Minecraft Servers

Starch Survival { 1.19.2 } Looking for New Friends | Aesthetics ★ Diverse Custom Biomes ★ Dungeons & Custom Bosses★ RPG Elements ★ Whitelist

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Spudrista's Avatar Spudrista
Level 26 : Expert Artist
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
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Who Are We?

We're just a small collection of friends grouped from other Minecraft servers possibly hoping to grow big ourselves without the common tyrannical power-struggle of communities/staff that seems to be commonplace for medium-size servers that aren't networks.

Note that we force Discord verification to join the server is as a form of whitelisting. This is for mitigating bots and nurturing true stories from the members joining (possibly) each day, but that's not the only reasons either. The creativity and explosive ideas we once had from playing together on other SMP plugin-modified servers were crazy to have nearly manifest them into a living Minecraft server project with high goals and dreams of venturing with you personally in-game because we want more friends to share these ideas and simply enjoy them. Eventually the server will be fully open-open, no Discord verification but still be there if players desire it, but a basic process of click to join and you resume where you left your pen at.

Age or gender does not matter. What matters to us is that you really feel like you're enjoying our presence, feeling true to yourself, giving the feedback you need, and also replying in return what could be fixed or thought about to improve ourselves as a server, community, and person.

Some how trying to implement actual lore into the server, we figured below was the best starting place.

Survivors who experience defeat and share stories of their journey with fellow kin are candidates to be entrusted with a grand title. A title bestowed only on those who have toiled endlessly and devoted their lifetimes to grasping the stars. These traits are found to gain wealth in the shape of a divine, drifting estate and fame from the mystical lore of books.

Our Server Features

★ Beautiful, Diverse Custom Biomes w/ Seasons and Weather from Terralith, Incendium ~ Nether Expansion, and FokaStudio's Ender Expansion
★ Dungeons/structures spread across the worlds from When Dungeons Arise, Pillager Stronghold, Hopo Better Underwater Ruins, and more!
★ RPG elements such as Player Stats that increase as you play, custom resourcepack items, damage indicators, and unique Enchantments aside from vanilla.
★ Quality of Life plugins that enhance Visual Mechanics.
★ Join the server from Java-edition to Bedrock-edtion on 1.19.1 but we recommend 1.18.1 at least.
★ Other plugins like GriefPrevention claims, PlayerVaults, crates (not p2w), or Graves.

★ And even more features that I can't think of right now!

* Showcase screenshots are from all in-game with shaders pack "BSL" and definitely more biomes than those.

Our Discord https://discord.gg/ufMJky3 | Add me on Discord Spud#0222


3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Spudrista 07/31/2022 9:36:32 pmJul 31st, 2022

We've updated to 1.19 due to request in our DIscord.

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09/18/2021 10:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
alex23seven's Avatar
The server is premium?
09/19/2021 3:14 am
Level 26 : Expert Artist
Spudrista's Avatar
Yes. Discord is also required too
Planet Minecraft


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