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Spikeycraft (1.20.1 Origins Mod-Free)

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Spikeycraft's Avatar Spikeycraft
Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
Spikeycraft (1.20.1 Origins Mod-Free)
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Origins Bosses Magic Planets
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Spikeycraft Java 1.20.1 (Native 1.20.1), no mods
EULA compliant - No pay to win
IP: play.spikeycraft.com

Spikeycraft is a survival towny server filled to the brim with custom mobs, items, bosses, worlds, you name it! Dive into a universe of new perils, wonders, and advancement- or form a good old vanilla base, its your choice.

- Chunk based claiming
- Magic spells, equipment, progression
- Mobs and bosses with unique and creative designs
- Custom generated Overworld, Nether, End, and new planets+moons
- Dozens of fish and crops
- Furniture, custom blocks, decorative heads
- Server, npc, and player shops
- Over 200 new plants
- Updates A LOT
- Active staff that actually takes suggestions for addons
- NPCs that live in your towns like villagers!

Origins List - More coming soon!

Humans - Normal Gameplay

Avians - Speed and slow falling

Feline - Can turn into a cat, less health, no fall damage, night vision, and super jump

Floran - Can grow plants, has photosynthesis, heals when using a shield

Bunnyborn - Super jump, less health

Elytrian - Can fling themselves in the air, slow fall whenever they want, less health, free elytra

Shulker - Has storage slots, can shoot shulker bullets, have more armor, water hurts, and knockback immunity

Wanderer - Pouch for storage, healing powers, can turn invisible at night, rideable llama, and portable wandering trader shop

Brightling - You can fly in the day but the dark hurts you, water hurts too

Buzzborn - You can turn into a bee, fly, sting things, have less health, and can create honey

Arachnid - Shoot webs and swing like spiderman, weak at day, positions opponents, and are super hungry

Golem - Slow, Immune to Fall Damage, increased health and armor, you do more knockback, and things can see you from far away

Anomaly - You cannot do damage at all but hurt things by staring at them. You can turn invisible and can fly at night

Blazeborn - Fire immunity, water hurts. You can slowly fly during the day and have less health

Turtling - Fast in water, slow on land. Portable turtle shell storage and shields heal you

Enderian - Can teleport, water hurts

Vampire - less fall damage, burns in sun, shapeshifts into a bat, can fly, strong at night, heals after killing things, can throw bat bombs

Phantom - Burns in the day, no fall damage, flies at night

Bedrock - You are invincible but can't hurt anything or move

Sailborn - You have a spyglass that makes things glow, a cutlass, and a banjo. Villagers hate you

Scavager - A Desert Bound origin all about survival, struggle, movement, and creating a safe home in a difficult environment

Forged - A Lava Golem that can craft magic items and armor sets
CreditBracken Pack, Terralith, Incendium, Realflamegirl, Nathanwolf, Turtino, Chainboy

14 Update Logs

Spikeycraft 5.9 Spirits Space and Scoundrels : by Corneliaposh 07/15/2023 4:02:49 pmJul 15th, 2023

Spikeycraft 5.9 Spirits, Space, and Scoundrels

5.9 marks the simplification of Spikeycraft! This does not mean less features and fun gameplay, but it means more content in less areas.

πŸͺ Space
The main purpose of this update is to simplify the overall gameplay loop of spikeycraft as much as possible. In the end, we found players spend almost no time on Oasia or The Moon. Shrooma was also completely destroyed by player mining.
  • Removed Oasia. Oasia mobs and content can now be found in normal overworld deserts, along with Kales now spawning in the Lush Shrooma biomes. The Scavager no longer suffers from the requirement of living in Oasia, but the origin may get interesting changes soon.
  • Overhauled Shrooma. New 1.18 height limits, lush caves, dripstone, axolotls. Shrooma is bigger, cav-ier, ore-ier, and easier to navigate! The new shrooma can fit 16 of the old shrooma maps within it!
  • Removed The Moon. Moon content can now be found in The End.
  • Reset the End to a friendlier vanilla-style end with some custom mobs to fix major issues around the Ender Dragon and lag.
  • Added Glume, a massive Mushroom Man to Shrooma

πŸ₯– The Ragamuffin
The ragamuffin is a small, sugar-loving fun-loving origin for the players who just want to be tiny troublemakers!
  • Sugar Addict: When eating with sugar in your inventory, the sugar will be consumed and you will gain speed 5 for 15 seconds
  • Hops!: When sneaking, you will gain a tiny moment of Jump Boost!
  • Piggyback: By clicking SWAP and looking at an animal or player, you can jump on their head
  • Little: You have 7 hearts instead of 10

πŸ„ The Myconoid
Natives of the Planet Shrooma!
  • Spore Cloud: By clicking SWAP you can summon a small cloud of spores. When you or another player/creature walks into this cloud spore, they are launched into the air!
  • Mushroom Economics: Each day you will recieve one Shroomcoin to trade with
  • Home!: You spawn on Shrooma
  • Stew for Me: Everytime you eat mushroom stew, the bowl will instantly refill!

🦊 The Kitsune
Magical nine-tailed fox spirits. Purchased from the Insomniac.
  • Nine-Tails: Click SWAP to unleash your nine-magical tails. These will target nearby creatures with magical strikes
  • Bubble: Click SWAP while looking upwards to summon a shield-like bubble to protect you and your allies
  • Slashing Circle: Click SWAP while looking downwards to summon a circle of flaming spiritual blades that set nearby creatures on fire
  • Stillness Stealth: Whenever you dont move, you become invisible!
  • Spirit Constitution: You have almost no health, with just 4 hearts.

🎲 Other
  • Changed maximum lottery tickets purchased to 300
  • Added It/Its pronoun options at spawn
  • Removed Townymenu (Is not supported in 1.19+)

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β€’ 07/17/2023 3:11 am
β€’ Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
Spikeycraft's Avatar
Fixed and updated the PMC page :D
β€’ 07/31/2022 12:17 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
AllYouCanEATER's Avatar
where is the modpack download?
β€’ 09/06/2022 1:22 pm
β€’ Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
Spikeycraft's Avatar
No Mods! Just a resource pack, everything is powered by plugins and datapacks, that's why it says Mod-Free!
β€’ 07/23/2022 4:09 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
MaybeNotBob's Avatar
I didnt spawn with a change thing, can someone help me get it back if there is a way?
β€’ 09/06/2022 1:22 pm
β€’ Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
Spikeycraft's Avatar
So sorry, try opening a ticket on our discord!
β€’ 07/13/2022 1:02 pm
β€’ Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
CosmoTheWoof's Avatar
Are mods allowed such as a map mod or a replay mod? Just wondering. Also this seems very cool!
β€’ 07/20/2022 1:02 am
β€’ Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
Spikeycraft's Avatar
yeah both are totally fine!
β€’ 07/12/2022 12:23 am
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
PeanutButter829's Avatar
it took away my ability to change my origin because i accidentally pressed esc instead of cancel can i have it back please
β€’ 07/20/2022 1:02 am
β€’ Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
Spikeycraft's Avatar
Yup, open a ticket in our discord for some help! Make sure to give us your username so we can give you the item.
β€’ 05/20/2022 9:42 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
User4167666D's Avatar
the discord server needs new link
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