Minecraft Servers

🌵 SonoraBuild 🌵 - Plots and Survival🥔 | Queer🌈 | Simple Voice Chat!🎙️ | Owner in Survival! (1.21)

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InfamousArgyle's Avatar InfamousArgyle
Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider Sweetheart
🌵 SonoraBuild 🌵 - Plots and Survival🥔 | Queer🌈 | Simple Voice Chat!🎙️ | Owner in Survival! (1.21)
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
{{SonoraBuild 1.21}} 
Been tryin' to meet you!
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🌵 SonoraBuild 🌵 - Plots and Survival🥔 | Queer🌈 | Simple Voice Chat!🎙️ | Owner in Survival! (1.21) Minecraft Server
SonoraBuild was started on January 21st, 2013 and has been present in some shape or fashion ever since. This is the test version of the server awaiting an eventual new custom-generated world due sometime later this year (I hope). Come survive with us, or build something neat in your plot today!
Grief Prevention!
SonoraBuild uses Residences to let players create their own settlements and towns.
SimpleVoice Chat! Chat with your fellow players by making your very own Mouth Sounds.
Placeholder text!!!!! We love placeholders here at mc dot SonoraBuild dot net. Unfortunately we are a little TBD about features but will probably have career ranks again in the fashion we did previously. However, I'll probably switch them up to reflect changes in the game since the creation of the last branching rank tree.

🌵 SonoraBuild 🌵 - Plots and Survival🥔 | Queer🌈 | Simple Voice Chat!🎙️ | Owner in Survival! (1.21) Minecraft Server
Placeholder text because we are still under construction! Sorry I guess..... for the time being this server is very vanilla. feel free to use /warp plots or /warp survival to play either gamemode. You are able to set 2 homes using /sethome and access them with /home. Spawn is quite small and you're able to walk right out and start building. Please let us know if you find griefed property or if you yourself have become the victim of grief.

🌵 SonoraBuild 🌵 - Plots and Survival🥔 | Queer🌈 | Simple Voice Chat!🎙️ | Owner in Survival! (1.21) Minecraft Server
umm... thankfully you don't need your server to be fully set up to have rules. As we are a queer community striving for inclusivity and a relaxing, chill environment, you may be banned from the server for disrupting this environment.
Griefing and raiding is not allowed. Those who do so will be banned on sight.
Do not PVP unwilling players. This is very unfriendly behavior and also very bannable.
We are a safe space! Please be civil and tolerant towards others and refrain from using sexist, racist, ableist, transphobic, or homophobic language. The owner reserves the right to remove anyone from the server who contributes to a hostile game environment.
CreditThe entire SonoraBuild Community, past, present, and future

6 Update Logs

We're so back!?!?!?! : by InfamousArgyle 03/19/2024 10:45:15 pmMar 19th

I have started a SonoraBuild test server where I'm going to build new things and test out features as I develop them. It's good to be working on my server again...

Community projects posted by members on this server

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01/02/2021 10:58 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Gurmble's Avatar
Really great server with really great staff, and an excellent community! I've been on it for over a year now, and I can say the staff are some of the coolest friends I've made in recent memory. Very epic poggers coolchamp server, play on it for a very chill time (:

just don't be a chud or you'll get got (: <
01/03/2021 1:20 am
They/Them • Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider Sweetheart
InfamousArgyle's Avatar
AWW THANK YOU GURMB!!!! it means a lot coming from you 🤯🥺

(also yes she's right, don't step to us owo)
07/06/2020 8:21 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
GreenTwist4's Avatar
I've first joined this server, way back in 2013. I haven't visited in quite a bit, but this is like a childhood nostalgia trip for me. The owners are some of the sweetest individuals I've had the pleasure of knowing, and they take everyone's input and ideas very seriously. It's absolutely fantastic!

I urge you to check out this amazing and wonderful community as soon as you can!! Make this one of your main servers!
07/28/2019 7:31 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Tomatq-'s Avatar
To anyone that is considering joining this server, in my deepest opinion i really think you should join. The staff is really friendly and its a great community to be in.
06/23/2019 12:14 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
VexIcy_YT's Avatar
Great server, i love it. Staff is nice and helpfull, and they can accept some jokes. Owners are active and trying to HELP. I love this server, People are nice and helpfull, and donating is like making homeless a little richer! The server is new, but has a very good concept, Also they make greaf stuff like my skin, Thanks for reading!

From VexIcy_YT
06/21/2019 6:16 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
xman42000's Avatar
This was a cool server. I rather enjoyed it, minus a couple bumpy patches. The owners get offended. By everything. If you join this server, be ready to walk on eggshells. The owners know best and you need to just let them do their thing. I got banned for leaving for a short while after the train wreck that was the server's 1.14 update. The server barely ran. I had recently gotten back on, only to be barked at by staff about how I said I wasn't getting back on ever, calling me out for an attitude I apparently had, when in reality, I was just on the server to play the game with a buddy. I don't recommend this server. To anyone. The owners are bigots and full of themselves. They don't take criticism, and if you try to give it to them it gets you banned for having a bad attitude.

Word of advice to the owners. If you call someone out for having an attitude, or try to call someone out on something they said when they were upset, it's only logical that maybe, just maybe, the person will start acting the way you say they are. Nobody like to be jabbed at. Especially when they rejoin a server with the intent of letting the past be the past, and living in the present. I wish y'all luck on your future server endeavors.

06/21/2019 7:11 pm
They/Them • Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider Sweetheart
InfamousArgyle's Avatar
Hey! my apologies for banning you today, and not after making a scene about never coming back to play here following chunk loading issues inherent to the switch to 1.14. I think that would have been a much fairer course of action considering your intense criticism of our abilities as owners surrounding the 1.14 switch, which was hard on everyone. The comments you made sort of indicated you weren't someone we wanted around, but since we thought you wouldn't be back, we didn't make that our first priority. At that time, our first priority, server-wise, was finding a fix for the chunk loading problems.

After your previous behavior, I'm sorry to say it wasn't a matter of if, but when you would be banned, because it seemed clear that there would be more complaining and more bickering at some point in the future. We are not the kind of server to just let antisocial behavior go, or let people exhibit detrimental behavior out in the open. Most servers wait for someone to do something really bad to get banned, but we're trying to be proactive in curating our community by barring individuals who either won't play nice or will only gripe and complain about what goes on here. Those kind of people don't make it fun for anyone, especially the two of us server owners, who are doing this for fun. We aren't getting rich doing this - any donations thus far have gone back into costs like hosting or premium plugins, so don't try to argue that we're "making bank" or anything like that.

You refer to us calling you out for having an attitude. This was not an attempt to bait you into acting out, as you had already committed the offense for which you are now banned for some time ago. I have already elaborated on why we have done so.

As far as us being bigoted? We really haven't done anything to demonstrate that, and make every attempt to be inclusive to all (except people with bad attitudes, obviously). Our exclusion of you had only to do with the content of your character, and no other attributes about you. If you are a constructive, tactful individual, you'd have nothing to fear here. Your comments are similar to the previous banned individual in the comments in that they don't seem to understand that they don't have to "walk on eggshells" as you say, to stay here. I think that's telling, and that lack of understanding only confirms our decision to do what we did.

Again, sorry for the unfair, delayed ban - I promise that I will act more swiftly in these matters in the future. I'm sure you will find a community that is a better fit for you elsewhere.
04/29/2019 12:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheStuf_'s Avatar
I was banned for no reason, I was extremely polite and interacted in a positive manner. I kept to the rules and regulations of this server. I even asked if I could donate money to help the server grow..
04/29/2019 12:15 pm
They/Them • Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider Sweetheart
InfamousArgyle's Avatar
SonoraBuild is a privately owned entity and we reserve the right to refuse access to those who we feel do not contribute to the well being and spirit of this community. Thus, I feel that if you invite "bad elements" (that is, passive aggressive, mean-spirited individuals) into the server it wouldn't be prudent that you remain here. I appreciate your attempts to be polite and keep in line with the rules, but the net impact all in-game actions have to the server also plays a part.

Additionally, asking if there are donation ranks does not constitute supporting us and I don't let the prospect of earning donors influence what we do with the server. The community that I maintain here is way more important than money. So sorry to refuse you access to the server and I wish you all the luck in finding a community that fits you
04/30/2019 10:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheStuf_'s Avatar
First off, if my friend was toxic then you should of confronted me about it, I could of asked him to leave. Secondly, I never asked about donation ranks, I just wanted to donate to help the server out, it was never for personal gain.

I warn anyone who is looking to join this server:

1. Do not invite friends, they could be considered toxic and you will get banned.

2. Do not ask to help the server out, you will get banned.

3. Do not rely on the staff to be mature about situations, you will get banned.

4. Do not interact with the community, because if you say one wrong thing, you will get banned.

5. Do not spend too much time on this server, because there is a possibility that you will get banned.
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