? Feel free to join our community. You can apply on our Discord.
    If you're just here to join the Creative plots server, just join! It's public!

    🔥 About the server: 🔥

    • Whitelisted SMP. We take building and Redstone to the next level. We also often do community projects and events.
    • We're a close community. Everyone knows everyone!
    • Since 2020! Almost 4 years old!
    • Ingame proximity voice chat.
    • Diamond Economy
    • No claiming
    • A creative server with WE for testing your redstone and build designs. Option to download and upload schematics.
    • World download possible.
    • Vanilla-friendly extra features that complement the Vanilla gameplay. For example, you can do "/s" to go into a spectator mode that doesn't allow you to fly through blocks. Great for inspecting your build!
    • You can also use our armor stand modification tool and more.

      Hardware specs:
    • Hosted in: Germany 🇩🇪 on a dedicated and powerful server. No lags, no limits! (We speak English!)
    • i3-10100 CPU
    • 500 GB M.2 NVMe SSD
    • 32 GB RAM
    • 1000 Mbit/s internet
    • 0 lag!

        🖥️ Why "Pi"?: 🖥️

        • Very simple: We started hosting the server on a Raspberry Pi back in the day.
        • However, the server is no longer running on a Raspberry Pi. We upgraded to an i3-10100 with a 500 GB M.2 NVMe SSD and 32 GB RAM.

          26 Update Logs

          Update #26 : by BuildingBrute 11/08/2023 11:19:17 pmNov 8th, 2023

          Added RakNet that creates multiple channels with priorities to achieve higher responsiveness. It routes some of the connections now through UDP too. Hopefully, this will make unstable long-distance connections faster. However, some unsupported client versions might experienced reduced responsiveness. Please let me know if anyone from Europe is experiencing unusually bad connectivity.

          How to improve your connectivity (you only need this if your ping is usually really high):
          I'll include this mod in the modpack and update the modpack shortly.
          • Add the prefix raknet; in front of the server address. For example, save the server as raknet;survival-pi.com
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          Community projects posted by members on this server

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          10/03/2022 6:03 pm
          Level 1 : New Miner
          PassedOutOnHamster's Avatar
          ich wollte dich fragen was das für ein Server ist und ob man auf dem Server mit Freunden spielen könnte.
          Ich würde mich auf ne Antwort freuen.

          10/05/2022 6:11 am
          Level 54 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
          BuildingBrute's Avatar
          Hi, sorry dass ich das hier so spät gelesen habe. Ja du könntest hier spielen, darfst gerne Freunde mitnehmen. Wir machen viel Redstone und bauen gerne. Eher kein PvP. Wenn das das richtige ist für euch, schreib einfach kurz auf dem Discord mit deinem ingame Name und ich kann euch whitelisten. Dort lesen wir häufiger als hier.
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