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SpellCraft SMP

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User3636534D's Avatar User3636534D
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
       ---+}  SpellCraft SMP -{+---
? PVP, Survival, Custom Magics, and More! ?
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Prepare to embark on a spellbinding journey into the enchanting world of SpellCraftSMP, where magic weaves its tapestry across the horizon. In this captivating realm, the arcane arts beckon, offering a vast array of custom magics to master, ranging from the soothing embrace of Water, the fierce flames of Fire, the crackling power of Storm, to the divine radiance of the celestial, and the enigmatic allure of the Arcane.

But that's just the beginning of the wonder that awaits you. As you step into Elodore, you'll encounter a captivating assortment of custom races, each with its own unique charm. You might choose to walk among the ageless and graceful Elves, who possess an otherworldly beauty. Alternatively, you could embrace the enigmatic aura of the Lycan, shapeshifters with a deep connection to nature, or perhaps the whimsical world of the Fairies, who dance on the edge of reality.

Join us now and embark on your own odyssey within SpellCraft SMP. As a traveler in this enchanting realm, you have the power to shape your destiny. Select your magic and race, and with your choices, fashion a character as unique as the constellations in our mystical sky.

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05/06/2024 1:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Noname666's Avatar
Don't play here, laggey and full of libtards. The staff also plays god its a waste of your time, classes are locked behind a pay wall. Along with other possible eula violations, and pay to win mechanics sutch as reroles for races and race changes yes its random but spells locked behind a pay wall are pay to win and achieve, theirs also some other pay to win battle passes getting added, eulas going to hate them, their also major racists.they banned me and wrote becuse I am the n word as the reason
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