Minecraft Servers

ShadowXCraft | Factions | SurvivalGames | Kit-PVP | UHC | Survival | Creative | And More!

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lizardfreak7's Avatar lizardfreak7
Level 42 : Master Network
ShadowXCraft | Factions | SurvivalGames | Kit-PVP | UHC | Survival | Creative | And More!
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
+-[1.8]- >> The ShadowXCraft Network > We're here to help with /helpop  
Connect With
I represent a fantastic, excelling community. We have been public since November 2013, and we are holding strong! ShadowXCraft is a fun, appealing network, featuring:
  • A popular 1.7.2-1.8.8 mildly-competitive KitPVP (with a HUGE variety of unique gametypes: BuildUHC, ComboUHC, Soup, Potion, OverPowered, Parkour and Basic!). Two professionally built Free for All arenas, parties, killstreaks and our very own cosmetic plugin are also featured!
  • A Creative server, supporting 1.7.2-1.10.2 versions! Build and create all your inspirations and ideas, with no absolute limit holding you back!
  • A popular Factions server, supporting 1.8.9-1.10.2 versions! A new version of Factions is being developed, and will be 1.7.2-1.10.2 compatible! Everything will be completely revamped, to everyone's liking! A lot of the new features will also be ShadowXCraft-unique!
  • A peaceful 1.7.2-1.10.2 Survival server, where you have large, separate plots, all to yourself! Play with other people, and renew your vanilla playstyle!
  • An engaging Prison server, supporting 1.8.9-1.10.2! It will soon be redone, just like Factions, and it will bring a whole lot of new features and gameplay!
  • A fun, interactive Minigames server, where you can enjoy our Minigames, such as BlockHunt, Turfwars, Bridges, and our custom-coded Mineopoly and Battlezones!
  • A competitive UHC server, where you can battle to your heart's content! Health does not naturally regenerate, so you have to rely on golden apples and healing potions to regenerate lost health! There is also a private, HostedUHC server for those who are sponsoring and advertising the server!

Additionally, we have an amazing small community, who will get to know you and help whenever they can! Our staff team also monitor the network, so troublemakers are kept in line! This is a US based network!
Website: https://www.shadowxcraft.net/
The full terms and conditions are here: https://www.shadowxcraft.net/help/terms
The full player rules are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gsSBuQE58_SF2_RMdWOELrs0EybuGiyPn0PtK7lfQXw/edit
List of staff are here: https://www.shadowxcraft.net/staff/

Help us out!: http://donate.shadowxcraft.net/

Vote for us!: https://www.shadowxcraft.net/vote/

Come join us now! We'd love to see you here!

CreditOwner: lizardfreak321, to view them all go to https://www.shadowxcraft.net/staff/

56 Update Logs

Update #56 : by lizardfreak7 08/13/2015 2:18:25 amAug 13th, 2015

New website: www.shadowxcraft.net

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10/16/2018 8:06 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
XenomorphPulsar's Avatar

12/30/2017 12:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Aether117's Avatar
That banner is very misleading as to it being "The best Minecraft server ever". Hypixel is a lot more popular, it has three or four times the amount of minigames you guys have (according to the banner), and the time of me posting this, the server has three people online. So no. This is NOT the best server. I've played servers that are only Prison that sound, look, and ARE IN GENERAL, a lot better.
01/12/2019 11:26 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Dumb-Brick's Avatar
Well obviously Hypixel is better, but you shouldn't hate on servers who are trying to gain popularity. If the owner likes to claim these things, such as being the best server, it could mean for a certain asset within the server. Immediately disliking the server is very close-minded, and you should try to open up and have sympathy for less popular servers, such as this one, and my server.
01/07/2018 6:56 am
Level 42 : Master Network
lizardfreak7's Avatar
Well we're the best in terms of other metrics, like community.

The in-development server that we are working on is amazing. It's much better than we have ever had. It's taking years for us to develop though.
07/17/2017 6:33 am
Level 35 : Artisan Botanist
VioletAnimoo's Avatar
This is not the best minecraft server ever because there is going to be a new minecraft server with custom Models on there server exclusive custom made plugins etc.
09/02/2017 7:20 am
Level 42 : Master Network
lizardfreak7's Avatar
We're making slow progress due to the size of our team (we're hiring), but we're completely custom coding a new gamemode. I am excited to complete it! It will be one of a kind!
09/02/2017 7:25 am
Level 35 : Artisan Botanist
VioletAnimoo's Avatar
so by custom coded you mean someone just mashing keys thinking they know what there doing, or someone proffesional
12/27/2017 6:09 am
Level 42 : Master Network
lizardfreak7's Avatar
One dev in training, and me. I can get stuff working with good quality and I have taken formal programming classes. I also got a 5 on the computer science AP test.
12/29/2017 6:24 am
Level 35 : Artisan Botanist
VioletAnimoo's Avatar
which is an american thing and doesn't mean much over here in australia
01/07/2018 6:54 am
Level 42 : Master Network
lizardfreak7's Avatar
All that matters to you, as a player, is the result. The server I am working on (Prison's replacement) is well coded and really impressive.
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